When's a good time to buy Litecoin now?
Is it dipping or will it moon again soon?
When's a good time to buy Litecoin now?
Is it dipping or will it moon again soon?
It mostly reached ATH and will crash soon. It's 2013 all over again.
I just bought now
There are 4x more litecoins than bitcoins, and it has kinda been ignored by the normies whom have swamped bitcoin..
So in theory it should be worth 1/4 of bitcoin, considering litecoin has kinda always been to bitcoin what silver is to gold.
Id say litecoin is seriously undervalued in my opinion.
Litecoin isnt just a stupid meme like dogecoin or bitbean. Litecoin has real developers, bitcoin has actually been stealing ideas from litecoin devs. LTC is the real number 2 crypto currency
This is the fucking gayest most pointless post of all time. Wtf don't mods remove this trash??? Think for yourself OP god damn
Dont risk waiting for a dip. Buy in a bit now, and if it does happen to dip, then just buy again. Simples
I am really confident about litecoin, its going to moon
No nigger, biz is an economic THINK TANK
Don't be retarded. LTC is on NormieBase and has good recognition.
2013 again guys, better sell before the chinks suddenly decide to dump it, only got a few more hours before its too late
Ok OP's VPN thanks for the update. Just make a quality post next time thats all.
>All these salty retards
We told you. You all have been warned in time.
So? That still doesn't mean it won't crash.
Just look at the volume
it hasn't even began
I have 2/3 of my shit in LTC so nice try there friend. I called this rise days ago, we all did. But this post is cancer and there are better ways to generate discussion.
Pretty much this. ETH and LTC are my two sacks.
my prediction is that LTC will be the new ETH, people saw how well LTC performed over the past few days and will pull their money from ETH and invest it into LTC
how right / wrong am I?
Yeah dat volume.
>you trying to slow down the moon
only somewhat. I think ETH will continue to see speculative gains that are too tightly correlated with BTC. LTC will see the same issues as well after correcting to better fit the trading algorithms of bots, imho.
first you will see 0.02 with LTC and in the next few weeks you will see Litecoin going to ATH and passing it, that's about 0.04+ lads. Buy now or keep holding. Look at ETH January prices and today, soon it'll be too late.
Name just TWO other coins on Coinbase that have EVER crashed. Just TWO (2). Never happened, never will.
You may very well be right. I am gradually shifting my ETH away into alts.
Same. No potential for big gains in ETH anymore.
Im 50% in ltc
The thing with ltc, is that it's really stable -
It will most likely keep ranging between -5% or +5% from current price.
it will also remain at that price for some time, good way to freeze your profits without risking, (btc is still better but riskier though) - for freezing profit that is.
Don't forget folks, more than half of LTC in circulation is held by a Chinese mining pool.
It's their safe house for capital seeing as their Government nails anyone trying to bring cash/bank accounts/assets out of the country.
LTC could go up but I really don't think it will be crazy logarithmic growth like what we saw with ETH.
My bet is that it is safe though, expecting around 10% growth in value
-_- die
I just moved 50% of my ETH to LTC. It has great growth potential in the next few days, and at worst it will remain on the current level. Buy and hodl before it becomes prohibitively expensive, don't wait for a big dip.
Yes, it's already dipping because people are taking profits from the 25% increase. I'm selling and looking to re-enter around the moving average price.
Pic related.