Be honest with me, biz. Did I get fucked?
I'm starting to feel like I got shill-scammed
Not if you hold onto them for 5+years
thanks for the money, sucker
Feel like I did. I mistimed it all by a matter of days. Even a day earlier and I'd be up even with the prices they are now.
As it is I'm sitting on a bag of 5k coins that I paid 2250 ish for.
Not if you bought at 104 sats.
Like I'll break even in 5 years? What's the deal.
Depends when you bought. It's still over twice what it was over a fortnight ago. It'll probably stew around this level for the foreseeable future
How much do you have in it? What price?
You may have gotten fucked but if you wait long enough you might get unfucked, depending on when you got in.
like the price will go up again
like when doge went from 300 to 15
then recenelt doge back to 180
but it took 3 fucking years
you bought at the ath again didnt you?
pretty much.
>it'd be stupid not to buy now, user.
>it's a guarantee that it's gonna moo, user.
>live a life of regret if you don't buy right now!
Not as bad as retards such as myself that bought trash like Verge and motherfucking RDD.
Cut your losses, sell that shit and buy BitBean
No you didn't get scammed, you made a bad decision to buy high. I think it will rise again pretty soon, but if you bought at 2k you'll be waiting a fairly long time to break even. But who knows right?
just be patient user
I have 4MM that in HOLDING since 117 which I could have easily sold at 2.4K sats and made a killing.
I've been trading in different markets for about two years now and the ne thing I've learned when I started was patience
you're always going to go into the negative at the beginning so it's your choice to make if you're going to panic and sell at loss or allow time to do its thing.
just be patient and know that DGB is constantly trying to improve and have recently put their self out to the public even if they didn't win what other crypto won an award or put itself out there in front of large companies? none yet there's many that are highly valued. just keep in mind it's a unique coin
with different products on on top of it and that it's incredibly fast
just hold man be patient
Money is pouring into the crypto world at the moment
When the tide comes in, even the derelict boats float
I just bought in, looks like a good price
Buy BitBean!!!
yes. sorry user you were supposed to sell at the top like everybody else.
Of course not, goy!
Hello Pajeet