umm biztards
$1680 in one night?
I thought about pimping once but I just don't know if I could slap a ho and that's pretty much essential.
That all needs investing in Mooncoin
this and successful camwhoring
i'm quite jealous
I did that while sleeping last night and my cryptos were rising.
>tfw I didn't and actually lost money because I decided to set a buy order to ZCASH at .15 before going to bed
I really want to become a giggoloo , i don't care about fucking 60 year old dry pussy, it's only for like 30 min , and depending on your looks you could be making 1000 per fuck
>invest in cryptocurrency
>wake up to $30 jump in ethereum prices
>made $1680 in one night while literally sleeping comfortable
>didn't have to take any dicks
nah I'm good
>a few years from now
>nobody wants her nasty blown out pussy anymore
>can't even make $100 a night
roasties never learn
>She made $1680 while selling her body
>I check blockfolio
>24 hour change $2,427.99
>Didn't have to do anything
>That's a slow day too
yeah I think I've got her beat. I'm sure she would normally be banging 7 dudes in a night anyway though so might as well monetize.
She made 1680 from 0 though.
None of you could do that with crypto
>He's never put on those golden kneepads
I want all newfags to fuck off.
>tfw I only have sexual relations with people I actively want to have sexual relations with
>tfw I made more money drooling into my pillow last night than she does in a week of taking dicks like a thief in the night
You memed me into a fortune, Veeky Forums, and now my entire worldview is permanently changed
She probably has more STDS than I have coins in my portfolio.
Bitch please
fuck you
half this board is retarded but all of them are right HODLing will make you a millionaire
t. newcoiner who bought one bitcoin during the crash hasn't arrived yet but looking at a $200 profit already.
> while literally sleeping comfortable
>I really want to become a giggoloo , i don't care about fucking 60 year old dry pussy, it's only for like 30 min ,
Nigga, you won't be the one doing the fucking if you become a gigolo.
yo what the fuck does
>yeah I don't know shit and am a complete newfag in all respects but yeah for some reason my idea that holding will make you a millionaire despite me having absolutely no evidence for this or any kind of basis for my prediction of the future holds weight
go fuck yourself
xtrabytes nibba
Aka, whilst yo momma was sleeping. With a customer.
is DICKS a new crypto?
which exchange is it on?
what happened bud you bought bitbean?
I did whoring for a little bit, averaged to about $100 an hour. It's not bad. Quit because my family is oldschool and because I entered a monogamous relationship.
Wouldn't do it in the US though. Only do it in countries where it's legal.
you must own a lot to have such a big increase
im just a small sardine with 220k xby
Yo I'm anything but a normie but this is some new shit (last couple months) that I'm not familiar with at all.
Written by
Nigga this IS new.
Come at me when you know what house the itty bitty babby in the itty bitty boat sails to.
Probably spent a few thousand pounds on makeup, more on tanning, more on whatever fad bullshit she's into, another ten thousand on clothes, expensive handbag, fishnet tights, the rest.
This. Best case scenario is giving handjobs to lonely old men.
It's some Scandinavian thing that started in /int/. It's how they sign letters over there, so it's like saying "Sincerely,". It's a meme way of attributing a statement to a person or group, with the intent that the association is funny and/or derogatory.
cheers m8.
what about
p. ?
>$100 an hour
That seem the going rate in CR.
As someone who's been on Veeky Forums since before reddit existed, being told to GB2Reddit over not knowing a relatively new meme is somewhat amusing
Stands for p3n0r. That's "leet speak" for penis.
>he doesn't know about mining
>he doesn't know about bitcoin faucets
>he thinks sex is a $0 investment
seriously though
Try silicone ear plugs and a sleep mask. You'll sleep like a baby.
Also, fix up your bed and bedsheets if that's a problem too.
I haven't even seen p. yet desu senpai baka puddi puddi
Black out your bedroom windows and remove any electronics that emit light. Also melatonin.
Phenibut can help, but don't abuse it.
In addition to boosting your mood, it can make you quite sleepy on the way down.
