I´m very bullish for next week

I´m very bullish for next week

good gains are coming, Veeky Forumsbros

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bullish on what in particular OP

Me too. I want all Veeky Forumsraelis to make it.

just a feeling

tell me what to buy dammit

I hope she invites me to tel Aviv so I can join the Bancor board of directors

Probably bullish on xrp thanks to 75+ banks

how about you buy my bags you weeaboo faggot

what are you sellin

I'm liking, STRAT, BGD, XVG, BURST and ETC

XVG all the way

Same user, getting /comfy/ here

Wish you all luck and much gains in the following week.

t b h I´m copying the portfolio of a pro crypto investor

he will update his portfolio tomorrow.

kill yourself


Yup, I think we'll see a repeat of this pattern. Watch out mid to late July though. The closer we get to August 1, the more FUD and loss of confidence we'll be seeing. Until then, get comfy and enjoy your gains.

then suck my dick b*tch

fucking weeabboo faggots.........



And they have 3 large conferences in the next 2 weeks.

i hope you are a girl, otherwise you need to go kys for posting pute anime girls

actually even if you are a girl, you are most likely not a virgin, and should go off yourself anyway

pls be excellent to each other



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