His invaded

So, what's going on here?

Other urls found in this thread:


>upper middle class kids who never worked at mcdonalds talking about c l a s s c o n s c i o u s n e s s


Upper middle class kids have a lot of free time to waste

The /pol/ presence is much more prevalent than /leftypol/

This t b h

duh its the same website
leftypol belong to cripplechan

Frechposters are a worse plight than /eitherpol/

Half of militant Veeky Forums posters is /pol/tards sperging about haplogroups and Prussia while the other half is reddit fedoras who post nothing but shitty bait threads about Christianity. The rest is literal schoolchildren.

/pol/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit>>>>>>>> /Leftypol/

/pol/ is more diverse than leftyshit and is actually in it for the lulz, which is the reason 99% came on Veeky Forums in the first place. Literally over 50% of /pol/ isn't white. And most of the largest shit posters who spam the word nigger and spic and kike are blacks, Latinos, and Jews.

It's so easy to trigger you lefty faggots.

There's also a large population of assblasted Brits.

>sperging about haplogroups and Prussia
>It's real in my schizophrenic head

Prussia threads are nearly nonexistent. Not the same can be said for the hundreds of French-favorable threads on this board

>, which is the reason 99% came on Veeky Forums in the first place
Sure if you're a fucking newfag.

Veeky Forums is under constant siege from two starkly opposed ideologies. What's funny is that a lot of the time, they end up arguing with each other, defeat each other and leave thinking Veeky Forums is a bastion of one's opposing ideology of choice.

lol there are literally 14 threads about Germany right now, while half this board is inferiority complex riddled shitposters like you crying about France.

t. Newfag

pol hasn't been in it for the lulz for a while now, its been brigaded by stormfront and people legit think that shit rather than doing it to piss people off

>50% of /pol/ isn't white
lol ok, maybe if you don't count eastern and southern europeans as white

this doesn't stop /pol/ from being a much bigger influence on Veeky Forums than /leftypol/ anyway, and desu both are shit

threads on ww2/fascism =/= threads about Germany

This same, undated picture gets spammed whenever /pol/ decides too many people are disagreeing with them.

t. recommended reddit as a site for discussion in the thread that asked for alternative to Veeky Forums

Communism was invented by upper middle class kids who never worked a day in their life.

For real.

>pol hasn't been in it for the lulz for a while now, its been brigaded by stormfront and people legit think that shit rather than doing it to piss people off

No. There's like one NatSoc general that always gets shitted on by everyone.

There's a fuck ton of Mexicans and Brazilians on /pol/. And by /pol/ standards, those dudes are not white yet still make up a larger portion of their posters. Just look at HWNDU and see that half the folks that came out were not white..At all. And most of them were in it for the lulz. The only people who got arrested at HWNDU was Lefty's who couldn't handle the bantz, like Shia or that Stolen Valor faggot.

Guaranteed /pol/ is one of the most diverse boards on Veeky Forums.

>/pol/ is sotrmfront

/int/ is much, much more diverse. Infact, i'd say /pol/ got /int/ified ever since flags came up on /pol/.

>mfw OP is getting pwned in his CS Lewis and everyone is catching onto him
>better complain about /leftypol/

They can try, but Veeky Forums is a Christian Fundamentalist board

Case in point

i wouldnt consider 5% of posters a large portion, you just notice them more than the swarm of american or european flags, there being a sprinkling of contrarian generals doesn't stop /pol/ from being over 90% in agreement about most things

things often start off as a joke but people gradually come to take them as serious ideas, there are plenty of groups in the us and western europe with neo-nazi sympathies so it's hardly as though /pol/ is just a blip of a contrarian outpost on the internet, these are legit beliefs for many people

>Everyone in Europe and America is white
Come on now.

>90% in agreement about most things
But they're not. There was a thread yesterday about a guy who found out his girl was Jewish and wanted to break up with her and most of the people in the thread were saying that this asshole would be retarded to do that.

>these are the legit..
Many, but not most. Again, alot of /pol/ is minority folks, like myself who are just shit posting. So much of it is shitposting, which is what most of Veeky Forums has always been, at least since I started lirking in 08. Most of the guys who claim to be legit are often times correctly written off as basement dwelling LARPers.

