Which country in Europe is the proudest children of Roman Empire?

Which country in Europe is the proudest children of Roman Empire?

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Broadly: Italy
Specifically: Rome and the Vatican.






Greece. Daily reminder that the Byzantine Empire was a different name for Roman Empire. Infact, the Turks still call modern Greeks "Romans", ("Rum" in Turkish).


Is the last panel alluding at Frexit?

Definitely Italy. Reviving European culture based on classical inspiration definitely helps argue for Italy.

Romania is the true successor

No. Italy today encompasses T*rronia, which was always an irrelevant shithole. It's Venice + Genoa + Papal States + Florence + Savoy.

France, probably. Or England if it counts (and it kind of should).

Though Spain did a better job of fundamentally changing the nature of the people it conquered, which was a merry old Roman tradition.

The comic was made before Brexit.

Only anatolian greeks though.


Spanish history is actually somewhat similar to Roman history.

>start as a small kingdom surrounded by two large powers
>gradually expand until you control your whole peninsula
>start expanding overseas within the Mediterranean (Spain even held Sicily, Rome's first overseas expansion, at the time)
>expand to the "new lands" at the West, conquer and steal silver from them (Spain was Rome's new frontier where it could steal silver form, funnily enough).
>your generals go down into history along with the regions they conquer, almost as if they single had succeeded single-handedly
>Create a ridiculously large Empire that's very hard to maintain.
>Split your holdings to manage them better
>Still lose them anyway
>Have a chronically corrupt government
>Have protests/revolts/revolutions/civil wars/dictatorships every Tuesday (France is similar too in this regard).

The United States.

>Spain did a better job of fundamentally changing the nature of the people it conquered
Giving the D to native women made mestizos just adopt their father's culture.

And Spains monarchy has the rights to claim Constantinople.


The UK.

>And Spains monarchy has the rights to claim Constantinople.
They what now?


One of my history teachers, who has a doctorate from loyola, strongly believes Spain is the true successor to the Roman Empire, not the Ottomans or anyone else.

USA = Rome

Iirc either one of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Isabella or Ferdinand, bought the tittle to a heir of the Empire

England is a red headed step child of the Roman Empire and counts no more than any of the other countries Rome touched.

Its definitely Italy, you could make a case for France, but its not England.

Ferdinand bought the title of king of Jerusalem not Constantinaple

The similarities between the US and Rome are also worth noting.

>Grow pathologically averse to monarchies and create a Republic (this one is by design though).
>Expand until you thoroughly dominate your immediate environment.
>The Republic slowly becomes corrupt, beginning to serve the interest of the oligarchic elite
>Social tensions escalate for decades
>Fight the Germans a couple of times, and also receive waves of migration from them
>Get into pointless and expensive wars in the Middle East with nothing to show for it
If the US transitions into an autocracy within the next century, it will literally be Rome.

Funny. The Asturian/Leonese/Castilian kings believed themselves to be the inheritors of the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo. Rome was largely associated with pre-Christian paganism.


>the most hilarious joke when it comes to fighting wars
>barely even created a post-Roman empire
Definitely France then.

>If the US transitions into an autocracy within the next century, it will literally be Rome.

I'd say its been moving in that direction ever since control over the Nukes was given to the President.

I think we need to define what "Proudest Children" means then.

Why would Rome be proud of modern day Italy if it never followed its footsteps?

Leon did. Castillians took their pride through being free men. And always hated the idea of an imperial authority like Leon. This is one of the main reasons behind the independence of Castile from Leon

Would Romans be weaboos if they lived in modern times?

France, Spain and Italy are the most weaboo countries in Europe.

And Latin America is also notoriously weaboo.

I can't shake the feeling that there's a connection.

I didn't realize we were defining it as conquering and expansion. If thats what we're referring to, I change my answer to Spain.

Not necessarily conquering and expansion, just "behaving more like Rome", which stereotypically includes conquest, war, law, engineering, instability and corruption.

I mean, I'm not OP, but that's my take on in anyway.

Not him but:


I cringed, I keked, I cried.

Why is literally everyone but the guy wearing black?

Always makes me emotional

The comic was made far before Brrexit/Frexit

It's about the English and French revolting against the Euro-German tyranny


Black is a very common colour for cheap bikinis in France.

In all honesty, all of them are pretty close.

What was the first time England and France fought together?

Against Spain multiple times

Did you mean to write "I am retarded", but spelled it wrong?

History didn't begin in WWII.

In the comic? I think it's a crusade.

The Crusades

First Crusade i think

The picture show the flag of the Plantagenet and Capétiens

>Be France
>Hold 1/2 of the population of Western Europe
>Get BTFO constantly despite outnumbering the population all your neighbours combined
>Lose more wars than any other country
>To raise your pathetic war record declare war on African shitholes and Vietnam
>Declare yourselve good at war
>Get BTFO by a bunch of German rednecks
>Form a huge coallition against Germany
>Still gets BTFO
La France


>take on coalitions formed of all other European powers while being in mid revolution yourself
>still win
>somehow bad at war

Everyone and no one.
Most European countries had their part in preserving and spreading their Greco-Roman heritage, however none of them really haves bigger contributions and claims than the others and to claim otherwise is pure wewuzism.


The thread isn't about who's "current" Rome, like the usual Byzantine, Ottoman, Russian or >>> threads

>People of Roman/Latin descent being into Rome is the same as unsuccessful fat ugly white people sucking cock from Japanese propaganda

You know that they could buy more than one tittle, right?

