>finally well off financially, not rich, but won't have to work for years to come without relying on social security
>still a lonely shut-in loser
>people still mocking your apparently autistic traits
>people still looking at you like you killed their dog
Does anyone else experience this?
How do you cope?
I tried working but that didn't change anything.
Finally well off financially, not rich, but won't have to work for years to come without relying on social security
become really RICH and show them all.
go post this on /r9k/ instead
No, you're not a special snowflake autist. Your quirks are caused by arrested development due to many years of isolation.
kill them all OP
Find things you enjoy and do them, now that you have the time and financial freedom to. This will increase confidence and remove your need to have the approval of the herd. People are insecure, inside. Even normies. And they are drawn to people with their own interests, passions, and confidence. They gravitate toward self-possession. Just focus on yourself (outside of your bedroom/computer chair) for one month, like a personal challenge to conquer. Museums, art classes, rock climbing, cooking classes, dog parks, whatever normie tier activities strike your interest at the moment, and don't judge yourself while doing them. At the end of that month, you will feel differently, and your life will begin to change as well.
>made like 35% on LTC today and still hate my life
>rich in every way but financially
>still a lonely shut-in loser
>people brag about how hard work wins it all
>people can't comprehend when hard work doesn't win it all
People will make fun of you regardless of what you do, how lavishly you can live, and what you contribute to the world.
People shit on Trump for his "low IQ" but ignore how he's kept tens of thousands of people employed, running several billion dollar companies at once, and doing reality tv, and then going for fucking President and winning.
People shit on Buffett because he drives an old vehicle, has a modest home for his wealth, and he's often cited as one of the richest people on the planet when there are trillionaires.
Find something that really gets you going, something you can fully immerse yourself in and focus on. It's not going to stop people from being dicks to you, but it's going to make you feel a fuckton better and like life's worthwhile.
>Much luck user.
Genuine advice, thanks. Taking classes is a good idea. It can be a bonding experience for the participants. The students have something in common. I might try that.
Good to hear, OP. Just be sure to focus on YOU. Normies get skittish if friendship feels forced or rushed. Even if you don't make connections in the class, you will gain confidence and skill, and you'll have fun. Those will help you genuinely connect with people later on, without having to try and impress them in the moment.
money isn't even that great desu
Some anons are normies.
Give me your money and let me enjoy it for the both of us :^]
Arrested development? I heard prolonged social isolation can cause Antisocial traits or tendencies, but you seem smart, can you clarify what happens when you are socially isolated for a decade?
stop giving them good ideas
Put your energy into exercise. Get out, Get ripped.
I only have anecdotal evidence. Based on my observations of a NEET friend who was my roommate during college, here's what might happen when a person is isolated for long periods:
* Severe Dunning-Krueger - They have no one to question or criticize their behavior/actions so they develop this belief that they're geniuses with untapped potential.
* Self-victimization - They feel that the world is oppressing them and the world owes them.
* Lack of responsibility - Caused by self-victimization.
* Erratic emotional states - They "think" with their feelings.
* Extreme sensitivity to criticism - Even a slight disagreement can throw their emotions into chaos. It's common and expected to receive criticism from other people in the real world. But isolated people aren't used it and take even constructive criticism as a direct attack and respond negatively.
* Paranoia - They think other people are stealing their "unique" ideas to the point where they don't even trust their family/friends.
* Extreme selfishness
* Inability to sympathize with other people
* Inability to trust people
>Sample size: 1
Everything checks out, expect I am not sensitive due to lack of emotions, I get mad sometimes at nothing. I recently gained back my sense of disgust thanks to zoloft, but nothing else has come back.
how did you accomplish it?
>thanking an SSRI
you're gonna wish you hadn't rewired your brain in a few years but it will be too late by then
3 ways
a) wrote MMO bots in C++ and Assembly; farmed and sold in-game gold
b) regular crypto trading and long-term hodling
c) wrote and used a crypto coin arbitrage bot
I tried few SSRI they usually don't work. Anyway I feel something else beside anger and that is disgust. I am more normal than ever before.
What do you mean user
dude you've got to try and pursue things that make you happy. if i was financially stable, just enough to quit my job and pursue my dreams, i would be a lot happier than i am now. i'd meet people along the way to bond with. youve got the chance to find happines, no matter how fulfilled you are in life there will always be people who don't like you.
I have all of these, kind of. What should I do. I even just quit school, so what should I do to save myself? I'm pretty shy, but am willing to go out of my comfort zone if its better for me.
People are fucking animals OP, don't give a shit about them.
The only opinions you should listen to are your own and carefully consider the advice and opinions of your immediate family.
Everyone else can fuck off.
You have to
1) change those apparently autistic traits
2) start liking yourself
I'd say you have some good basis seeing you made lots of money and know how to program.
alternatively give your money to me ree ree
who are these trillionaires that you speak of