Thoughts on Sargon of Akkad?
Thoughts on Sargon of Akkad?
Too much of a pussy to take on the alt-right
actual sargon = based
youtube sargon = autistic right wing neckbeard loser
One of the greatest rulers of all time
Memory ruined by the autism of one Brit
Sargon is not right-wing, he is a classical liberal.
Apparently he invented the man bun
Someone post the le radical centrist meme
But seriously idk why he like to pretend to be a centrist when he doesn't even know what communism is
Charlatan that targets the vulnerable
>classical liberal.
Literally the most retarded term out there
>Too cucked to be a right winger
>Too scared to take on the right wing seriously
There isn't nearly enough Bronze Age related autism on this board, or in the world at large.
>classical liberal
Careful, all of /leftypol/ is gonna creep out to call him fascist and alt-right.
>classical liberal
It is right wing
Or you know, just not a flaming radical trying to up-heave society
>Sarcoon the quadroon
>Right wing
Holy fuck go back to Get the fuck out of here
One of the best rulers of the bronze age, the dynasty he started was top tier overall.
>mfw reasonable positions have been forced into the right's camp by crazed leftards
I'm right as a motherfucker
Classical liberals are cucks plain and simple
I hate centrists more than liberals
Classical liberialism respects statehood and fetishes private property so no, it is center right at best. In that red-green-blue-purple test, they would be purple.
Do Classical liberals join or support pic related? Yea I didn't think so
My roommate loves the guy, so I get to hear about him a lot. I don't even disagree with him on everything, but the man is insufferable. He puts on airs of a philosopher when he didn't even finish high school. /pol/ should hate him more than anyone because his kind of social media nu-alt right faggotry is what turned their board into the newfag infested mess it is today.
>that green-red-blue-purple test
Holy shit my sides
Its called the political compass test fyi.
I could swear I've seen this exact same thread with the same exact wording and responses on this board at LEAST once
How else can I explain just basic knowledge of the political spectrum to simpletons on Veeky Forums?
If you want I can talk about the differences between the left from anarchists to socialists to social democrats.
Can we actually talk about the real Sargon of Akkad of the Akkadian Empire? Was he actually a good leader of is there not enough info on him to tell?
We had someone arguing that bronze weapons and armor were better than iron in another thread
my mind is drawing the word "pretentious" when I see this question
one of these can shatter the other
The Akkadians liked him and he seems to have been competent and valued his people and justice given the time period.
I hate to bring us Skallagrim but he had some tests on weapons modelled after late bronze age swords and the held up real well. They bent somewhat but could just as easily be bent back, they cut pretty well and of course steel weapons dented them up but hardly destroyed them.
Actual Sargon is an interesting figure of history.
Youtube Sargon is a retard. Not just for the things he believes but his total inability to realize that the overwhelming majority of criticisms he has for people he opposes ideologically are present in his other videos. Sometimes the exact same videos he is criticizing someone in. The amount of times he has accused someone of "poisoning the well" only to start off another video by saying that someone/something/some idea is inherently retarded is baffling. He is either a moron or he knows he is contradicting himself and only does it for views/money. He is the Alex Jones of youtube, except Alex Jones is at least worthy of a watch for his particular brand of showmanship. Sargon is just shit.
Classical liberal is just an old term(and extremely broad) that only makes sense in historical context. It's just been reappropriated by left centrists that are also libertarian(ish) to justify their fence sitting.
Littleraly a cancerous meme propagated by Sargoom the Legume in the hopes that something as limp dick as this would ever be taken to a political forefront. It's why he always pays lip service to fighting the culture war but just fucks around.
It's cancer, pure cancer, just stop defending it.
Another designated low hanging fruit hitter.
Iron is cheaper and more widespread geographically.
I hear Bronze can have surprisingly good material characteristics though.
>particular brand of showmanship
Excellent choice of words lol
Its not a bad metal, people did still use it for armor even in the iron age--probably because it was easy to shape-- but I dont know of any society that kept using bronze weapons after even crude steel was developed.
