What was wrong with these guys?
What was wrong with these guys?
too reliant of ceremonial shows of strength, they hadn't faced a genocidal war machine in a while
They had no centralization.
Excellent craftsmen and fighters but the Romans roflstomped them.
There is no Nordic blood left in Latium.
There is still Celtic blood in France, Ireland, Britannia, Scotland, and Iberia.
I think we know who won.
are you saying that Rome was a genocidal war machine?
I was just reading about when they got showered with spears as they were dancing around naked with only their weapons... Polybius said that the Romans were atleast initially frightened by the display, is that true?
They believed in reincarnation, which made them reckless because they thought they'd just respawn back in Britain.
The Druids held similar responsibilities as Rabbis hold in Jewish culture.
The Romans massacred the druids wholesale and waged purposeful war against them.
This was obviously devastating to Celtic society
The druids were also a political class who refused point blank to play ball with the Romans.
targeting prominent figures in a opposite faction doesn't sound genocidal to me. Rome was always aiming to romanize other cultures
That's a simplification I'm sure but sadly the druids were hit so hard nothing tangible remains of their passing except old stories and accounts.
They were law makers, advocates, medicine men and also their own separate fraternal institution.
Very much like the Rabbis and the place they hold in Jewish society.
Imagine removing every rabbi from Earth, it would be cataclysmic to the Jewish culture.
yes, far from the hellenic or latin world they would massacre entire towns and kill and enslave entire populations, the legions were there to utterly crush resistance and return to Rome triumphant not sway local politics in their favor, if they wanted to do the latter they would do it through an allied ruler or tribe
Believed so strongly in an afterlife that they didn't fear death, and would reputedly give loans that were repayable in the next life.
No, Caesar beat them but even for a military genius like him it wasn't easy. The Celts in fact were on the cusp of civilisation, they had fortified sites that they used as centralised trading hubs, and apparently were at least semi-literate thru Greek influence.
Well the Jews have written texts of course, while the Druids apparently anathematised writing and instead cultivated the arts of memory.
and why did they choose a different strategy for the non hellenic people?
One thing i remember is that romans brought many greek slaves in Rome, some of them to teach their childrens. Romans let the conquered people worship their own gods as long as they paid tributes, that's why almos all greek gods have their latin counterpart.
Apparently so, the displays were intended to intimidate. Though it could have just been to boost the story and inflate the grandeur of their enemies.
Because if they genocided somewhere with great significance to the Mediterranean world like Alexandria or Athens they would lose popularity among wealthy hellenic merchants and cities and even among fellow Romans. They only genocided Carthage after a very long war.
after the peloponnesian war the greek times of wealth were long gone
Yeah, too bad Alexander the Great didn't exist, spreading Greek influence across half the world and drawing the riches of the East back to Greece,
The Celts practised war much like the Bronze Age Greeks had done, with many battles being resolved by ritual combat between champions. This didn't work against the Romans of course, but the champions coming forward and issuing threats and challenges to the enemy was typical of Celtic warfare.
They didn't win and didn't have a written record from their own perspectives. So much of what we know about the Celts is based off Roman propaganda with no contradicting Celtic record.
They were able to beat the Romans at various times. Perhaps because of the lack of a known written system they weren't able to pass on that knowledge or learn from their defeats.
They sacked Rome at one point.
Pretty cheeky
It wasn't unprovoked, the Romans had Jewed them.
Yeah they left the Celts hanging at some battle. Never showed up. So the Celts won, then marched on Rome and took it.
Sacked it, fucked all the women, drank all the booze and then left her like a used up maid.
>mfw Germanics are so dumb af they had to learn Iron working from the gauls
/pol/ btfo again
This is the funny things about barbarians
>Celts/ Gauls
Amazing tech and craftsmanship, but no complex enough strategy and tactics to deal with Romans
Shit gear and tech, weak armor and rusty swords but bretty gud formations, battle techniques, strategy and tactics with proper amount of inf, cav etc.
The reason the Romans never conquered Germany is because it was an economic black hole. The Celts had an extremely well-developed economy and their lands were prosperous, German tribes were typically autarkic and their lands had little more than small farms and dense forest.
>There is still Celtic blood in France, Ireland, Britannia, Scotland, and Iberia.
You forgot Italy aka Gallia Cisalpina
>terrone are the last true Italians
saved for prime /int/ shitposting
>Thinking beyond 'hurr durr who would win a fight?'
Way to mess up the thread, bro.
It was 300 years between the time of Vercingetorix and the crisis of the 3rd century, 500 years before Clovis and Odoacer, a lot had changed.
>weak armor and rusty swords
Not sure where you got this idea, the Franks had fought for the Romans for a long time, Germanics were inducted into the legions and hired as mercenaries. They would have been at about the same level.
this pic is inaccurate they were naked