What was the greatest empire and why was it Rome
Roman Empire
>why was it Rome
Because it lasted until 1453.
Rome seems like the greatest empire-
Why didn't he conquer the area surrounding Dacia.
yeah why didn't he conquer that?
Conquering shit is easy, all you have to do is have superior numbers or better technology. Holding the damned conquered lands and spreading your culture and civilisation is what makes an empire successful. In that sense, Rome, China and the Islamic Empire are successful as fuck whereas Alexander and Genghis Khan's conquests are utter failures.
Wasn't Alexander the reason there were Greeks ruling over India
>Alexander didn't spread his culture and civilization
Okay. Alexander's empire may have fragmented, but his conquests are among the most influential events ever to occur in all of history you mongoloid. And Genghis may not have spread his culture, but he certainly did spread his seed.
>all you have to do is have superior numbers or better technology.
The golden horde was powerful not really for numbers ( they didn't always outnumber) and not necessarily because of technology (albeit horse archery is very efficient in the right hands) but because they had smart leaders leading a the most mobile army in the world full of people experienced in warfare since they were youths.
Would Julius Caesar have succeeded in his plan to
>conquer Parthia
>move north across the Caucasus and conquer nomads living there
>go back through northern Europe and conquer Magna Germania while at it
It seems unfeasible, but he was pretty confident about it and he was fucking Julius Caesar.
>Conquering shit is easy, all you have to do is have superior numbers or better technology.
Then why did white people fail at conquering muslims? They had neither right? topkek.
He probably could've grabbed the actual region of Parthia but not anywhere near all of Persia. Caesar was great but he wasn't Alexander and he wouldbt have had the benefit of the Persians fighting an apocalyptic war like the Rashiduns did, although the Persians kept fucking with the Rashiduns and then got their ass kicked
> whereas Alexander
Dude, Hellenism and Greek culture remained in the Middle East and Western India for centuries.
The last Greek kindoms in India did not evaporate until the 6th century AD, 900 years after Alexander lol.
Same thing with the Mongol Empire. It didn't disappear out of nowhere, it just split into several different Khanates. Golden Horde in Europe lasted 362 years.
Mughal Empire lasted till 18th centuary
True, but the difference is that Alexanders remnants were culturally dominant to the conquered natives, while the Mongol successors were immediately assimilated into whatever local breed was present.
You are right however, they still were Mongol successor states and should count.
lol at these morons actually trying to pretend ponynigger mongols spread any meaningful culture.
/r/asianmasculinity ITT.
what is this meme? I get it with the HRE, but the ERE was quite literally the eastern half of the empire that evolved into the middle ages
strategically it was a bad move taking Dacia in the first place, no river to defend behind
heck even the USSR was more impressive.
Muslims had better cavalry, archery, and war engines (trebuchets, siege towers, etc). And most of the times Muslim leaders and their armies literally traveled all the way from Baghdad to to Sicily just to help fellow muslim kingdoms there. Some muslim kings didn't even meet for once before and yet they came to each other's help against non-muslims. Meanwhile, Christian Europeans would more often than not fight each other instead of facing the muslims. It wasn't until the Crusades that Christians knew what's wrong, and even then the stupid Spaniards kept fighting for centuries before uniting and launching the reconquista.
The Mongols did bring many practical things like new breeds of horses, gunpowder and opening up the silk road.
reddit's echo chambers are creepy, if they want a white gf why don't they go outside instead of whining on the internet
China. There's no fucking competition.
It basically influenced its entire region around it, whilst having its ebbs and flows, during the Song they were close to an industrial revolution but never achieved it due to anit-capitalistic values.
And now they are rising again, China is always relevant and always will be.
Rome takes 2nd place probably
And third Persia.
for all the talk about Roman superiority they certainly didn't live as long as China which is a world power even today
really makes you think
>barren grasslands and forests