Why people switched from cuirass to chainmail and then to cuirass again?

Why people switched from cuirass to chainmail and then to cuirass again?

hol up

Why do I constantly see posts that start with
>Why [noun] [past tense verb]
with no "do", "did", or "does" or "didn't" to agree with the verb tense?

It's way too common, drives me fucking crazy

It a meme you dip

because world history does not progress in a linear fashion towards the ultimate technological utopia. technologies are sometimes lost.

You're telling me people went full retard and the concept of armor made of solid pieces rather than rings didn't occur to them?

Because bronze plate is cheaper and easier to work than steel maille, and steel maille is cheaper and easier to work than steel plate.

You need crucible steel or a later technology to forge a cuirass made out of a single piece of steel.

because christian dogs eat shit for a living

The period you're referring to when you say "cuirass again", people were still wearing mail. Mail is an ingenious invention, pretty much every culture in Europe, Asia and Africa has used it if they can get their hands on it

and then back to mail! make up your mind


it was used in the Middle East as well I think only South America didn't use it

Abos went full retard and lost the knowledge to make stone arrow points.

Cuirasses were fucking expensive for the ancients. There's a reason why in Greece, shit like leather or linothorax cuirasses were more used while the officers and richer cunts walked around with .

Always thought they should wear one of those helmets. What if Abdullah gets a brainwave and aims for Hans' eyes?

Are they Persians?

Nonsense. Medieval steel chain mail was superior to roman cuirass.

They just got autistic when it couldn't defend against bows and crossbows and went plat again.

is that nike's new sports hijab?

thanks faggot, you just made me choke on my pizza

logistics. in most situations, mail is better than plate on a pre-arquebus battlefield. it's easier to equip an army with plate than mail, though. mail takes significantly longer to produce.

Bronze curiasses give absolute shit for coverage. Mail gives whatever coverage you want. Later armors either did the same, or were combined with mail to cover the gaps.

>in most situations, mail is better than plate on a pre-arquebus battlefield
It's flatly inferior to steel or iron plate in virtually every regard.

not everyone on Veeky Forums is a native english speaker