I really, really enjoy political philosophy. Should I major in philosophy or political science?
I really, really enjoy political philosophy. Should I major in philosophy or political science?
major in political philosophy
>political humanities vs political stem
And what until you know a thing or to before you really let er rip with them psychedelics
Depends. Do you want a job after college? Then neither.
If you like a paying job, political science
get a real job
Constitutional law
I will only urge you to seriously consider which of those will realistically get you a job after college. Speaking from experience, don't buy into the "I'll study what I want, I'm sure there'll be a job for me!" trope. Nothing worse than finally completing your education only for employers to completely disregard you.
Go for politics major or politics & type course. At the very least go for a place that focuses on political philosophy. Going for straight philosophy if you are interested in politics only makes little sense. There's so many areas of philosophy that you won't spend any time doing politics if you just go for any random philosophy course.
Nothing worse than wanting to be employed after you finish your education.
Just make ur own shit hahaha nigga like plant a seed nigga, aquire means of production haha
Settle down John Mills. Not everyone has to grow hemp.
Don't study Political Science. First and most importantly there is absolutely nothing scientific about Polisci. Nothing. At. All. Science requires objective analysis of rational, falsifiable statements. This is entirely impossible in Polisci as the main and generally only subject of study is human beings (thier actions, beliefs, and affiliations) who are by nature irrational and hugely subjective in every conceivable way. Thus you end up with biased researchers asking subjective questions and applying thier "statistical models" to samples of irrational humans who for the most part didn't even understand the questions they were asked and gave subjective and answers. It's a total shit show.
You can study the motion of an atom or the distribution of trees in a forest scientifically because those things cant lie to you. The trees dont say x and mean y because they are stupid and have the education of a third grader.
Calling polisci a science is like calling the dialoges of Socrates preformed by a deaf man and a cat in a dark cave, a scientific study of Socrates. You are studying shadows and echoes in the chaos and the most precise instrument you have is math and the interpretation is entirely subjective. There is no science its all opinions and socially conscious, ethically guided inquiry into the madness of irrational human thought.
And when you are done with that bull shit degree you will be completely useless for anything except political hack work in local or state wide campaigns organizing volunteers to spread lies to voters until you finally feel like turning into the Taxi driver and shoving guns up your sleeves shaving your hair into a Mohawk. Then you quit that and get a shirt sales job.
Dont study polisci. It's shouldn't exist as a major or a field of inquiry. It's trying to apply mathematics to the absurdity of political realism. Pro tip, there is nothing scientific about the political realities of the world. It's villainy and filth.
Why not major in both? If you schedule your gen eds and electives correctly you should be able to do both.
I'm really not too worried about employment after I graduate since where I live, both the provincial and federal governments have begun ramping up the hiring of fresh college grads from the humanities and social sciences. The best part is that their jobs pay well and the benefits are amazing.
>humans are irrational
>there are no principles underlying human thought and action
This is what stemlords actually believe.
Learn a trade then sped free time pursuing your interests.
t. Your Father
i agree on the fragility of the scientific rigor of this particular domain but that doesnt mean the pol sci community is a bunch of limp wristed leftists circle jerking
Funny enough, my father is a successful tradesman (six figure salary) who specifically advised me against going into the trades.
Where do you live?
you cannot have STEM without philosophy.
The Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. We technically have the """healthiest""" economy in the country, but the prices of real estate and the general cost of living are fucking bonkers.
Philosophy should be something done on the side, it is attractive to have a degree in it.
Phil majors generally do better in the LSAT exams, if one wants law, but of course it's stupid to think to oneself "if this philosophy thing don't pan out I can just do law".
Folks in law know they wanna be in law, ask anyone who got into law from phil and they'll tell you that they read that phil majors did better on the LSAT's.
Why the fuck would you ENJOY political philosophy? That's like saying you love shit. Out of all the things in the world that is what you choose.
If you insist on an arts degree I'd take azn studies desu
on the west coast there's always someone who's gonna want it, and it lets you study political science and philosophy and all that jazz, so long as one keeps it within an asian context. And hey, you're required to learn an azn language, and really now if you wanna be a proper professional in british colombia an azn language goes a long way, especially if you've also got some french on you.
Yeah, if you want a paying job with polysci you better ramp up those contacts or you're fucked.
how about majoring in STEM and minoring in philosophy?