What's the cause of the rapid economic growth of Nazi Germany in 1930s period?
What's the cause of the rapid economic growth of Nazi Germany in 1930s period?
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It was a bubble and they needed a war to erase all the debts.
Hjamlar Schacht
and Hitler ruined it with his military industrial complex after he fired Schacht
>banks won't give based Hitler money for public works projects
>based Hitler isn't putting up with their Jewish bullshit
>nationalizes the banks
>the Volk benefits
fewer jews doing jewish business
I didn't know it went down like that. Could you provide us with further evidence of this?
Massive taking out of loans, mostly from Americans, combined with a ruthless reduction in worker's rights and pay, combined with literal mass enslavement of millions of people.
Even with all this, Germany's economy was doomed if they didn't win the war.
They overheated the economy to a spectacular extent
>How Hitler tackled unemployment
>I don't like it :(
It was basically designed as a war economy for Grant to annex the lands taken form it by the Treaty Of Versailles, it's wasn't necessarily sustainable without expansion.
That said there was aarge controversy for Hitler's extreme anti-semitic views and Hitler worried about Banks not loaning out money to Germany for this very reason. So Hitler created a new currency based on the labor theory of value and it was very successful.
Of course there are a lot of memes about the economy of Germany which people like to make
>Hurr it created a Weimar esque bubble that would've collapsed
>Hurr foreign investors
>Hurr mass employment of menial jobs to the unemployed labor force still able to work
>Hurr less workers rights
>Hurr literal slavery
None of which of are true.
>3rd Reich aesthetic reich
The substantial tariffs imposed on the sale of German goods abroad had sharply curtailed the nation's ability to export her products. Under obligation to pay gigantic sums to their conquerors, the Germans had paid out billions upon billions. Then, bled dry, they were forced to seek recourse to enormous loans from abroad, from the United States in particular.
This indebtedness had completed their destruction and, in 1929, precipitated Germany into a terrifying financial crisis.
Yet the Reich wasn't a factory of 100 or 200 workers, but a nation of 65 million citizens crushed under the imposed burdens of the Treaty of Versailles, by industrial stagnation, by frightful unemployment, and by a gut-wrenching misery shared by the entire people.
To accomplish his great goal, he (Hitler) would need to reestablish the equilibrium of the social classes within the context of a regenerated community, free his nation from foreign hegemony, and restructure its geographic unity.
In the eyes of the capitalists, money was the sole active element in the flourishing of a country's economy. To Hitler's way of thinking, that conception was radically wrong: capital, on the contrary, was only an instrument. Work was the essential element: man's endeavor, man's honor, blood, muscles and soul.
Hitler wanted not just to put an end to the class struggle, but to reestablish the priority of the human being, in justice and respect, as the principal factor in production.
"The people," Hitler declared, "were not put here on earth for the sake of the economy, and the economy doesn't exist for the sake of capital. On the contrary, capital is meant to serve the economy, and the economy in turn to serve the people."
Stresemann, even as he was dying, was the only Weimar leader who had seriously attempted to pry away the foreign talons from the flesh of the German people. No politician had ever spoken of the rights of workers with such faith and such force, or had laid out in such clear terms the social plan he pledged to carry out on behalf of the common people.
Hitler regarded labor as the true source of national wealth.
Hitler's tremendous social achievement in putting Germany's six million unemployed back to work is seldom acknowledged today. Although it was much more than a transitory achievement, "democratic" historians routinely dismiss it in just a few lines. Since 1945, not a single objective scholarly study has been devoted to this highly significant, indeed unprecedented, historical phenomenon.
Similarly neglected is the body of sweeping reforms that dramatically changed the condition of the worker in Germany. Factories were transformed from gloomy caverns to spacious and healthy work centers, with natural lighting, surrounded by gardens and playing fields. Hundreds of thousands of attractive houses were built for working class families. A policy of several weeks of paid vacation was introduced, along with week and holiday trips by land and sea. A wide-ranging program of physical and cultural education for young workers was established, with the world's best system of technical training. The Third Reich's social security and workers' health insurance system was the world's most modern and complete.
This remarkable record of social achievement is routinely hushed up today because it is embarrasses those who uphold the orthodox view of the Third Reich. Otherwise, readers might begin to think that perhaps Hitler was the greatest social builder of the twentieth century.
