ITT: Historical DLC
ITT: Historical DLC
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What the fuck do you even meme?
Not OP, but I think he just means historical events that seem so odd (such as American troops fighting in China during the Boxer Rebellion like in OP's pic) to the average person that if history were a video game, they would be included as DLC for shits and giggles.
This painting depicts the charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo, not the charge of the light brigade.
The odyssey of the Czechoslovak Legion during the Russian Civil War.
This right here is probably the craziest story
The Nazi invaison and occupation of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Pretty unnecessary looking back.
The Communist expansion pack was great and all but they ran with it for too long leading to disasters like
>he Communist expansion pack was great and all
Are you kidding? When they anounced it they said it would be free. Now look at this bullshit dlc for 20 bucks. No wonder most their playerbase left and only some childern and third world shitholers play this shit anymore.
You buy the NSDAP edition and get these guys as a preorder bonus
This ain't the charge of the light brigade
It was a publicity stunt to sell war bonds.
The Raid of St. Nazaire
The Gran Chaco War.
Please, enlighten us
fucking hell
Nice little skirmish DLC, pretty small but interesting
thanks for the explanation, Reddit
I was immediately confused.
Battle of Attu
I don't know enough off the top of my head to give a detailed account but it's basically this
>Czechs and Slovaks fighting for Russian army
>Revolution happens
>Main Russian and German armies between them and their homeland
>Reds order them to give up their weapons
>"Fuck that"
>They seize control of a train station
>Keep going east and capturing more
>Eventually they control most of the Trans Siberian railroad
>In a running battle with the reds the entire time
>After a year and this giant Odyssey, they make it to British, American and Happened
Japanese controlled Vladivostok
>Get on a ship and go home
>Oh yeah, they basically captured the Russian treasury
>When they make it back they start a bank in Prague together
He was just helping to explain, nigger
>tfw I'll never live through that kind of event
Don't let your pigs eat our tubers, damn Anglo-Canadians.
Dammit, apparently there are 3 other pig wars in history. Here is the U.S./British Empire link.
I used to live there right on the border there
Saturna Island
Remember hearing about this shit a lot lol. I think there's still local disagreements about weed smuggling
Joe Beyrle and his romp through American and Russian lines all while flirting with the Battalion commander and playing in prison camps.
>"Assalamu alaikum. In the name of Allah and Der Führer, I command you to fight the Jews kaffir. Or else"
I think it's important to note that the czechoslovak legion (as some point gaining so much popularity it reached 40,000 soldiers made up of worldwide soldiers) first gained the public eye due to it defeating a larger austrian army.
The russians weren't exactly allowed to have foreign armies but they did anyway (like others) and in the battle of Zborov their czech legion (with permanent radio contact to Masaryk in Moscow) gained so much fame that the entire world basically went "who are these guys?...whatever give them a country" but the allies decided that when Russia signed peace, that the czechs must fight on, and so they set off to Vladivostok in order to cross the pacific in order to cross Canada or Panama and then cross the atlantic and fight the germans in France.
Before half of them got to Vladivostok the Russian Revolution happened and they were now traveling through a country they had not signed any right of passage with, which happened to be a country cracking down on anyone not taking it up the ass by Lenin and so they stopped the legionnaires (in Omsk i believe) and demanded immediate disarmament and surrender. Some sources say this started with a scuffle and a bit of banter in a pub i don't know but point is the czechs got deffensive about their beer and retaliated.
When those who were already in Vladivostok heard there was a conflict rising they occupied the city they were waiting in and then stole a train named Orlik to go and save their brothers in uktuk-uktuk ass fuck out of nowhere and found that those were faring relatively well so they attacked a bunch of towns, got some medals from the americans and the japs (who joined the war precicely to save the czechs in "need") and then accidentally got the entire Siberian orthodox conservatives to join them and ultimately led to a bloody civil war...
They stole a bunch of cool shit tho and now it's in our palace
It looks like they're on a fucking field trip.
Can you believe these SJW devs? Snownigger Kingdom in Africa? Why do they ignore history? Africa belongs to the BLACK man.
Operation Panzerfaust
>The Maikop Raid
>In early August 1942, a Brandenburger unit of 62 Baltic and Sudeten Germans led by Adrian von Fölkersam penetrated farther into enemy territory than any other German unit. They had been ordered to seize and secure the vital Maikop oilfields. Disguised as men of the dreaded Soviet security police, the NKVD, and driving Soviet trucks, Fölkersam's unit passed through the Soviet front lines and moved deep into hostile territory. The Brandenburgers ran into a large group of Red Army deserters fleeing from the front. Fölkersam saw an opportunity to use them to the unit's advantage. By persuading them to return to the Soviet cause, he was able to join with them and move almost at will through the Russian lines.
>Operating under the false identity of NKVD Major Truchin, based in Stalingrad, Fölkersam explained his role in recovering the deserters to the Soviet commander in charge of Maikop's defences. The commander not only believed Fölkersam, but the next day gave him a personal tour of the city's defenses. By August 8, the German spearheads were only 12 miles away and the Brandenburgers made their move. Using grenades to simulate an artillery attack, they knocked out the military communications centre for the city. Fölkersam then went to the Russian defenders and told them that a withdrawal was taking place. Having seen Fölkersam with their commander and lacking any communications to rebut or confirm his statement, the Soviets began to evacuate Maikop. The German spearhead entered the city without a fight on August 9, 1942.
They basically were
Realistic worlds my ass
>When you use Hun as an insult against the kraut 15 years later even though you were doing the exact same thing to the Boxers.
I've noticed this before andjust thought that the germanic rulers must have got sunburned a lot
Kek. It's an interesting story but no one was even shot. Does more weed go into the U.S. from Canada or vice versa?
