Why is Zeitgeist so appealing to brainlets?
Why is Zeitgeist so appealing to brainlets?
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Because "muh skepticism"
It explains history in a simplistic black and white manner that allows you to disregard opponents before taking them on in discussion
They are looking for a sound argument to support their anti-Christian bias. Similar to how the Jesus Myth Hypothesis is very fringe but New Atheists make it very popular in their circles because it supports their views.
>Jesus Myth Hypothesis
It's almost certainly correct
Which part? The bit where he isn't actually divine or he never existed as a historical person? Because while the former thing is obviously true to anyone who wasn't raised to take christfaggotry seriously, the latter thing is far less certain.
The majority of the population are morons and do not give a shit about the truth, this isn't a revelation. It is why we need capitalism.
I knew it was bullshit the moment they claimed Vishnu was born on December 25th. Hindus have their own calendar and it would take mathematical equations to pin point when exactly he was born if you were to translate it in the calendar we use.
There's actually more similarities than those cherry picked sources suggest...
However, it was really stupid, with its ultimately anarcho-communist message, to start off by attacking the most anarcho-communist Jew of all time. (Yes, I know, I know, but as Jews of the era went, seriously.)
Plus, noting that Christianity includes the amalgamation of various beliefs that stood the test of time strengthens its position, rather than weakens it. It provides a foundation built on the collective efforts of man, rather than something cropped up from thin air, like say, Scientology.
They did more or less drop the subject in Zeitgeist 2, but didn't drop several other equally problematic and self-contradictory positions.
Like most folks advocating this sorta thing, they never really describe how to transition from Society A to Society B, while still avoiding massive bloodshed. They just assume a collapse is inevitable and is somehow going to present an opportunity for them, when in fact, all such a thing would do is make their lofty idealism even harder to obtain.
Meh, you could interpret In hymn 7.99 of Rigveda, to suggest "the birth of the sun" comes at the beginning of the winter solstice, and thus the presence of Vishnu-Indra enters the world - but it's a stretch.
Not that there aren't a boatload of religious events centering around it, and not that every Biblical scholar isn't more or less in agreement that Jesus was not born on December 25th, but closer to summer, just from the various circumstances described in the Bible (herders in the fields, the Roman census, etc.). The date was more or less chosen for its astrological significance, and the lack of a solid one being available.
Still a crap argument, and entirely the wrong one to be making, given what they are trying to sell.
Why buy into that when the consensus view of a radical Jewish preacher is far simpler?
Because it makes a bunch of claims that seem plausible and intuitive and proclaims that the ideas it expresses must be right then.
The issue is that what seems like common sense or intuitive is not necessarily so. And the truth isn't always easy to comprehend.
For instance not that long ago some guy corrected me about that Yamamoto quote about rifles behind every blade of grass. There is no proof he ever said that, yet for years I believed it was real because it seemed plausible enough and I never questioned it.
Because it confirms their prejudices
>Why is Zeitgeist so appealing to brainlets?
I fell for the Zeitgeist meme when I was 19
Because it takes a grain of truth and buries it in a massive flood of easy-to-understand lies, much like religions do.
This. It's also the reason people don't believe radical Muslims when they say they commit terror in the name of spreading Islam, that doesn't jive with the narrative of "West = bad, Brown = perfect", so they must "really" be acting out because of economic reasons / white racism.
I did too, for all of a week. Then i remembered you need to verify claims.
Well, not all of their claims are false, and the show isn't without its points.
But yes, it is a mix of lies, truths, and half-truths designed to sell an idea.
However, their core message isn't the topic at hand, that was ancillary - if anything, it was counterproductive to their overall message that altruism and harmony can somehow overcome the "lie" of "human nature".
>not all of their claims are false
Pretty close to all of them are. And really it doesn't matter, once you start deliberately mixing truth with lies to push an agenda, you lose ALL credibility.
Zeitgeist is babby's first conspiracy
Meh, even shit propaganda has some points. It is true, however, it does tend to defeat the overall message and thus be self defeating to its purpose, in the long run.
>it does tend to defeat the overall message and thus be self defeating to its purpose, in the long run
Some have claimed that was the entire point of Zeitgeist - a deliberate effort to discredit any like-minded idealists or conspiracy theorists, in an effort to further obscure the truth.
They've even made their own videos on the subject: i.4cdn.org
Which would at least explain why they brought up the whole universal Jesus thing to begin with - just to piss off enough folks to debunk them.
I just googled her again and she was actually quite hot back in the day.
It's not that there's no truth in it at all, just that since it chooses to lie and presents lies as facts, this makes it totally useless as a source and totally unreliable as a guide.
Typical conspiratard "reasoning". The reason they pushed their stupid ideas so hard is because they sincerely believed them, zeitgeist isn't a false flag, conspiratards really ARE that dense.