Including the mass rapes carried out by the Americans how many German women were raped during / just after WW2?
It must have been a great time to be a victorious Allied soldier.
Including the mass rapes carried out by the Americans how many German women were raped during / just after WW2?
It must have been a great time to be a victorious Allied soldier.
Other urls found in this thread:
German women probably enjoyed that russian dick
Is this some kind of cuck fantasy for kraut lovers?
>White nationalist having a cuckold fetish
Why on earth wouldn't someone who believes in might makes right and lost every war have a cuckold fetish?
Most of the time they didn't even have to rape them.
ITT: underage newfags fap to rape fantasies
>tfw it's no longer acceptable for western soldiers to take what's rightfully theirs in war
I bet the middle east would be peaceful if we killed all the men & boys and took the women as wives
But boys are fun too.
not enough
Or the russian bottles, riflebarrels and bayonets when soviet female soldiers were involved.
why would anyone rape a german women, they are British-tier ugly
They weren't before, only after they got RUSSKIED, BLACKED and ANGLOD
>They weren't before
if they got ruskies, they would've been hot tho
germanic women are just uggos in general
>if they got ruskies, they would've been hot tho
>Including the mass rapes carried out by the Americans
mhm yes um source please?
>16 year old larpers fapping to their rape fantasies
I never understood that meme. There were tons of women from other european countries who had german lovers and the russian mass rapes ammount to a fraction of what the germans did in the SU.
This whole all the germans are russian rape babys meme is so retarded because the germans were far worse in the SU.
Nuh-uh! They had laws against race mixing in Nazi Germany, and said they'd punish rapists. That means more than any amount of Jewish statistics.
Nice link
Ah true i forgot.
The fact that they had to pull out entire regiments from the front due to STDs is just fake news and jewish lies.
Hopefully that's not sarcastic, I know it's long but it works if you copy and paste it. It's long because it goes to a specific quote in a book in Google Books. It's a primary source as well as it is an eyewitness account.
That's not proof of "mass rapes", that's a single eyewitness account of a few rapes.
Fuck off.
Sure thing, kid. If you say so
Meme school
"All women are sluts because I am a lonely cumstain." - The thread
Over and over again.
You know honestly, we get up in arms about who raped who, but basically everyone was constantly murdering innocent civilians the entire war.
Getting raped is probably better than being burned to death in the middle of the night by a British firestorm.
t. Stacy
t. arab
In terms of Rapes, besides the mass rape in Berlin by the SU, in terms of numbers, what abhorrent actions were committed by the British Empire and the US? Could I have links? Statistics? I don't want anecdotes. I'm willing to accept this but not with what I've seen so far, and that includes the google books link. a single regiment or squad is not indicative of a trend or common practice as it was for the Soviet army. This seems to be so since many German civilians deliberately fled towards the western front to surrender to any force that was not the Soviet Union in the final days of the war.
(Pic not related that much)
The Google Books link wasn't about a single squad or regiment.
It was a first hand account of an Australian war corespondent, and was seen as controversial in the U.S. and the U.K. not being published in either of those places until 1996. While I do like to see works by such journalists during the war ("The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" was Excellent) I still wish to see more evidence that can be corroborated with this source, especially since many names were not named, simply using things like "a distinguished army commander" etc. in the passage that we have been provided. Does anyone have the full book so we can see the reports or other things that have been cited by this correspondent?
I just have standards for historical documentation, not trying to be an ass. Perhaps I just like dry history idk
When you look at these pictures it must be remembered that this was taken in the age before razors. All these broads have bushes like you wouldn't believe, like your mom's bush, terrible and disgusting to modern sensibilities
I haven't got either of the books being cited here but Spiegel is a fairy reliable media source.
They had razors and their legs look shaved, it just wasn't customary for a women to shave her bush until fairly recently.
1. I would sooner trust Junge Welt than the "journalists" at Der Spiegel. It has not been a suitable rag for a very long time. I would look for another reliable media source for the time being, especially if you want to know what is actually happening in Germany at present.
2. "But is that image consistent with reality? German historian Miriam Gebhardt, well known in Germany for her book about leading feminist Alice Schwarzer and the feminist movement, has now published a new volume casting doubt on the accepted version of America's role in German postwar history."
I see this as a red flag right off the bat here, but will continue.
3. the Article states outright: "The total is not the result of deep research in archives across the country. Rather, it is an extrapolation."
the conclusions of this historian are based purely on her assumptions. If this was indeed the number, there would have to be more sources corroborating with her assumption, like eye witness accounts, health reports from hospitals etc. This, to it's credit, is presented in the article, stating that this historian's evidence is insufficient for such a claim.
4. the author refers to the studies of Robert Lilly. Who concluded on rape convictions by "American military courts" by which I assume the author means an American military tribunal, something that holds jurisdiction over persons who are members of an enemy army, are held in military custody, and are accused of a violation of the laws of war. This could be anything from American GIs to prisoners, to french or German civilians. Though that is merely semantics on my part, as I have heard nothing shorter than praise for Lilly's work on the subject. I am willing to regard his numbers as at least plausible, my uncertainty being only because I have not evaluated his work myself.
Conclusion: It was not a mass phenomenon as it was for the SU, and Tribunals punished U.S. assailants in question, contrary to the google books claims.
>I like little girls
okay bro.
Meth addicted leaders on both sides leading meth addled soldiers.
The 20th century was a grand and shameful tragedy. If we are to meet tragedy, let us be dressed in our best. At least.
Cont. Most evidence concerning mass sexual assault/rape, conclude that it was not a widespread phenomenon on par with that of the soviets, though it did happen in terms of about 5-10 thousand woman, during and after the war, at most, most of whom were convicted and punished by military tribunal in the case of the U.S. at the very least. I lack sufficient data to make conclusions on what may have happened with the British who acted rapaciously in regards to their punishments or trial, but considering the level of integration between British and American Military operations, I assume it was about the same, though I may be wrong.
now sir, don't judge a man based on his preferences towards clean shaven women. I do not know where you hail from, but in many places that is not considered a sign of youth or indeed prepubescence, but rather hygiene and comfort for both a man and a woman.
he is ignorant of the origins and presence of both standard and safety razors though. I myself have a 90 year old Gillette safety razor from time to time, in fact, they still sell blades for them.
>he dosnt like bushes
What are you, a pedo?
>I just have standards for historical documentation
as more people here (including me) should to be honest.
t. pedo
Human attractiveness visual recognition systems trend towards paedomorphic features.
My personal guess is that pedophilia is less of a moral issue and more of an excess attentuation to paedomorphic features.
I still don't want pedos near me or around my children.
This board is really lame
Chimpanzees show far less paedomorphic attenuation. The difference between child and adult skulls is far more stark than in humans.
You know those California girls you love so much? Germanics.
nope, just clean shaven women.
at least we're discussing something and not killing each other, though I could do without accusations of pedophilia...
There are no proofs of mass gassings, that's just a single eyewitness account of a few Holocoaster gassings
If anything any good looking German woman is either former Pole Prussian descendant or Russian rape baby.
Was she implying rape ain't no thang or was it indicative of the resentment the civilians had at that point towards Germany and the war they'd involved them in?
>the russian mass rapes ammount to a fraction of what the germans did in the SU.
nice source dude
way to glorify war crimes
>how many German women were raped during / just after WW2?
not enough
Damn youre heartess