ITT: people you would kill if you had a time machine


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You guys! :^)

Dirty commie

Woodrow Wilson

>Smith argued that the best way for any country to grow wealthy was not to try to make everything by itself, for no country could ever hope to do well in every sector of an economy. By nature, Smith observed, countries had strengths in particular areas – some were great at making wine, others had talent in pottery, others still might be experts at making lace – and it was on such strengths that every country should focus.
>This was an application at the level of nations of a theory we can understand well enough at the level of individual life. If someone has a natural aptitude for accountancy, it makes no sense for them to spend a considerable part of each day trying also to make cheese, to sew their own trousers or to learn to play violin sonatas. Far better for the accountant, cheesemaker, tailor and violinist to specialise in the areas in which they each have the greatest advantage and then trade with others to satisfy their remaining needs. As Smith noted: “It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy.”
>Intellectually, free trade has undoubtedly won the argument. It is plainly evident that countries should not put up tariffs, that each country should trade goods and services where it has its advantages, and then allow imports to come in and if necessary decimate local industries where it doesn’t. When a Mexican worker can make a car for eight dollars an hour, whereas an American one costs 58 dollars an hour, it is clearly wise to allow Mexico to do what it can do best, whatever the effect on American car workers.

>tfw the best arguments against mercantilism is to depict a country as an individual, since pobody's nerfect :^)
Enjoy the political dependency that comes with economic dependence.


go back to plebbit you red subversive memegitator

dirty fucking commies have no place in this board
Veeky Forums is a staunchly white nationalist board and we hate red scum, your propaganda will meet fierce resistance here

Why would a white nationalist support the father of anti-protectionist economic theory?

Smith was essentially the first globalist.

your tricks won't work on me, juden

No problem with protectionism, I do agree with free markets philosophically however and the link between socialism and egalitarianism is an inherent one since they both believe that men are equal which is untrue.

>we should colonize places like Veeky Forums
>memes are the way forward
>Veeky Forums is a leftist board
Holy fucking shit, I'm dying.


I got it from a recent thread I can't find anymore.



My god, these people are almost as autistic as the cucks from r/the_schulz

nothing is wrose


>inb4 Marx

would save a lot more lives if you kill this faggot


Honestly, commies should appreciate Adam Smith. He destroyed mercantilism/feudalism, which is at least equally as bad as capitalism.

every other disenchanted atheist type too

Why is mercantilism put side by side with feudalism?

They're not even close. Also feudalism was dead by the 18th century, with the exception of the Slavs

>An economic system

to be fair Marx did so

You can't own land in feudalism if you aren't a noble. You can't accumulate wealth too, again, if you aren't a noble.

That doesn't answer anything.

*tips crucafix*

>kills Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
>western civ is destroyed

In both cases the means of production and wealth concetration are monopolized by the government and its aristocracy. They still are on capitalist societies, but social mobility is more common and acceptable.

It was only with Adam Smith's dismissal of mercantilism that social mobility became more common in society? Why?


>pagans are now atheists

>objects in motion are set in motion by a cause
yeah okay go on
>the universe must have once been set in motion
sounds alright to me
>must have been my one specific god whose inception has come after hundreds/thousands of other gods lol
NO, you fucking retard.

The father of all presumptuous and irritating theology must be exterminated.

you dunce he's just made an argument for the existence of a Deity, you don't have to interpret it the same way he did

Marx never said he was an atheist but you call him an atheist because other people called him that and he commented against religion

ergo Socrates is an atheist for the same reason

god is allegorical to the unmoved mover or a first principle
polytheism is worship of emanations, not what they emanate from

>religion is the opiate of the masses
>The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness
we got a real man of faith right here

compared to the guy that gotten executed for atheism? might as well be pope

>not knowing the charges were trumped up

And to add to this, a man of any faith stronger than casual deism would have been a very suspicious figure among those left-hegelians marx drank with.

>first to refute god's morality
>"he's the holiest of holies guiz!"

still not atheism you mongoloid

neither is Marx

but like I said since simply calling someone atheist is enough why can't Socrates be atheist?

Not only Smith, but changes on socio-cultural practices that flows into Smith's liberalism led to a increasing social mobility. In the Middle Ages, according to Jacques Le Goff, wealth was a noble-only right, the peasants and merchants were expected to have a simpler life and to charge only a "fair price" for their products. When usury stops being seen as evil as before for catholics, it made possible for enriched merchants and bankers rise up the ranks and become nobles themselves by buying the titles from poor nobles. The Protestant Reform also helped shifting the qualities associated with labor: before, seen as punishment from God it will become a way to God show his blessing to his creatures. That's where a individualistic and work-driven ethos start to become the norm rather than the collective chaste system before it.

>neither is Marx
he is. how does not show that
he doesnt have to be explicit

Jesus before he had a following, same for Mohammad.

I'd go for Judaism, and just kill the Abrahamic tree at the root, making the other two unnecessary, but I'd need to do some research first on who to kill.

>Kill Jesus
>revives from the dead

u mad hebrew?

>people should produce things regardless if it's in any way efficient
Economics at it's core attempts to find the best way to allocate scarce resources, deliberatley making shitty, uncompetitve over priced goods isn't going to do anything but fellate the egos of retards who seriously think that the standards of living demanded by the modern first world can be achieved in tandem with an export based economy.

does it have to be explicit for Socrates?

>marx said religion isn't always good
>marx = turbo atheist
>socrates says the subject of religion mightn't be good
>socrates is a good boy just tryin' get money for dem triangles

So mad

no but it's not implicit with socrates unlike marx

>A system at all



Saint Paul is the one you want to kill

>Critiquing against organized religion makes you an atheist
wew lad


Easy choice.

>Implying you could
>Implying you could locate Martin Luther before he made a name for himself
>Implying killing him after he made a name for himself would really matter

His early life is pretty well documented so it seems possible

Communism and socialism can be compatible with nationalism. I think capitalism lends itself more to globalism and multiculturalism in fact...

Why? He made America great again.

lenin or marx, china and russia wouldn't have fallen to the disease that is communism so their great cultures would still be alive and healthy