>Tried his hardest to remove all right wing influence during gamergate
Yeah nah.
>It's cancer, pure cancer, just stop defending it.
Your raving tribalism looks a hell of a lot more like a tumor to me.
>gave a shit about gamergate
I have honestly never met a single person who actually gave a fuck about Gamergate that wasn't a huge fucking cock, no matter what side they were one.
Anyone who cared about any of it deserves cancer.
You're talking about shit that doesn't matter. My point was his actions regardining it, not Gamergate itself.
Your raving anti tribalism looks a hell of a lot more like a tumor to me.
Oh wait you do have a tribe, it's your own fucking anus.
>Oh wait you do have a tribe, it's your own anus
absolutely btfo, how will he ever recover
I'm actually fairly curious now. What exactly do you see as a reasonable, non-fence-sitting position in this "culture war" of yours, anyway? I don't recall being conscripted into anything.
Him and all the other talking heads on Youtube remind me of kids having arguments, just a barrage of ad hominem associated with the same point being made over and over as they softball every turd with a camera to themselves.
>I hate centrists more than liberals
Oh boy, here we go.
You are missing the point, people who fence sit are special snowflakes with egos so big they don't want to risk ever having their beliefs challenged ever.
Only interested in proclaiming they are above such petty issues(Look at me so smart) or I have a special snowflake stance(ignorant opinion).
Just ego windowdressing by not having windows.
I'm mad that the first thing I think of is the yt personality.
A false flag? No true rightist would hate centrist more than liberals.
fuck off, carl
>If you feel certain political ideologies have taken a wrong turn and you don't want to equate yourself to them then you are a dirty fence sitter who doesn't care about anything! XD
Fun Fact: That pic actually isn't Sargon
THIS. I love Mesopotamian history and liked the myths surrounding Sargon, now I can't look at that image without wanting to punch that fat bearded youtube cuck in his face.
Calling feminists "stewpid" and arguing with other people's videos is not very interesting.
Also he's fat.
Carl of Swindon is a faggot and a cuck, but "classical liberal" is a term that had to be invented because Americans fucked the definition of "liberal" so badly. Elsewhere in the world, Carl of Swindon is just a "liberal", it's only in faggotland aka America that the "classical" part is needed.
>leftypol has a meetup
>/pol/ has a meetup
>they're all niggers of one kind or another
Bronze weapons are MUCH better than iron, not only much harder but also keep an edge better. Steel weapons, on the other hand, are even better than bronze.
Why do some Youtubers on the right (and new atheists in general) so arrogant to liken themselves to notable figures of history?
Even then, it doesn't seem that far fetched for a Frenchman to call his persona "Charlemagne" for example. But that idiotic Brit is not even Semitic, nor of Mesopotamian descent.
Heck, this is how /pol/ can always shit on that fat fuck and he can't be a white nationalist even if he wanted to: He's already bowed down to the brown man.
>inb4 a lookalike of Sargon today would be considered white.
That's because bronze is far more expensive than iron.
It's like when advertisers use classical music to sell shit, just unbelievably annoying faggotry. If this fat part-coon Britcuck wants to share his stupid, meandering, ill-conceived, semi-moronic "opinions" on yt then fine, but did he HAVE to shit up such a great figure by stealing his name AND likeness?
AFAIK he's literally the only youtuber who does this, AND he's not right wing (he's a Labour voting economic illiterate)
So you hate free markets... And think people who support free markets are cucks...
...and call yourself right wing?
Not that retarded faggot but there's nothing contradictory about that. Right wing only means "ultraliberal" in America, elsewhere right wingers are often anti-capitalist.
>right wingers are often anti-capitalist.
Like who?
Like fascists, for instance? Or old-school protectionists? Or feudalists? There are a tonne of right-wing anticapitalist positions, read a book.
>fascists, for instance? Or old-school protectionists?
