Ethereum got Stolen

rest in fucking rip



>six days to even realize it

wasn't smart, it was on a cloudhosting service and got and the private key got an obvious filename

This is why we use hardware wallets.

how much did he steal?

I think you posted this before? Your PK was on dropbox and got index fucked by google, ye?

Dropbox? Unencrypted key?

probably had the private key in a notepad file or something me thinks

he would need op's personal password to crack the json file / encrypted private key

I keep my wallets on an external hard drive which is currently burried in my back yard


oh no oh god no
it looks like you'll have to work for a few hours to recoup oh goodness me how will you ever deal with the loss

Why "he"??? A woman wouldn't have the technical ability??????? Wow.


I think you should take a fucking chill pill.
Fuck off back to tumblr/reddit.

>Everyone on the internet is a mad until proven otherwise.

>Writing in English
Why English? What if other language speakers can't understand your post???? Wow.



holy fuck wat?

dont take bait this obvious pls biz, you're better than that

You got out easy

T. Lost 17.45 ETH the same way


Quick question tho...

Why are you ppl storing things on cloud storage?

Even keeping it in the fucking trading website is safer..

why the fk would you keep 17.45 eth in dropbox

I don't give a shit if he was "baiting" me by using the wrong pronoun. The fact that a moron like him would even THINK of doing that is plain disgusting. It is evil.

100% crypto noob here I have just created a wallet and I have stored it in dropbox.
Why is this bad if I have 20 letter/symbol password?

> moron like him


I agree, sexism is wrong...and being wrong is for women.

Only a male could be that inconsiderate. That is not misgendering. It is just a fact.

I don't know why you're attacking me when I am the victim here.

idk I keep some of my crypto on exchanges and the other ones on flash drives.

I really don't trust cloud shits...Dropbox is the worst thing ever invented.

I think that at least those exchanges have some what anti ddos and other protections.

you do know that (it's pretty common nowadays) that you have to confirm with your mobile (and computer) to get acces, this makes it A LOT more secure.