Because Hitler's program of social reform was a crucially important - indeed, essential -- part of his life work, a realization of this fact might induce people to view Hitler with new eyes. Not surprisingly, therefore, all this is passed over in silence. Most historians insist on treating Hitler and the Third Reich simplistically, as part of a Manichaean morality play of good versus evil.
Nevertheless, restoring work and bread to millions of unemployed who had been living in misery for years; restructuring industrial life; conceiving and establishing an organization for the effective defense and betterment of the nation's millions of wage earners; creating a new bureaucracy and judicial system that guaranteed the civic rights of each member of the national community, while simultaneously holding each person to his or her responsibilities as a German citizen: this organic body of reforms was part of a single, comprehensive plan, which Hitler had conceived and worked out years earlier.
Generous loans, amortizable in ten years, were granted to newly married couples so they could buy their own homes. At the birth of each child, a fourth of the debt was cancelled. Four children, at the normal rate of a new arrival every two and a half years, sufficed to cancel the entire loan debt.
It's garbage. This article doesn't even mention mefo bills.
Equally effective social measures were taken in behalf of farmers, who had the lowest incomes. In 1933 alone 17,611 new farm houses were built, each of them surrounded by a parcel of land one thousand square meters in size. Within three years, Hitler would build 91,000 such farmhouses. The rental for such dwellings could not legally exceed a modest share of the farmer's income. This unprecedented endowment of land and housing was only one feature of a revolution that soon dramatically improved the living standards of the Reich's rural population.
Under Hitler, every factory employee had the legal right to paid vacation. Previously, paid vacations had not normally exceed four or five days, and nearly half of the younger workers had no vacation time at all. If anything, Hitler favored younger workers; the youngest workers received more generous vacations. This was humane and made sense: a young person has more need of rest and fresh air to develop his maturing strength and vigor. Thus, they enjoyed a full 18 days of paid vacation per year
Hitler introduced the standard forty-hour work week in Europe. As for overtime work, it was now compensated, as nowhere else in the continent at the time, at an increased pay rate. And with the eight-hour work day now the norm, overtime work became more readily available.
In another innovation, work breaks were made longer: two hours each day, allowing greater opportunity for workers to relax, and to make use of the playing fields that large industries were now required to provide.
Whereas a worker's right to job security had been virtually non-existent, now an employee could no longer be dismissed at the sole discretion of the employer. Hitler saw to it that workers' rights were spelled out and enforced. Henceforth, an employer had to give four weeks notice before firing an employee, who then had up to two months to appeal the dismissal. Dismissals could also be annulled by the "Courts of Social Honor" (Ehrengerichte).
By the end of 1933, the first effects of Hitler's revolution in the workplace were being felt. Germany had already come a long way from the time when grimy bathrooms and squalid courtyards were the sole sanitary and recreational facilities available to workers.
Factories and shops, large and small, were altered or transformed to conform to the strictest standards of cleanliness and hygiene: interiors, so often dark and stifling, were opened up to light; playing fields were constructed; rest areas where workers could unbend during break, were set aside; employee cafeterias and respectable locker rooms were opened. The larger industrial establishments, in addition to providing the normally required conventional sports facilities, were obliged to put in swimming pools!
In just three years, these achievements would reach unimagined heights: more than two thousand factories refitted and beautified; 23,000 work premises modernized; 800 buildings designed exclusively for meetings; 1,200 playing fields; 13,000 sanitary facilities; 17,000 cafeterias.
>So Hitler created a new currency based on the labor theory of value and it was very successful.
To provide affordable vacations for German workers on a hitherto unprecedented scale, Hitler established the "Strength through Joy" program. As a result, hundreds of thousands of workers were now able to make relaxing vacation trips on land and sea each summer. Magnificent cruise ships were built, and special trains brought vacationers to the mountains and the seashore. In just a few years, Germany's working-class tourists would log a distance equivalent to 54 times the circumference of the earth! And thanks to generous state subsidies, the cost to workers of these popular vacation excursions was nearly insignificant.
Hitler created the National Labor Service not only to alleviate unemployment, but to bring together, in absolute equality, and in the same uniform, both the sons of millionaires and the sons of the poorest families for several months' common labor and living.
