Your watch shows how wealthy you are. Go!
Your watch shows how wealthy you are. Go!
how, this is my money, does what?
poorfag reporting in
If you allow me to ask, why not a SKX007 (similar price)?
Sup ladies.
Not your pic. You're another poorfag like all of us.
I use my mobile.
Heritage of my gradfather - I go crazy when I wear somethig around my arms.
Healthy af
>t. virgin
>no rolex
Veeky Forums is slipping
On the contrary, if you need a dated piece of metal that you constantly need to adjust and maintain, you're the autistic virgin. Me though? I can open up Tinder, tell people how many coins I own, and I will bitches ready to fuck me in an instant.
>i fag
He takes it up the ass daily thats impossible
Terrorist watch !
reported ;)
this. watches are wrist fedoras
Poorfag reporting in. Love this watch tho
>android user
Ever wonder why women stop texting you?
I don't remember the brand name, but I paid a lot.
only wagecucks need watches to know when to go to work.
Because prices of skx007 rocketed before I strated looking into them.
also no one know about orients and i like that.
>he thinks I use a smartphone
B-but my skin is white.
dont be jelly poorfags
Not your pic fag.
Why do you lie on an anonymous board?
what is the mentality of a woman who sees some watch on a man's hand, and thinks "I must have his dick inside me"?
because it was the perfect time to test google image search with basic alteration of pic. wanted to verify that for a long time
>le "i trolled you faggot" meme
i could not even afford a budget watch so i had to buy a chinese rip off of a budget watch
>showing how rich you are through watches
osama was a bad guy but at least he understood that casio are truly patrician watches
>what is the mentality of a woman who sees some watch on a man's hand, and thinks "I must have his dick inside me"?
It tells a story about you. Women need stories to romanticize and then fuck someone.
I do worry more about this.
Not poorfag/not richfag tier
>ITT: poorfags
kek it's way too big for your baby wrist
I think that this is the joke.
I'm with Mark Cuban on his thoughts about watches; if you're as powerful and influential as him, it doesn't matter what time it is since people will wait.
Yep. But I do have a watch that's too big for my baby wrists (you can also judge my wealth by the quality of the picture).
This guy is richer than all of you put together and he wears a cheap watch.
You guys are stupid as shit
Wearing a watch in 2017 just makes you look try-hard.
Try with another camera, mate.
This one's dope.