Andreas Paliologos sold it, it is explained here(and in more places of the Internet): en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_titles_and_honours_of_the_Spanish_Crown


Why the fuck is the Philippines there. They're one of the few Ex-Spic territories that still speaks their native language.

Philipines is the true sucessor of Roman Empire f a m

where is serbiaball?

Not to mention
>get most of your victories attributed to the technological difference between your people and the natives

>Slavic speaking
>Not a single centimetre of Mediterranean Sea access
That's not very Romanic.

>Spain didn't fought in Europe
>Spain didn't btfo France and Ottos repeatidly during many years

You feel for the black legend



>polentoni on my board>


Spain BTFO all of Europe for 150 years in arrow. From protestants to French to Ottomans. In fact if you remove the colonial wars France has lost more wars than won. Spain still has won more wars that it has lost


>jumps right from Britons to Normans
They effectively made England not English.

Italy, Greece and Russia.

Anything else is LARP tier.

Learn your translatio imperii.


>Spain still has won more wars that it has lost
such as?

>Russia isn't LARP tier

Rome's expansionism came about by accident, a lot of Romans in the Mid Republican period and beyond wanted nothing to do with an overseas Empire, viewing it as more trouble than it was worth.

No. White people looking up to Greece and Rome is white people looking up to the origin of western culture/civilization.

It is the literal opposite of sucking the cock of non-whites like a xenophilic traitor, you dense faggot.

I wouldn't call Greece the origin of "western civilization" and I'd hesitate to call it white.

>"Two Romes have fallen, the Third stands!"
>Grand Duke Vasili III

>feudal shithole full of illiterate peasants
>anything to do with civilization


>I wouldn't call Greece the origin of "western civilization"

Greco-Roman Civilization is the origin of Western Culture. It may not be the origin of the West in a geopolitical sense, that comes with the Franks and other tribes of the Migration Period.

>hesitate to call it white

Call it European then. The term "white" is a meaningless distraction unless its used a byword for European. The fact is they're the root of Western culture, unless you're a shitlibber who believe the "West" is a concept that arose in the 1960s to define people who believe in transsexual and gay "rights".

>He said it's Roman, therefore he's not LARPing
I'm not sure you understand what LARP means.

>full of illiterate peasants

Describes every single state on earth prior to industrialization, perhaps with the exception of Edo Japan.

95% of the civilized world prior to the 1800s was literally just subsistence farmers.

Daily reminder that if you don't have European descent you shouldn't be commenting ITT.

That goes for all "overseas Asians". We will burn your Budai statues to the ground.

>Greco-Roman Civilization is the origin of Western Culture
I wouldn't say so.
I'd say classical civilization was its own thing that later influenced western culture. But it wasn't alone in doing that as for most of its existence the west more closely resembled Persia than it did classical Greece.

>The fact is they're the root of Western culture
This is what I'm saying, they're not. The true source of Western culture is France.

Why do leftists hate Russia so much? They loved them back in the 1980s and called anyone who advocated for a stronger stance against the Soviet Union warmongers.

What in his post gave even the slightest impression that he's left-wing?

>I'd say classical civilization was its own thing that later influenced western culture.

The problem with this is that you view Christianity as a clean break with the past, instead of something voluntarily accepted by a large portion of the Roman Empire and then changed into a state religion by one of its own Emperors. The Roman Empire didn't stop being Roman as a result of the Edict of Milan, you dense faggot.

>This is what I'm saying, they're not. The true source of Western culture is France.

Really? France founded the Western Canon with Homer? France founded Western drama? France invented the concept of a Republic? France invented Western philosophy?

There are clear lines of continuity here, clear differences too, but clear lines of continuity.

The attempt to undermine western cultural continuity comes from people people with a certain political aim in mind in my experience.

But they weren't literally feudalist like Russia. How can you still be stuck in the Middle Ages and call yourself a successor to Rome at the same time?


Do you think the slaves working a latifundia really cared about your semantic distinction between serf and slave, you marxist faggot?

Critical theory in action. Marxist faggot detected.

>The attempt to undermine western cultural continuity comes from people people with a certain political aim in mind in my experience.

This. I would put money on this faggot coming from Veeky Forums and unironically reading Foucault.

England has been under foreign kings since England was a thing

Mostly because the guy wearing the crown has never really mattered so much to anglo rape babies

Russian Empire = backwards shithole

Deal with it.

How can you say anything of use about a person's views if you read them ironically? Even if he is a complete charlatan there's no possibility of criticism if you read him for shits and giggles

I don't. In my post I didn't even mention Christianity, I don't know why you automatically assumed this.

>France founded the Western Canon with Homer? France founded Western drama? France invented Western philosophy?

If you're trying to claim that Greek literature, drama and philosophy is the exact progenitor of the western practice of those fields you'll find that you're sorely mistaken. Greek drama in particular is totally alien to western drama. If you want to claim clear lines of continuity here (of which there are some) you should also acknowledge the clear lines of continuity between the classical and the Islamic world. What I'm saying is that both the western, Islamic and classical worlds are distinct entities to each other that borrowed from their predecessors. Not that any one is a direct continuation of another.

Not to mention the republics we have are very alike to how France envisioned them, but totally different to how they existed in the classical world.

>The attempt to undermine western cultural continuity comes from people people with a certain political aim in mind in my experience.
And what would that be?

Read Spengler you retards.

I shouldn't be surprised that /pol/ don't read their own books.