All performed the same work, all were subject to the same discipline; they enjoyed the same pleasures and benefited from the same physical and moral development. At the same construction sites and in the same barracks, Germans became conscious of what they had in common, grew to understand one another, and discarded their old prejudices of class and caste.
After a hitch in the National Labor Service, a young worker knew that the rich man's son was not a pampered monster, while the young lad of wealthy family knew that the worker's son had no less honor than a nobleman or an heir to riches; they had lived and worked together as comrades. Social hatred was vanishing, and a socially united people was being born.
Source: Goebbels speeches.
To enable the German public to express its opinion on the occasion of important events of social, national, or international significance, Hitler provided the people a new means of approving or rejecting his own actions as Chancellor: the plebiscite.
The articles of the "Plebiscite Law" were brief and clear:
"The Reich government may ask the people whether or not it approves of a measure planned by or taken by the government. This may also apply to a law. A measure submitted to plebiscite will be considered as established when it receives a simple majority of the votes. This will apply as well to a law modifying the Constitution. If the people approves the measure in question, it will be applied in conformity with article III of the Law for Overcoming the Distress of the People and the Reich. The Reich Interior Ministry is authorized to take all legal and administrative measures necessary to carry out this law". - Berlin, July 14, 1933.
The ballot was secret, and the voter was not constrained. No one could have prevented a German from voting no if he wished.
And, in fact, a certain number did vote no in every plebiscite. Millions of others could just as easily have done the same. However, the percentage of "No" votes remained remarkably low - usually under ten percent. In the Saar region, where the plebiscite of January 1935 was supervised from start to finish by the Allies, the result was the same as in the rest of the Reich: more than 90 percent voted "Yes" to unification with Hitler's Germany!
Hitler had no fear of such secret ballot plebiscites because the German people invariably supported him.
I've seen this nonsense repeat so many times, and the source seems to be Gottfried Feder. And this is what happened to him after the Nazis seized power.
>Feder briefly dominated the NSDAP's official views on financial politics, but after he became chairman of the party's economic council in 1931, his anti-capitalist views led to a great decline in financial support from Germany's major industrialists. Following pressure from Walther Funk, Albert Voegler, Gustav Krupp, Friedrich Flick, Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht and Emil Kirdorf, Hitler decided to move the party away from Feder's economic views; when Hitler became Reichskanzler in 1933, he appointed Feder as under-secretary at the ministry of economics in July.
But in reality.
In June 1933, the "Reinhardt Program" for infrastructure development was introduced. It combined indirect incentives, such as tax reductions, with direct public investment in waterways, railroads and highways. It was followed by similar initiatives resulting in great expansion of the German construction industry. Between 1933 and 1936, employment in construction rose from only 666,000 to over 2,000,000.
When will you get to the peacetime food rationing that was necessary under the Nazi economy?
>the reforms of FDR
>a great success
Ihr a shit
No shit. Did you read ?
Among companies that were privatized, were the four major commercial banks in Germany that had all come under public ownership during the prior years; Commerz– und Privatbank, Deutsche Bank und Disconto-Gesellschaft, Golddiskontbank and Dresdner Bank. Instead of making important investment decisions, and determining the use to which their funds were to be put, the private banks merely had to provide the technical facilities for covering government expenditure or financing new investment—the volume and composition of which had been previously settled by the government.
Basically anywhere to can just read through the Wikipedia page if you like. That said the Nazi economy was not sustainable or meant to be sustainable it was an economy meant for aggressive expansion. One th of the main goals of Hitler and the Nazis was the take bake Alsauce and Loraine, the Sudenland, and Danzig, all of which were partitioned from Germany via the Treaty of Versailles.
Of course there was also the Lebensraum which Hitler wanted to conquer. That aside it was successful in it what it was meant to create.
None of that mentions the food rationing measures taken in 1937. It's talking entirely about rent control and vacation ordinances.
>food rationing measures taken in 1937.
need source
I think we should all just ignore your pic...yeah.
>January 1, 1937, rationing was introduced for butter, margarine and fat; consumption of coffee and citrus fruit was restricted early in 1939.
That was literally the only foods and it may have been due to the economic sanctions imposed by the western powers/League of Nations on the Axis as an economic attack.
