What's the Veeky Forums stance on this man?
Other urls found in this thread:
>this shit again
I'm starting to think you guys have a daily quota of ideology threads you need to flog
>criticize use of the strawman phallacy
>uses a strawman to do it
I liked There's Something About Mary
it's 100% accurate to what he says
No it isn't.
I think the only reason he is relevant at all is because he criticized Islam on television.
His ethics fall flat, and he hasn't made a good film in a long while.
butthurt atheist harris fanboy detected
I think that's the joke
I like his idea of "imagine a world where everybody is suffering. Thats objectively the worst scenario. Therefore morality can be objectively measured."
I'm ok with that.
Shouldn't you be defending the religion of peace?
He's a pro-Israel zionist and Islamophobe
That's literally wrong.
>pro-Israel zionist
i never understood this
>if you support a home for jews, you're anti-diaspora
>if you don't support a home for jews, you're pro-diaspora
but israel exist and there are more jews living outside of israel than in it
Tell us about the many contributions of actual Muslims to actual science in the past few centuries.
They Dindu Nuffin.
I love when people use this word, i instantly know not to listen to them.
Ask them if they're Klanophobes or Naziophobes.
Talks slow and calm to mask his drivel
you're so smart
You're going We Wuz now?
I like Sam Harris but this gave me a pretty good chuckle.
Even though it's a mockery, I kind of agree with that Straw-Harris.
This is Theroux on Joe Rogan Experience and about 24 minutes in he starts talking about a radical muslim guy who came back at his appeals to humanism, democracy, secularism etc with "Based on what authority?" The Islamist believed that the Quran was an absolute authority, but modern society is partially based on moral relativism.
If there is no God as ultimate authority, what is the first principle an atheist uses to espouse their views? And it's the assertion that science and atheism correlates with reality better than any religion and thus the power it wields through penicillin and more things is greater than religion.
>but modern society is partially based on moral relativism
Honestly, Western society is much more based on utilitarianism, specifically consequentialism.
Which really doesn't require any moral axiom apart from the consequences of an action being what you want it to be.
dubious but puts post modernists in place
he's a bretty cool guy
We know that there isn't a god.
Not your hugbox
I don't get what athiests want. It's almost like they either are under the impression that everyone is capable of reasoning to a level that would approach the 'truth', or they want to be the new priests of the religion of science, and just tell everyone else what to do.
Evolution man. Look it up.
>and humanities
It depends on the person usually.
I'll tell you what I want. I don't want to be preached at. I don't want to be legislated according to religious dogma. I don't want children taught religious dogma. Foremost, however, I want the suffering committed in the name of religious dogma to cease.
The use of this term for any reason except to mock it is a very good way to let your audience know you're an idiot.
Shit I think I posted this on another thread.
But anyways. I agree with him on Islam, but the most important point he makes is about AI.
Worth watching, but everyone is putting their head in sand and saying "But scifi!" when people like Elon and the people making the software are saying 5-10 years.
Does the same apply to all other forms of phobiae? Is it impossible to fear or hate something in an unreasonable way? Would you say the same about the concept of "group-focused enmity regarding Muslims"?
"Islamophobia" conflates criticism of the doctrines of Islam with bigotry against Muslims as people. It is a term designed by Islamists specifically for propaganda purposes.
In literally all cases ever before and ever after? Is it impossible for the term to ever apply?
The term "anti-Muslim bigotry" suffices. "Islamophobia" has been tainted. Even the word itself implies fear of Islam, but is used to imply bigotry.
Tell me how you can complain about Islamophobia but not Naziphobia.
Look at it this way. You can argue against liberals without saying "I hate all liberals", you can argue against conservatives without saying "I hate all conservatives", you can argue against the doctrines of Catholicism without saying "I hate all Catholics", you can argue against atheism without saying "I hate all atheists", you can argue against Gommunism without saying "I hate everyone that was dumb enough to be sucked into Gommunism".
Harris argues against the doctrines of Islam, he never supports anti-Muslim bigotry, you can't simply move one political / religious doctrine out of the realms of any criticism by shrieking "Islamophobia".
You are the only one that has mentioned Nazis.
The root of the word "bigotry" itself implies hypocrisy, which is equally unbefitting as the implied fear in "phobia".
So, we have two etymologically dysfunctional terms which changed their meaning. What makes bigotry the better term then?
islamophohia was invented by imams to use against us
>avoids addressing the post
Reminder that there's really nothing that makes National Socialism worse than Islam.
