>9681235678 Rome threads
>1968378563 WW2 threads
Every. Single. Fucking. Day.
>9681235678 Rome threads
>1968378563 WW2 threads
Every. Single. Fucking. Day.
It's a dumb frogposter complains about shitthreads by making a shitthread thread
Every. Single. Day.
Sincerely, kill yourself.
They're big and interesting parts of history, what do you expect?
Hello /r/edditor!
Better than the threads about God.
This board is garbage, literally populated with /pol/ rejects.
You forgot to tip your fedora.
I can understand there being a Rome thread 24/7 because it's big history.
But why so many Hitler/WW2 threads? The war only lasted a couple years, it did not have as much of an impact as Rome did. These threads are nothing but /pol/ shit.
They're the most pleb and overrated parts of history.
I agree
Ban rome
Ban ww2
Also ban ww1 except for less popular theatres like arab revolt
>He's here for Humanities
If you don't want to discuss history, go read a fucking book and go on Veeky Forums
i agree with wwii, but banning rome would be stupid. its too important to the history of europe the middle east and north africa. the problem is that most rome threads focus on military armor or legionaries, so that should be banned.
>its another "user gets triggered by parts of history he doesn't like" episode
These are my favorite
Because military history, especially ww2 military history, is entry level shit and they're only interested in history as far as world of tanks/warthunder shows it.
>why aren't people talking about routine life in Galicia from 1848-1890??
If only, we seem to mostly just get "what does Veeky Forums think of x youtuber" and prove me wrong threads all the time.
>They're big and interesting parts of history, what do you expect?
only to liberals
liberals love WW2 because they know they fucked up and they know they won
liberals love antiquity because they love to feel good about being liberals by clinging to some dubious lineage
>Dropping 2 atomic bombs was liberal
Let's ignore op and talk about something else.
Now, what if Julius Caesar was brought back from the dead and given the leadership over Nazi Germany during WW2?
He would probably have a heart attack watching an airplane drop a bomb
If liberals have no issue with murdering millions of babies inside the womb, then they will have no qualms with bombing people.
Filter topics you don't like retard
>say the word 'jew'
>get bombarded by people defending jews and get called a stupid conspiracy theorist
Bullshit. We're presuming zombie Caesar here.
>filter humanities, hitler, ww2, youtuber threads
>only a handful of threads remains, none of them will get any further replays
yeah Veeky Forums is garbade
we are still living in the shadow of WW2
He would first have to learn to communicate with them
I would rather talk about Rome and WWII than Which version of Christianity is the one true faith and how everyone who disagrees with (insert philosophy) is stupid.
As others have said, WWII is enrty-level history. /pol/tards enjoy discussing it because they can spout memes and post infographics and libtars enjoy discussing it because they can cry about the holocaust.