In 1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and, following the remilitarization of the Rhineland, the Anschluss with Austria and the later occupation of Czechoslovakia, many people began to believe that a new 'Great War' was coming, and from late 1937 onwards Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, the British government's chief economics advisor, began to urge senior government figures to put thought into a plan to revive the blockade so that the Royal Navy – still the world's most powerful navy – would be ready to begin stopping shipments to Germany immediately war was declared.
Growth happened before the Nazis took power.
>the economic sanctions imposed by the western powers/League of Nations on the Axis as an economic attack.
What economic sanctions? How did they lead to rationing of butter, fats, coffee, and citrus?
I know that, I'm talking about "Hitler created a new currency based on the labor theory of value and it was very successful".
>What economic sanctions?
Mussolini speaks about the economic blockade both Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany faced and how they both share the same economic goals in this speech given on September 1937: youtube.com
League of Nations placed economic sanctions on Italy, and the United States and Britain placed sanctions on Japan. Germany was no exception since they were all allied under the Axis.
Yeah that's what I was talking about, you can read that on Wikipedia.even it's not exactly esoteric knowledge.
Can you quote it?
I don't think you know what the term "Economic sanctions" means.
>Economic sanctions are commercial and financial penalties applied by one or more countries against a targeted country, group, or individual
>The Anti-Nazi Boycott of 1933 was a boycott of German products by foreign critics of the Nazi Party in response to antisemitism in Nazi Germany following the rise of Adolf Hitler, commencing with his appointment as Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Those in the United Kingdom, United States and other places worldwide who opposed Hitler's policies, developed the boycott and its accompanying protests to encourage Nazi Germany to end the regime's often-expressed anti-Jewish attitude.
Boycott != Sanctions
At work atm so no
This has nothing to do with any sanctions.
>League of Nations placed economic sanctions on Italy, and the United States and Britain placed sanctions on Japan. Germany was no exception since they were all allied under the Axis.
So what were these sanctions? Feel free to say something specific. Don't be shy.
In the Council of the League, only the Soviet Union proposed sanctions against Germany.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious Einstein. This entire thread is about Germany's economy and I was pointing out how its economy was affected by outside sources that led them to the shortages of butter.
>Thanks for pointing out the obvious Einstein. This entire thread is about Germany's economy and I was pointing out how its economy was affected by outside sources that led them to the shortages of butter.
So go on and explain how small groups not buying German products led to shortages of butter.
So, you're saying there were no sanctions, and that you were lying or mistaken in post >This entire thread is about Germany's economy and I was pointing out how Adolf Hitler was an economic genius and how I can't stop sucking his dead dick and I sure as hell won't let facts get in my way.
Go take an Economics 101 class
Will it teach me how if I can get a few dozen of my friends together, we can economically strongarm entire nations? That'd be awesome.
Poor Italy. They dindu nuffin. They just invaded Ethiopia.
>So, you're saying there were no sanctions
Aw poor schlomo lacks poor reading comprehension because his rabbi's cum stain is stuck on his eye lids after he sucked his foreskin off his penis for Brit Milah
>ad hominem
Seriously, prove that sanctions existed or admit that the German economy wasn't faltering due to outside interference.
>elder god
No. In its heart he was just another German imperialist, just more crazy than the others.
Yet he had no colonies
I don't think you know what imperialism means
>what is Poland, Ukraine and Russia
war =/= imperialism
>Imperialism is an action that involves a country extending its power by the acquisition of territories. It may also include the exploitation of these territories, an action that is linked to colonialism. Colonialism is generally regarded as an expression of imperialism.
Let's see, did Nazi Germany attempt to extend its power by acquiring new territory? Yes they did! Did they exploit these territories? Yes they did! We have both imperialism and colonialism!
It doesn't just happen to brown people, user.
i guess that means the soviet union, france, britain and america were imperialists too huh
they literally were
This kike thinks Germany imperialized and colonized Poland, Ukraine and Russia.
This discussion is over. Go read a book.
He has a gay name
Well, they took a lot of the food supply and used the industry in Poland for their own purposes. And Hitler's goal was lebensraum, which is essentially colonization. By all means, he was imperialist, but more interested in Europe than any other part of the world
>.I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of large-scale emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony. It must also be possible, in a somewhat longer period of time, to let the national concept of Ukrainians, Gorals and Lemcos disappear in our territory. Whatever is said concerning these splinter peoples applies on a correspondingly larger scale to the Poles.
