Why do i always see blacks LARPing about Egypt (which wasn't even black), but never about Ethiopia, the actual black civilization?
Why do i always see blacks LARPing about Egypt (which wasn't even black), but never about Ethiopia...
Ethiopian history isn't popular in AmeriKKKa
Ive never heard of blacks claiming to be egyptian
Because black Ethiopians LARP as Jews.
>"The Ethiopians conceive themselves to be of greater antiquity than any other nation; and it is probable that, born under the sun's path, its warmth may have ripened them earlier than other men. They suppose themselves also to be the inventors of divine worship, of festivals, of solemn assemblies, of sacrifices, and every religious practice. They affirm that the Egyptians are one of their colonies."
Diodorus Siculus (Lib. III)
Ethiopians aren't related to African Americans
And they did its called Rastafarians and Ethiopians hate them
>blacks have been LARPing as Egyptians since ancient times
some things truly never change.
Ironically it's because white people always cared about Egypt more, niggers are wewuzing simply to impress white people and prove to them that whites wuz neanderthals n shit.
>Diodorus Siculus
He was alive in the 1st century back when Nubia was called Ethiopia
and Ethiopia was called Axum
He more than likely meant Nubians
Ethiopia back then meant Nubia
And Egypt was a Nubian colony at one time
> (which wasn't even black)
ummm...excuse me?
Don't answer this post.
>He doesn't know about the Queen of Sheba
Lol it's a great story
>Be King Soloman invite Queen of Sheba to Netflix and chill
>she accepts when her parents are out of town
>she tells you that you can not force yourself upon her
>you agree as long as she promises not to steal anything
>she agrees
>you send her to her room
>no food, no water, no wine
>nothing at all for days
>finally she breaks down and takes a glass of water
>you pop out from behind le curtain
Doesn't matter had sex. And that's what really happened between King Soloman and the Queen of Sheba
That's a depiction of a delegation from Punt, not of Egyptians.
He says, answering the post.
>actualy wewuzing
come on man, just come on.
Because Egypt is more ptominent than the the rest of Africa in modern culture, so they just lach onto it like parasities.
Also I assume it's partly because examining actual black cultures will lead them to find the sorts of institutions like slavery that they believe were invented by whites in the 17th century.
because some of them are uneducated and ignorant people with no real interest in history and the other 90% are trolls like you
That is the most Jewish thing I read today.
Ethiopia meant everything below the Sahara to the Greeks The Kushites were Sudanese, who are darker than Ethiopians, who just look like pooinloos with curly hair.
Egypt wasn't a Kushite colony, they conquered it when it was down and stylised themselves as Pharaohs, then reverse annexed their own homeland, kind of like the Normans in England.
Kush and Ethiopia are both black civs, picking Egypt as their hill to die on is just stupid.
Ethiopians are really ancient and interesting, that's true. But even if some Egyptians were black it's still not sub saharan africans where most US blacks come from. Actually larping like that is pretty sad because they are still trying to be respected according to their oppressors standard. They should embrace tribalis and being cool hunter gatherers / noble savage and all that stuff like native americans. It's a pretty interesting life style and more truthful. Can we really say that some white peasant from medieval france had better life or was more develop than a tribal african that hunted for lions and stuff?
>They should embrace tribalis and being cool hunter gatherers
Or learn about Mali, or Ghana or Ashanti or Benin.
Actual Empires that are western African.
Pick one.