Why have Jews been so oppressed throughout history?
Why have Jews been so oppressed throughout history?
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>inb4 hand rubbing memes
Pretty much all minorities are oppressed by majorities in wherever they happen to be. Jews have managed to keep their religious/cultural identity for a hell of a long time without being eradicated or absorbed into other population groups.
Hence, they've been oppressed forever, as opposed to groups like the Gauls that have simply ceased to exist.
Historically, they have a tendency to start shit wherever they go. Even now, Jews have their own fucking country and they still can't resist pissing people off.
>Kicked out of 100 different countries spanning so many different cultures
>It's everyone elses fault
>we wuz oppressseds
They didn't do themselves any favor by refusing to assimimilate and claiming they are " god's chosen people" while under the rule of others.
They were really noisy under Roman occupation, even going so far as to start wars. They also got kicked out of an impressive number of countries, some of these being Russia, Poland, Prussia, Italy and France.
For a contemporary example, look at Israel's attempts at expansion, even after being told to stop by the International community. Israel even threatened war with New Zealand because of it.
Can you stop lying?
>denying well known historical facts
Too lazy to do work for someone wilfully ignorant, jews harp about this stuff all the time. Even Jewikipedia has info, plenty of expulsions/"""atrocities""" listed there
>it's 2017 and he's still not redpilled on the JQ
>they were really noisy under Roman occupation
Well, yeah, they were occupied, and like most occupied peoples they didn't like that very much. Can you really blame them?
>Pretty much all minorities are oppressed by majorities in wherever they happen to be.
Just as often a minority rules over and oppress a majority.
Easy and obvious scapegoat for all problems.
>that's what bluepillers believe
>do not assimilate with the culture and the people of their current whereabouts
>fuck over the masses instead
they were always a fifth column always ready to side wit the enemy at the walls of the host country because you know maybe they wont opress us DDD so lets help them. Just natural born traitors and spies.
Does that kike really think the Ashkenazis of Israel won't be swallowed whole by Palestinians in another generation or two? Demographics don't exactly favor the jews.
It's easy to blame all your problems on a minority group of people you don't know anything about.
It's an instinct mentality that a lot of people do to avoid admitting there is something wrong with them even if they endanger the lives of others or risk taking other people down with them that don't deserve it.
They've been blamed for practically everything- even for things like the black death, simply because Europeans didn't bathe, and this was somehow the semites fault according to the way Europeans think.
First they were scapegoated by Romans, because having the messiah of a state's religion be murdered by the state itself is fucking embarrassing.
After, they were your garden variety ethnic minority, excluded from mainstream society. Mainstream Christianity outlawed moneylending and capital, so when Jews got into that (after being excluded from almost everything else) they were hated for that too.
Once industrialization hit and feudalism gave way to capitalism, the capitalist and moneylending Jews began to usurp the nobility, the bourgeoisie, and the common men in power, so they found solidarity in shitting on Jews. While this was happening, the vast majority of Jews were still poor and in ghettos, so they had this weird situation where they were treated the way we'd treat poor blacks, Muslims, AND the "1%" today.
You can see how something like Nazism, that gained initial support by railing against capital before pivoting to railing against minorities and working class leftism, all while aggrandizing traditionalism, had such a hard-on against Jews.
they make parallel societies within the very ones which invited them.First it was being monotheists when polytheists were catching them all, then it was for killing jesus and sabotaging the prophet mohamed, then it was for promoting communism, upto the point of armed partisans.
That goes for most of small ethnic groups. If a were to seek similiar group then I would point you at Romani people. Most of folks hate are annoyed by them, because they have their own language and culture. World before 21th century wasn't so tolerant, so naturally people were offensive toward them because they had their own culture and traditions to uphold.
In my opinion:
Jewish people need to stop victimizing themselves, but they won't. Why, people ask? Most of people are more willing to help someone who is "hurt", so you can exploit it and they do it. From the historical point of view Izreal shouldn't exist in the first place, because there never was such a country (pre-wars). I never don't understood the logic that followed that decision ,but well it happened. Jewish community was never organized (to create/found country) due to their beliefs.
From my experience jewish community is one of the most intolerant one in the world.
>Alienate a group from mainstream society.
>"Why don't they assimilate?"
>Literally exterminate most of their race.
>"Why won't they stop victimizing themselves?"
It's all historical payback for Jericho
Sorry Schlomo
>All the libshit Jew apologists in this thread
Can Veeky Forums be saved?
fuck off and out, whitey-spook.
Honestly I think it has a lot to do with Christianity. The Jews are responsible for Christ's condemnation in the New Testament, or rather they are perceived as responsible.
That said, I'd also like to mention that Christians historically couldn't borrow money from each other and relegated that job to Jews. Unfortunately money-lending is a lucrative business, and since Jews are a very familial people, they would tend to have very rich families throughout generations.
So, it's a double-whammy really. They were religious enemies, and when they became rich and influential, they became material enemies as well.
put a bullet in your head, commie
That page doesn't say why they were expelled for most of them though?
Obviously irrational and unfounded anti-semitism
They deserved it
>your own religious book proudly touts how you exterminated the native populace of your """""""homeland""""""" through the grace of God
>boo-hoo when karma comes back around
t. Joo
Obvious /pol/Stormfront bait thread.
Violates global rule #3.
If you don't like the topic just hide the thread you fascist sjw bullyman
Fuck off
No. We don't have to put up with Stormfront-style racists invading every board on Veeky Forums.
Nothing about the thread topic is objectively racist or stromfag related
It's a very real fact of history that the Jewish people have often suffered under oppression.
If YOU don't want to talk about it don't. If you don't want to see it hide the thread.
If you can't handle ANYONE talking about it too fucking bad to be honest.
You self-righteous screeching bully
>stumbles into a conversation
>begins screeching autistically
>threatens to call the conversation police
>can't allow anyone not doing what he wants them to do
Seriously just hide the thread
That's what (((they))) want you to think
But that's the tactic, isn't it?
Post a question that looks objective, and then spew racism in response to it.
That's an extremely paranoid way to look at life.
Do you very often think that those around you have a hidden, hostile agenda?
Was this fantasy common throughout your childhood?
have you ever me a Jew?
they deserve it
Child, randomly capitalizing words in your sentences is not a good start to whatever point you're trying to make.
One day, you'll have enough self awareness to realize you're projecting your own qualities on others.
user was the one talking about tactics and hidden agendas
Ok I'll clarify, I was responding to this post
>That's an extremely paranoid way to look at life.
>Do you very often think that those around you have a hidden, hostile agenda?
>Was this fantasy common throughout your childhood?
that was the one defending shitposting about kikes as (((serious))) discussion.
Europeans love blaming other people for their own problems.
Because in the old times people were unable to think outside of in-groups and out-groups so whenever they shared a town with the jews they perceived them as different to their own kind.
seems like you never met a jew if you think so