>anything about the world wars
>describing the history of a continent in one sentence
Red flags in a Veeky Forums post
>unironically being a commie
"The Dark Ages"
"Rome fell because of Christianity"
Fuck off bolshevist
> muh Jewish conspiracy.
complaining about animu reaction images
>holds one side in history as thoroughly evil and their opponents as pure good
>post is written by tripfag
>Ère de la liberté CCXXVII
>Not recognizing that material factors drive human conflict
If you autofilter any post that includes the words "ww2", "christcuck", "dark ages", and "anglo", Veeky Forums becomes 90% less shit. Which is still very shit.
France was cannon fodder for the burgers
>Every thing is a race/ethnic conflict! (still see this disturbingly often)
>Guy with less then basic understanding talking down a guy who clearly knows his shit.
>X has no history.
>If I can't see it it doesn't exist (in regards to facts or knowledge dumps)
>Stuff that happens back then has no effect on now.
>white guy just discovered hoteps.
>tell me why x happens and don't say y did it or caused it when they clearly did because I will throw a shitfit
>>Every thing is a race/ethnic conflict! (still see this disturbingly often)
Actually let me rewrite that as
>Every thing is a race/ethnic conflict only.
>pro Catholic
>posting about the 19th century
>being a Creationist
>every other word is nigger this and jews that
>thread has nothing to do with either of them
>thread is just 300+ posts of Catholics vs Protestants arguing which faith is the one true faith
Humanities was a mistake.
>shitting on Germany no matter what
>criticizing Sargon of Akkad
The will of God drives history, bozo.
I guess Islam is right then.
there is no god
>post blindly praises Britain
I know that Lindy browses this board
>"Christianity caused the fall of Rome/Dark Ages"
>blind hatred towards Germany
>Anything about WW2
>"Everything is a class conflict"
>"Everything is an ethnic/race conflict"
>b-but whatabout [insert semi-analogous event in other nation centuries before]
>intellectual amphibian conveyer
>Arguing about who or what was the worst, the most immoral, instead of examining things from a realpolitik perspective
>See any atomic bombing thread ever
>'rating' users as if they are not anonymous
>utter ignorance outside of European history and cultures.
>military history
>any thread made for the sole purpose of complaining about things you don't like