Who else fell for this (((((((coin))))))))

Who else fell for this (((((((coin))))))))

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I tried to mine some but couldn't. He pre mined the shit out of it

I sold out and became a shabbos goy. This coin will literally take over crypto and there will be many copycats

Is it true they're selling it for ico price on Monday?

I feel scammed

yes, and the buy wall is like 114 k eth to double it's price


I thought that was just a wall in case the exchange price will drop to this level.

I thought the "buy BNT from BANCOR" is an entirely different thing. Buying there starts at ICO price but will go up quickly, so basically nobody will get to buy at 100BNT/ETH.

Yes, they are fudders who have literally only read about this coin on biz. The only true risk to bnt investors is a lack of early demand, that is, people selling day 1 overcoming the purchasong from the smart contract. There are several reasons to believe demand will significantly outstrip sellers, such as the amount of money that failed to enter the ico and the attention the coin has received since then, but nothing is certain.

Even if it increases slowly I see it as a long term investment

Do you have any idea in what pace the BNT "base price" is rising?
They posted the formula but I dont know how that will translate into real life come monday.

Do not buy (((BNT))) do not buy .
Stop watching porn!