>jews do it to europeans
>lol fuck off conspiratard
>germans do it to jews
Literally every basic pleb book on the reich dude. Even the hack Shirer has it in his book.
Also, Hitler didn't give a fuck about the economy, he put Goering and Hjalmar Schacht in charge.
He was also into Gottfried Feder but ultimately chose a more austrian policy to appease the industry giants who supported the NSDAP.
So quote it.
Except this fragment is not only about Jews. And Kalergi wasn't even a Jew.
>Hitler created a new currency based on the labor theory of value and it was very successful.
At least tell me what new currency he created.
>when it says says jews will rule over the lesser eurasian-negroid mixed people but its okay because this fragment isn't only about jews
[insert memeball picture]
Except he said that "two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry... The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of the future nobility".
So it's clearly not only the Jews. Also, this is completely irrelevant. It's just one of many utopian post-war ideas, never implemented by anyone. The Nazis actually started to implement their utopian ideas.
>blood aristocracy
it's also funny you say it's a post-war idea when he said it in 1925 (you'd know that if you bothered reading the second line)
Yes user, WW1 never happened.
what does ww1 have to do with race
Afghanistan was invaded so that rothschilds could set up a bank? lol
It has everything to do with post-war utopian ideas.
so if his idea of a unified europe wasn't implemented then what is the EU?
This is an incredibly old idea. Its modern version was created after WW1. Pan-European ideas were supposed to stop all future European wars.
try to work a bit harder for your shekels lol
Sorry faggot, you can't just skip reading books and demanding a source whenever you see something you dont like. I'm not doing you're fucking research for you this isn't plebbit. Go fucking open a book or take the asnwers you get.
He didn't make a new currency. Its the same as when the dollar was backed by gold but now is backed by fiat in the stock market.
German marks were originally gold backed but when WWI started they switched to fiat so they could borrow. They then printed money to buy foreign currency to repay reperations with causing the massive inflation.
The idea of the NSDAP was to back the currency to hours of work were one hour of work might get you one meal and they made economic decrees limiting hourly wages and also the prices of bread bringing them into a stable relationship.
The plus side you get stable currency and a means of backing it up.
You couldn't get a raise in Nazi Germany. if you wanted more money you had to work more hours or get a promotion.
And this is what he actually said. There is no conspiracy. It's actually very 19th-20th century thinking. It was a weird time when unsophisticated science and ideologies replaced religion.
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]
>class struggle
>fascination with the ancient world
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit.
The world completely changed with the industrial revolution and every movement wanted to create a new world and a new man.
>They then printed money to buy foreign currency to repay reperations with causing the massive inflation.
Which ended in 1924. And wasn't a problem in 1930s.
>The idea of the NSDAP was to back the currency to hours of work were one hour of work might get you one meal and they made economic decrees limiting hourly wages and also the prices of bread bringing them into a stable relationship.
Yes, I want a source of this.
good job not answering any of my questions friend
>There is no conspiracy
>then quotes how all european people will be wiped out and replaced
What questions?
>utopian ideas about Jews (after pogroms) ruling the new Europeans (that are like ancient Egyptians)
>extermination of Jews, enslavement of Slavs and the destruction of their national identity
How is this comparable? And the Nazis actually started doing this.
Borrowing massive amounts of money, and when the bill collectors come invade another country, seize gold and repeat.
so jews will rule/co-rule europe and probably the world
is that a conspiracy or not
No. It's a silly idea made up by one man.
and then we go round full circle
>its just a silly idea that was never implemented
>except for the fact that it was implemented
oh and let's not forget the stupid idea that rich aristocrats' ideas never go anywhere and simply stay as ideas haha r-right
>except for the fact that it was implemented
Except it wasn't.
(((Hitler))) sold the people's labour to creditors and had to go to war and pay it off it blood.
>the EU doesn't exist
>The EU is a one state with Eurasian-Negroid race ruled by the old aristocracy and the Jews
did you miss the part where Hitler put a Swedish Jew private sector banker in charge of his economy?