>Life expectancy grows from 35 to 67
>Literacy jumps from 20% to 92%
>Population grows from 500 million to 900 million
Maoism was good.
>Life expectancy grows from 35 to 67
>Literacy jumps from 20% to 92%
>Population grows from 500 million to 900 million
Maoism was good.
Other urls found in this thread:
what was Stalin's IQ?
Bogdanoffs bow to Stalin
Mao please go
>Implying population growth signifies a good leader
>communist statistics
>using any statistics that came from Maoist China
You do know they lied about literally everything, right? So Mao wouldn't find out his Great Leap forward didn't work?
Any unified chinese state with unified central administration would have done so
China's problem had less to do with a pressing need for communism and more for the removal of its previous cultural and political practices in favour of a broadly "western" model. It owes itself not to any particular figure, but to a wide range of intelligentsia and bureaucrats who wanted it to be done by whatever hand happened to win out the day, which happened to be Mao and his party.
>muh overpopulation myth
Back to plebbit
>life expectancy of 35
What the hell am I reading
Includes death in childhood
mao purged anything and everything that was remnants of china's high culture. created a country of peasants. China only starts dusting off all the old imperial shit when western tourists start coming in against. traditional chinese medicine is a crock of shit. thought up by the communists to distract form the lack of proper modern western medicine. economy only recovered after the hardline communists and maoist were purged and capitalism was introduced.
low life expectancy statistics were suppressed to ridiculously low numbers in the past and in undeveloped countries, by high infant/child mortality rates.
Why does this figure ever include dead babies? It's pretty useless if you include infant mortality.
>created a country of peasants
Naw bruv urban populations went up relative to rural populations during the Mao years, despite the restrictions on internal migration, force migration to rural areas, and (we assume, since peasants do) a higher fertility rate compared to urban populations.
The reason, of course, is very simple: rural mortality was really, really bad. Y'know, cuz famine and stuff. I mean, a country of peasants would have probably suited the guy, but man it really backfired on him.
Was it maoism or penicillin?
Delete this if you want to live.
It's definitely a sign of rising health. And possibly economic prosperity.
Shit I'm being ruled by niggers, women and downies
country of peasants in mind set.
Mainland Chinese are street shitters, especially their children.
Taiwan, hong kong, and Macau Chinese use toilets and daipers like civilized people.
They had always been "street shitters". They are probably less so these days, at least in comparison to pre-revolution china.
>Maoism's strengths were held back by their obsession with the rural/urban dichotomy and 'eliminating bourgeois ideas and culture'. Attacking symbols of the bourgeois in defense of (bourgeois ideas of) the working class limited their ability to address fundamentally oppressive power structures and eventually lead to creating a new oppressive bourgeoisie.
no, ye fag. it's a sign of supreme uneducation.
depends. if your populations grows too much it'll just eat up all those economic gains, depending on how large they are.
Last thing China has ever needed was more Chinese, and I mean that in a nice way.
Fuck you, Shanghainese were using toilets before any other Chinese thought to dig a hole.
>Maoism is responsible for modern medicine and technological advances
>only Maoism allows for mass schooling/education
Actually such statistics are already put through a western filter.
Mao was best on a social level in China, womens rights got better, healthcare improved a lot, literacy and education went way up.
And then he killed 45 million in a famine and a few more million in a retarded revolution
everyone hates mainlanders
>i'll believe my own feelings over statistics
>defending Mao
C'mon op. I'm a filthy leftist and even I know Mao was pants-on-head retarded. At least use a decent leader if you want to defend socialism
I'll believe statistics from a deeply corrupt government that is known, to this day, to lie about itself so I don't have to come to grips with the fact that communism sucks.
Forgot the cancer arrow.
Oh well.
Holy shit its real. I thought the jokes about Chinese mainlanders taking a shit in the streets of the city were fucking jokes.
What the fuck? Does nobody care of decency or sanitation?
Literacy and life expectancy increased under south African apartheid too...
Mao was pretty based. incoming copy oasta
Mao moved China closer to real communism.
Stalin wasn't bad but he was never the intellectual Mao was.
Mao's experiment in decentralized popular mass communism is excellent evidence that communism works.
People claim that the cultural revolution was a disaster.
They claim China destroyed history.
False, numerous archaeological sites such as Mawangdui were discovered and preserved and peasants were educated on how to identify historical relics if they were to come across them in the field.
They claim science and learning was destroyed.
False, China sent its first space satellite and created high yield hybrid rice. While building schools in rural areas.
They claim the economy was a disaster.
Yet, growth rates were higher then than in the reform era. Rural areas actually had growth rather than decline as they do now.
Mr. Science and Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution : science and technology in modern China / edited by Chunjuan Nancy Wei and Darryl E. Brock.
The battle for China's past : Mao and the Cultural Revolution / Mobo Gao.
The Unknown Cultural Revolution
Life and Change in a Chinese Village / Dongping Han
If you go to rural China you will find it is these people who (according to wealthy Chinese urban elite expatriates and Western scholars who have never been to rural China) are supposedly his victims, who are most supportive of Mao and the cultural revolution and hate the reforms.
It's a massive country for over a billion people with a diverse range of economic prosperity. Therefore some people in some parts shit on the floor. But not all or even like 99% of them do.
wtf l like mao now
It's a matter of internal migration from the rural areas to the urban areas.
Shitting wherever isn't a huge problem when you live in bumfuck nowhere, and when you're raised in bumfuck nowhere it's what you do, it's just habit. If you go to any asian city which is experiencing the same, you'll notice shoeprints on toilet seats, because folks aren't used to sitting on em, squatting where they take a shit is what's normal to them.
Y'know, once the population settles over the next few decades, it'll die down and people will sit to shit.
>overpopulation is good
Hey, where are those stats from?
I am wondering where the path starts, so that it can be compared to the global average. Also, depending on how you count it, China was in the shit once the Warlord period started, so any development would be good.
>that shitty propaganda about Most Loving Leader Mao not eating meat when the people were starving
>compares him to fucking churchill because "hey guise look at dis ebil capitalist can't say anything bad about my guy anymore huh checkmate"
I want leftypol to leave and stay leave
You can legally criticize, you just can't insult them because of their differences.
Voltaire's quote applies to whom you can't actually criticize (such as Israel (powerful lobbies behind that one).
Hell yeah bitch
History will absolve him
reddit thread
History will see pretty much all 20th century socialists as ultimately unsuccessful heroes who weren't strong enough to defeat capital the first time around