>Turned 21 and now parents are saying I have to get a job and pay $500/month to keep living with them
>I live in Canada and have been a neet for a while now
What do I do guys? I'm scared.
>Turned 21 and now parents are saying I have to get a job and pay $500/month to keep living with them
>I live in Canada and have been a neet for a while now
What do I do guys? I'm scared.
>>Turned 21 and now parents are saying I have to get a job and pay $500/month to keep living with them
Fuck off this keeps getting posted over and over
Yes because it's an immediate problem I'm encountering and I need help
Get a job then.
Or, I don't know, talk to your parents about it? Negotiate it?
Are you still a child?
>Kills parents
>keep house
>sell their organs
If I get a job then ill have to pay too much of my money to them.
Buy ARK or you'll regret it forever.
And right now you have no money or income.
Stop making up retarded excuses. Get a job or talk to them about it.
If you don't like it, tell them. Are you even family? Lack of communication is unhealthy.
Just get a job as a bell hop and use your cash tips to invest in Crypto.
Do it faggot
Don't be scared user. You'll make it.
I talked to them. My mom is having issues with her health and so she wants me to start helping financially.
I looked around and it'd be tough to find a place to live for under $500/mth on my own but I still don't want to pay them the money for the evil things they've done to me.
Join the military. We love unskilled retards like you.
Get a job and pay rent. Or get a job, move out, and pay more rent. Or homeless.
Cut contact and live with Molyneux as a butler
Then tell me the evil things they have done. Sounds like there is a deeper problem.
It sounds like you should help your mother. You're still family, right?
Getting a job should be a good idea no matter what in this situation. Perhaps you can move up and end up supporting yourself alone.
At least help out around the house or something.
>the evil things they've done to me
jesus fuck op are you a teenager? you're supposed to be 21 right? I'm 21 years old and haven't lived at home since I was 18, got my first job at 14. it isn't fucking hard if you don't play the fucking victim card all day every day boohooing about how your parents asked for a very reasonable request. your own mother needs the money for her health issues and you're here acting like you're the victim. you really should kill yourself
>paying to live with parents
Just share a flat with a friend (if you have one) or live in a room by yourself
They may have genuinely been evil to him
Too many to go over. Physically and emotionally abused me as a child but it stopped over the years
She pushed me over once and I broke my ankle. Would always be loud and wake me up when I found a job so I had to quit, etc. Just countless things I could over that would take up multiple posts spanning a full 21 years
You see the problem only superficially, normal. You don't understand any of the internal aspects that led to me becoming a NEET.
evil things like letting you live there for free for 21 years?
I can help you for a few months wage worth of litecoins if you send me your adress
It's not fair OP.
You should not have to suffer because your mom was a dumb slut who had to have her pussy filled with cum. It's just not fair, she brought you into this world against your will. She should be obligated to take care of you forever, because you're her responsibility.
It's bullshit, I didn't choose to be born either.
you're definitely right that I dont understand the mental gymnastics you are performing to play yourself as the one anyone should be feeling sorry for.
your poor mother.
Do you think you can just continue freeloading forever? Don't you think its about time to get a fucking job and start providing for yourself? being a man? grow the fuck up dude actually
>he came from a well adjusted family and has no comprehension of what others might be like
No, you fucking retard
>Grandpa tries to make himself feel better about his troubled past by taking it out on the youngins episode
> for the evil things they've done to me.
Westeners (80% of them) are fucking cucks. No understanding of what it means to be a man, that comfort isn't everything. No understanding of what your parents mean to you. Just blatant stupidity and degeneracy
>sucking your parents cocks even if they're being terrible towards you
Ah yes what a better attitude
learn to read dipshit I'm the same age as OP, 21. difference is i'm not a retard NEET like him and
You literally just ignored everything I said. What's the point when you're not going to consider anyone else's experiences?
like your mom's experience with her health problems and son that doesn't do anything but freeload? Or were you talking about you being the victim again
>treats me like shit my entire life
>eventually God punishes her with bad health
>"B-but muh son needs to provide for me now!"
kek ok now i get it, you really are just dumb. good luck with your basement existence
*tips fedora*