Ask anything

Ask anything.

is OP a faggot?

ans moon?

Will I win the lottery?

Will crypto make me enough money to live a comfy neet life?

will the person reading this see his mom die in her sleep tonight unless he replies to this post?

Will Golem moon in a month?

Will DGB moon again before July?

am i ever gonna get a gf?

pls no :(

should I make the bid?

Ok. Here it is again.

Will Digibyte moon before July?

l m a o

will ammo reach $1 till new years

should I sell my bitcoin?


Should I get rid of my ETH and buy ETC instead?

Fuck off with this shitty meme.

Ok ok.

Is Digibyte going to moon before July?

Alright alright

Will the flippening ever happen?

Future doesn't seem so bright for ETH, right?

will xrp moon tonight?

will I become a millionaire?

the ball has spoken boys


Should I sell my LTC?

Will dgb make me a millionaire before 2018??


will the bitcoin fork be successful?

ah shit. im 95% eth.

Is ETH a scam?



it appears ETH is a ponzi scheme after all

get in on xrp boys, the 8 ball has declared the moon