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nah. I give feudalists to you though
So what you're saying is, you're a moron? You consider corporativism to be "capitalist"? You consider protectionism to be "free markets"?
>the defenders of the proleteriat
>middleclass teens and fuckers who haven't ever done a hard days work in their life
I consider them to have some minor arguments like capitalism than to advocate its immediate and utter removal ala socialism
Then you don't know what you're talking about. Corporativism was absolutely 100% about replacing capitalism with a new system.
>advocate its immediate and utter removal ala socialism
Also, Social Democrats are a thing, they advocate the building of socialism slowly via democratic means.
So private property would not exist under this system?
>advocate the building of socialism slowly via democratic means.
Tbh that is democratic socialism. Socdem is more a top down reforming the capitalism framework to fit a socialistic one
>So private property would not exist under this system?
That's not the definition of capitalism. Private property existed under feudalism, too.
One of a large breed of internet neckbeards who pride themselves on being "logical" while peddling a shitflood of logical fallacies and hide behind greco-roman/ancient mesopotamian statue avatars because they don't look in any way respectable IRL.
>hurr pointing out that I'm a hypocrite is silly
>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Are you stupid? That was a rhetorical question by the way, it's very obvious that you are, in fact, stupid.
Under feudalism, people could own things. Hell, they could even own their own business! I guess by your "reasoning", feudalism is a form of capitalism, amirite?
>durr you can't change society unless you are utterly oppressed or you remove yourself from society hurr
>wanting to change the society you live in is hypocrisy
Wew lad
Great argument, moron. Guess what? You're STILL a hypocrite!
Private property =/= personal property.
>Private property is a legal designation for the ownership of property by non-governmental legal entities.[1] Private property is distinguishable from public property, which is owned by a state entity; and from collective (or cooperative) property, which is owned by a group of non-governmental entities.[2][3] Private property is further distinguished from personal property, which refers to property for personal use and consumption.
Think "Land owned by a company"
Private property existed under feudalism you utter dunce. Private property would exist under Corporativism, too. Guess what? That doesn't make it capitalism.
>the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labour, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.
At this point of time you are spilting hairs
>Great argument, moron. Guess what? You're STILL a hypocrite!
Kind of a tangent, but these are exactly the type of "logical arguments" Sargon and the like go for. They cosplay as great philosophers and then put out babby mode analysis like "HOW CAN YOU HATE CAPITALISM, YOU OWN A MACBOOK!"
That image just proves that you're a commie fucktard.
Also fuck the haters, sargon is awesome and funny.
Yes, serfs under feudalism didn't own private property. You know who else didn't? Slaves under capitalism. OOPS, I guess that means capitalism isn't capitalist!
Not really there are other youtubers just not as popular. You do see the bulk of the arrogant typically new atheist + rightwing
Slaves were private property
>Identity Politics is good when it means I don;t have to think about things that make me uncomfortable.
That comic makes it sound like Marxist didn't ever try to follow his ideas. The soviet model became popular because Marx actual ideas were unworkable
ideology critique is entirely separable from 'socialist' economic policy.
>Facebook filename
Lol, this fucking board. One of the most politically illiterate posts I've read.
>right wingers are often anti-capitalist.
Considering most right wingers are conservatives you're full of shit. Also even if some parties are for example protectionist that doesn't make them anti-capitalist. By that logic the only people that are pro-capitalism are anarcho-capitalists.
>right wingers are often anti-capitalist.
The closest you'll get to an anti-capitalist right wing are the ones who pretend to be populist for support early on, like Mussolini or Donald Trump.
You're either a hard-core feminist liberal or a die-hard autistic trumpet right-winger
>Considering most right wingers are conservatives you're full of shit.
Protip moron: The USA =/= the whole world. "Conservative" only means "ultraliberal" in America, there are a ton of right-wing groups, governments and ideologies that are anti-capitalist.
He's a cringeworthy clown who could easily outperform any of the idiots on this board.