Basically rural BC produces huge amounts of pot and sells it to the USA
They even have tunnels. It's almost Mexico tier, but it's just pot, there's very little violence, and the Canadians aren't trying to immigrate
I just remember like some stories about smugglers on boats at night and sometimes something would go wrong. I wasn't there very long and I was working for the government so I didn't hear a whole lot about it
Reminds me of the drug trafficking subplot in Twin Peaks. They were trafficking cocaine, but I'm sure that goes through in some amount too.
Holy shit that's awesome.
that's a sikh
You mean Medal of Honor, European Assault?
Pick up a book
how the germans kept bamboozling others i still don't know
Could also be the tutorial.
>>Oh yeah, they basically captured the Russian treasury
Too bad the russians went on to capture Czechoslovakia's treasury in 1945
Battle of Muret
Wow, this little skirmish was an interesting sidenote
Would make great DLC for my WW1 game
The Holy Roman Empire expansion sucked, it didn't even feel like Roman Empire anymore.
>hollyclap will never make a film about this
That time the Gauls invaded the Balkans and Greece, defeated the Greeks and Macedonians at Thermopylae, and some of them settled in Anatolia.
It is said by Arrian that Alexander met with two envoys of the Balkan Celts shortly after subjugating Thrace (this was long before their invasion of Anatolia of course). He asked them "What do you fear most?". He expected them to say "You, my lord", but their reply was "The sky falling on our heads."
Oh so that's where it comes from
Don't forget about the only Czech naval battle
Sky falling on their heads was a common meme between celts, not just this one instance
Best DLC ever
>resuing the same assets multiple times
Lazy as fuck devs
To be fair Hollywood already made The Warriors which is based on a book, which was based on an even older ancient Greek book, about that basic premise happening.
>his son was ambassador to Russia under Obama and one of the main people behind that retarded failed "reset" a few years ago
Wonder how the man would feel about that.
>when the character from the "Nazi Germany" campaign becomes so popular that you have to include him again in the "Cold war" DLC as the leader of Yugoslavia to pander to fans
I swear the fucking fan-service on this game.
That guy got killed off in one of the sadder parts of the Post-WWII expansion. You must be referring to TitOP as fuck.
>Too bad the russians went on to capture Czechoslovakia's treasury in 1945
Not-so-fun fact: when the Commies took Czechoslovakia after WW2 they hunted down the surviving Czech Legion veterans and imprisoned many of them (at least, those that ze Germans hadn't already got to when THEY took Czechoslovakia in 1938).
The Entente interventions in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, and Vladivostok during the Russian Civil War.
>Nobody has mentioned this yet
This still blows my mind.
>voyage of the damned
It's truly an apt name.
>To try and restore some semblance of order and battle readiness, Rozhestvensky ordered gunnery practice. None of the destroyers scored any hits on a stationary target. Of the battleships, the flagship scored a single hit which was on the ship towing the target. A destroyer squadron ordered to sail in line abreast formation scattered during exercises, as the officers had not been issued with new code books. Seven torpedoes were fired - one of which jammed, three swung off target, two chugged slowly and missed the target altogether and one went round in a circle causing ships to scatter in panic. For good measure the "Kamchatka" sent a signal saying she was sinking - on investigation this turned out to be nothing more than a cracked steam pipe in the engine room.
How the fuck did stuff like this even happen?
Anyone else download the mod where the enemy leaders are dressed like women and your soldiers can gangbang them?
Would make a great tutorial mission for a ww2 game.
That's amazing. Sounds like something straight out of a movie.
>ended up dead in France
Shame, would have been a wild ride of an autobiography
>Anglo-Spanish victory
This is the secondary/peripherary theaters of the napoleonic wars.
Though this is misleading in its mention of the peninsular war as not producing any french casualties.
The peninsular war was an early guerilla campain (and the first extensive use of the rifle regiment) to restore the spanish to sovereignty after napoleon had subjugated them. The french garrison forces were roundly defeated but the comaritively small guerilla force was forced to retreat up the entire iberian peninsular when napoleon himself led his entire Grand Armee in a counter offensive.
Oh and the reaosn its considered an Anglo-Spanish victory is because all the expedition objectives were met, spain was restored (and against napoleon) while heavy losses were inflicted on the garrisons, the first French relief force and the Grand Armee. The Peninsular war was taught in my history class as the turning point in the napoleonic wars, though im of a different opinion nowadays.
>ask for an explanation of what the hell OP tried to say
>someone tries to explain OP's reasoning
>insult them for helping you
This is why nobody likes to give sauce, ingrate
Reminds me of the Belgian Expeditionary Corps in Russia.
>small force of 400 Belgians get send with the most modernised tanks of the time to Russia
>revolution happens
>stuck in new USSR
>hassle to accross the country, to Manchuria
>get evacuated to the States
>victory tour
>back to the western front
>no-one trust you because you witnessed the commies, think you're a fifth collumn
fuck those guys, disgusting traitors with no honour - handed over their commander - admiral Kolchak to save their lives and sabotaged railroads during retreat so their allies from Polish corps would have been killed off by Bolsheviks, just to have a little bit higher own chances of survival
Civ's suicidal level ai DLC.
I've lived here my whole life, how come I've never heard of this?!
>Wermacht and U.S. fighting side by side against the SS
I was immediately aroused
nah fuck off dumb ass.
The czechs did all of the heavy lifting while kolchak sat on his ass. The czechs were so close to saving the Romanovs but the bolsheviks got to them first and at some point decided finally that this was not their war (which it really wasen't) and made a deal to be able to finally leave that dumb country.
Traitors with no honour are the Russians who had enjoyed the work done by czechs and the French/English who sold an entire country's population to a tyrant and then were saved by said populations and never returned the favour of liberation.