I thought this was a retarded post but yes there is, National Socialism was racist, and Islam isn't.
What exactly did you find "retarded" about my post?
>You are the only one that has mentioned Nazis.
That didn't address the point the guy was making.
>The root of the word "bigotry" itself implies hypocrisy, which is equally unbefitting as the implied fear in "phobia".
>So, we have two etymologically dysfunctional terms which changed their meaning. What makes bigotry the better term then?
This is a deliberate etymological fallacy which didn't address the point that guy was making.
Remind me again how evolution is incompatible with God?
>That didn't address the point the guy was making.
What was his point? That I wouldn't apply the same standards to the term "Naziphobia"? That seems more like a strawman based on his stereotype of people that would find the term "Islamophobia" permissible.
By saying that I didn't complain about it just because nobody brought it up, I am saying that I would uphold the same standards, hence I addressed his point that was boring and fallacious in the first place, which is why I didn't further address it.
>This is a deliberate etymological fallacy which didn't address the point that guy was making.
Of course it was a deliberate etymological fallacy. After all, it was an analogy to the etymological fallacy that the poster I replied to made.
>What was his point?
His point was that if you were criticising Nazism as a political ideology you wouldn't think accusations that you were being bigoted against Nazis was a reasonable argument.
> After all, it was an analogy to the etymological fallacy that the poster I replied to made.
He wasn't making an etymological fallacy though, he was trying to communicate to you that Islam is a set of ideas that can be criticised and that criticising that set of ideas is not the same as deliberately being bigoted / phobic / prejudice / whatever against individuals who identify as Muslims or even "Muslims" as a group.
>His point was that if you were criticising Nazism as a political ideology you wouldn't think accusations that you were being bigoted against Nazis was a reasonable argument.
As I've said twice, he'd be wrong.
I think the same sort of unjustified fear and loathing towards Muslims can befell Nazis when you're not criticizing what Nazis' set of ideas actually are, and when you have a general antipathy towards them regardless of any set of ideas they may have.
>He wasn't making an etymological fallacy though,
Why should you use "anti-Muslim bigotry" then? Because "islamophobia" makes it look like a Muslim's set of ideas can't be criticized without being bigoted? What is he basing this idea on? The "phobia" part in the word, which he assigns meaning based on its etymology, which would be an etymological fallacy, just like connecting "bigotry" to hypocrisy would.
What I said was that both of those terms do actually not carry those meanings. Islamophobia IS differentiated from legitimate criticism of religion.
Here comes the twist: While you were trying to communicate to me that religion can be criticized without being a bigot, I had actually been agreeing since the start and was merely trying to communicate to you that while religion can be criticized without being a bigot about it, it can also be criticized while being a bigot about it. I was asking whether the initial poster was even open to the idea that someone can be bigoted when attacking a set of ideas. (In fact, I don't give a shit about Harris.)
Note the categorical language used:
>The use of this term for any reason except to mock it is a very good way to let your audience know you're an idiot.
>for any reason except to mock
No adam and eve, no original sin, no need for Jesus' sacrifice, no chrisitanity.
Fuck dude I bet you don't even know the basics of your idiotic religion.
Intentional misspelling?
>National Socialism was racist, and Islam isn't.
Anyway, not only does the Quran call for violence on the kaffir but Muslim ran societies have repeatedly had setups where select races or ethnicities had an edge over others (see the consistently noticeably low status of Blacks).
>this 5-year old level of understanding
I bet you think Hell is a fiery pit with demons prodding you with pitchforks too.
>National Socialism was racist, and Islam isn't.
Hey Islam apologist.
Anyway, not only does the Quran call for hardcore violence on the kaffir (making it no better than Mein Kampf in how calls for violence and supremacy for a select group) Muslim ran societies have repeatedly had setups where select races or ethnicities had an edge over others (see the repeatedly noticeably low status of Blacks).
pseudo intellectual who got popular for fedora tipping and making fun of ridiculous christian mythology, like every other atheist.
he thinks that being book smart makes you also smart in every other category.
So he's the perfect Veeky Forumstorian
>t. christcuck pretending the ravings of goatfuckers and a dead Jew version of Jim Jones sill hold up
He put religious fags in their place so he's alright in my book.
Nigga you retarded or what
Found Noah's Ark yet?
Well it's up on Mount Ararat in Turkey anyone can go tour it.
That's wrong.
>Reminder that there's really nothing that makes National Socialism worse than Islam
Islam doesn't not support a socialist economic system you leftie libtard
*does not
>t. pol