There are not sides but different ways to reason the same end
Dualistic Unity
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oh ok cool
how did you figure that out?
There was once a man who wanted to know the difference between heaven and hell. One night he had a dream. In his dream he visited hell. Hell looked like a big Chinese restaurant, full of round tables and crowded with customers. The tables were piled high with delicious Chinese food: moo shu pork, Shanghai noodles, spring rolls, the works. But the people in hell were starving. They were holding very, very long chopsticks that reached the middle to the table, and they couldn’t reach the food in front of them. They were screaming with hunger and disappointment.
Then he went to heaven. Heaven looked just like a big Chinese restaurant: round tables covered with wonderful food. Strangely enough, the people in heaven also had very, very long chopsticks, reaching to the middle of the tables. But unlike the people in hell, those in heaven were eating happily and laughing together.
The man woke up. He tried to remember his dream.
What was the difference between heaven and hell?
they were feeding the guy across from them?
so hell is being selfish and heaven is being cooperative?
thinking into sufi literature ie. sitting around high as fuck listening to rumi poems on yotube
love is finding what you want of yourself in another person.
i am a prophet.
thats cool man
link me one
that sounds like something that Satan would say
I think it's more that heaven and hell are the same experience from the outside, the difference is being able to access and appreciate what there is.
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too."
The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"
Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
Funny, I always heard the last line as "Because it's the middle-east!"
as Ibn Rushud said, (something along the lines of) : the quran is only a pth for those that aren't knowledgeable enough to find a path of their own. or something like that
Two men are walking through a forest. Suddenly, they see a tiger in the distance, running towards them. They turn and start running away. But then one of them stops, takes some running shoes from his bag, and starts putting the on.
“What are you doing?” says the other man. “Do you think you will run fast than the tiger with those?”
“I don’t have to run faster than the tiger,” he says. “I just have to run faster than you.”
there is no heaven or hell. it is a made concept to push the eneducated masses the right way. but god doesn't want you stay among them, so this is why the attainment knowledge is emphasized so heavily in the quran as a duty/
once you attain knowledge you may do as you please
>not standing up and leaning over the table to extend your reach
Fucking idiots
youre cool in my Book
Yeah that really makes a bit more sense with the people having their hands bound behind their back. There are at least three things other than [spoiler]feeding each other[/spoiler] that I can think of they could do with the chopsticks so they could eat.
>But the people in hell were starving.
North Korea hell?
>it is a made concept to push the eneducated masses
This was an invention by the monotheists to explain why god was so lazy meting out punishment and rewards.