Veeky Forums isn't Leftist
Veeky Forums isn't one person

Only people who say otherwise are either Leftists who want to dominate this place or /pol/acks who accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being a cuck

leftists and right-wingers cannot understand non-collectives

t, sargon of akkad (the band)

Well I'm white and i fucking hate niggers.
Knowing history for what it actually is, instead of trying to fabricate apologetic arguments for every sort of idiocy makes you racist.

It's not an opinion it's a biological fact that Dobermans and Beagles are two races of the same species, but one is much more aggressive than the other. The same thing goes for whites and niggers.

It really makes you think

one of those boards is part of this website, one of them is a board on some circlejerk site for faggots most of us have never been to. Is this surprising?

Hi, OP here, I don't support any radical ideology coming from both left and right, but I well known that plebbit is full of commie cancer, so when I saw that discussion I wanted to know if it is true by asking to you, it could be a false flag but who knows

Black people are Chihuahuas and Weiner dogs.

White people are pitbulls.

as a Latino I absolutely love /pol/. The constant racism gets tiring sometimes but it's mostly memes. /pol/ accepts anyone regardless of race, the only thing they care about is your political affiliation. In fact they love you even more if you are a minority and are "repilled"
they hate republicans and Democrats equally

>It's not an opinion it's a biological fact that Dobermans and Beagles are two races of the same species, but one is much more aggressive than the other. The same thing goes for whites and niggers.
Literally not the same thing

Is that a commie subreddit? Communism will never be accepted on this board when top three high scores are by communists/socialists.

>is here because of gamergate
A bunch of newfag social rejects do the edgiest thing they can do for attention.

That isn't autistic at all


Leftism is a joke.

Maybe less people are leftist. And not the result of conceited raiding.

Why not?

If you've ever actually been on /pol/ for longer than an hour you'd see it's not actually stormfront at all. Stormfront gets called out for being Nazi retards daily.
Yes, /pol/ is home to a significant Stormfront population, but they are quite the minority. Most of /pol/ is just in it for the memes, that's why I go there. That and they do actually expose a fair bit of news stories I wouldn't hear otherwise. And no I don't meant Breitbart. Lots of Euros post about their local news and such.

Do you think that video is related to your comment?
Pasty teen virgins forming ideaology based around meme information.
This is exactly what I am talking about when I said you came here after Veeky Forums got famous. I bet you also use words like feminazi, cuck, and libtard.
Go outside lmao

Nigger I've been lurking since 08 kill yourself.

t. Newfag

I'd say the real racists are a minority on /pol/ even, they're just very vocal about their disdain for other races. I highly doubt even close to the majority of /pol/ is racist, I bet people just go with it.

I think people also air relatively legitimate complaints about various communities on /pol/ and even when they dress it up in meme hate it is not really proper racism though they wouldn't air the same view in public.

that screenshot is from like 3 months ago lmao

Leftypol actually has a really high level of discussion. You might disagree with their views, but those niggers read a lot.

Being a small and largely inaccessible board helps create that kind of environment.

You know what, I'm wrong.
All I can know for sure about the nu-right is that they are complete losers

This board has become a /pol/ witch hunt, there are very few posts i would actually consider /pol/ but there are a fuck load of you ready to call out anything you disagree with.

Antipol are thousand times more annoying than pol, even mere mention of evola get that 'back to pol' shit, even when the discussion hasn't even begin, not to mention the smug 'Im right and I don't need to argue with you' sjw tier shit thats going on

I specifically post /pol/ shit in this board to trigger those fags

Political correctness is the ultimate form of racism.

Why would you give a shit? Shitposts are shitposts.

>people in ye olde days came to Veeky Forums for serious discussions

White people are dogs, black people are wolves, Jews are hyenas.

this is incredibly false but you probably don't realize it because your a /pol/tard yourself
I love the idea of /pol/ but i can't go there anymore because it's constant hate and negativety.
I'd say there are more /pol/tards then there are anything else. When people like me leave /pol/ we don't want to go to /pol/ lite history version
and even though I agree with pol on many issues I hate seeing that crap here and will call you faggots on it and report your shitty threads

>it was just a meme bro
Yea Irony died in 2016. Plus i bet you people don't post with a Canadian or Indian flag coz that is just shitposting magnet