I need you to know, I love you. "The teacher stupid pudding, pudding." Eloquent at minimum. Thank you for living
Pretty sure I can make more than her in a single thread:
I will post results.
I use phenibut maybe 1-2 times a week, it makes me feel fucking fantastic for 10-12 hours. Music sounds better, I'm more eager to socialize, baseline mood is happy, and it's like $30 for a 6 month supply.
looks kinda white? Wrote like a nigger? I'm confused. That I know for sure.
Much love, my nigga. Be easy.
Fucking kek.
Poor people work for their money. I don't want to fucking work.
I just want to sit on my throne while other girls take the dicks of life for me and all I do is collect the check.
Imagine how much you can make as one person. Now imagine how much you can make with 250 people working under you. She owns a job, she does not own a scalable, growing business.
Fuck working.
fuck, is this how people talk now?
OP is a possible /b/tard prostitute? iGuess.
>gas for car
>condoms if she's smart
>and most of all OPPORTUNITY COST
Why work a whole night when I can front 5k today to see it grow to 20k in a few weeks all while working a job for steady income with benefits?
The biggest part of investing in business, crypto, etc. is opportunity cost. Would it be cheaper to change oil yourself? Probably by a few bucks. But I'd rather pay some grease monkey $25 bucks to do it because my time is more valuable to me. Could be working, shorting equities, etc.
>not knowing transliteration of pudding in japanese is purin
What if she pays for "virgin"-plasty?
>this is some new shit (last couple months)
you're retarded
"t." has been around for fucking YEARS
you deserve it for holding those fucking heavy bags user. Kudos
Nobody on this site or any other I've used has been shoving it down my throat until very recently.
been seeing it on /int/ since 2012 and other boards since 2013
that's a half a decade you newfag
it's not just about the pussy
I guarantee she doesn't take care of herself, by 30 she'll look like she's in her mid 50s
Plus other pimps roll up on your bitches. Aint bout to get shot for a beat hoe.
I've been with give or take a few around 25 pros. Some of these girls were unbelievable right and then some are so blown out its unreal. It's usually the ones doing it 2 months after having a kid that you can't even tell if your in or not. Waiting for the day they start asking for crypto...
only fucking nerds use /int/
It's left /int/ recently and now I'm even seeing fucking losers posting it even on facebook.
She'll probably OD on some fentanyl in her coke and get buried in a forest by some guy cheating on his wife
like I said you dumbass it's been all over since 2013
you're just new
I've been on Veeky Forums over a dozen years now but by all means continue telling me how new I am.
Bitch please.
Made this while sleeping and eating a fucking fish sandwich in my bathrobe.
Enjoy your little illegal, superficial wage slave whore job while it lasts. After the dusty age of 30 youll be working in a fucking McDonalds.
doesn't sound too bad
t. nocoiner
then obviously you haven't been paying attention
I make way more than that on a busy crypto night. what a slut.
you can literally see the amount he owns user
Lurk mOar
Yeah its been around a while tbf
itt: coincucks waste all their money on shitcoins, can't even afford to lose virginity to hooker
If I was a woman why wouldn't I be whoring myself out?
dude if i had a cunt i would sell it asap fuck 4 y/o runing around asking people for shlecky shlecky lutchy lutchy five dolla
lurk moar newfag
>being this retarded
What city does she work in?
Prostitution has the highest mortality rate of any job outside of drug dealing. We'll see how happy she is when some john rapes her and stabs her to death with a sharpened screwdriver over a $50.
and does she accept bitcoin?
That's why so many of them refuse black customers.
>Yo I'm anything but a normie but this is some new shit (last couple months) that I'm not familiar with at all.
You are the perfect representation of what a normie truly is.
Either lurk moar or get the fuck out you normie newfag
>some john
what wallet app is that
lurk moar newfag
Blockfolio. Very popular here.
It's not a wallet, though. It tracks your investments over time, and you have to manually input your buys and sells.
Nice job calling someone an idiot when you can't even spell "more" correctly. Not surprising that you're the type of backwards idiot who would use homophobic slurs.
thanks for the info, i've been looking for something like this