Europe is more civilised than the East

>Europe is more civilised than the East
>literally cause the two bloodiest wars in all of history, the first one being entirely unnecessary


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Wars can be civilized.

Both were entirely unnecessary, and Europe was more civilised way before that


And how many of the bloodiest wars in all of history did China cause? I'll give you a hint; most of them.

>barely 20 million deaths

TOP KEK. China and India both had wars costing two, three, or four times as many lives.

Adding to that, the ability to carry out war on a massive, organized scale is a sign of Civilization, whether you like that or not.

>literally cause the two bloodiest wars in all of history

First and third, actually. The second deadliest war was the Taiping Rebellion, a religious civil war in China in the mid 1800s.


Let me let you in on a lil secret:

>Westcucks equate money with civilization

This is why China went from being "the jewel of the orient" to "dirty no-manner commie fucks" back to "the sneaky oppressive fucks who will usurp whitey". It's also why Western governments can ally with Saudi Arabia but call Iranians and Palestinians crazy religious savages.

> the first being meaningless

wrong, the first was caused because of the frictions among the spheres of influence that capitalism had generated

actually, we can see the ww2 as a continuation of the first one, a sort of "revenge"

I onsider them as one only big world war, with 20 years of peace in the middle of it


Flawless argument desu

A war, over 20 years apart, with entirely different ideologies and leaders is NOT the same war. It is, at best, a cause, nothing else.

They're strictly tied to each other, do you like it more?

Actually it's quite normal in Europe to see the two wars as essentially one war with a hiatus in the middle.

measure of civilisation has nothing to do with how peaceful they are, if it is, some bumfuck jungle nigger who never conquer or achieve anything would be considered most civilised

The opium wars.
That's why.

Actual European here. You are wrong.

>civilisation : the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization
i don't see how causing a war is being uncivilised, i'd say war is one of the most common way to achieve civilisation.

oh wow the man who represents all of Europe just happens to be in this thread!

The second bloodiest war in history is the Taping rebellion you idiot.

with this kind of mental gymnastic you could say that the history of humanity is just one big war with several hiatus

Europe would be civilized as a whole if it weren't for the G*rmanic.

The World Wars were not ``civilized wars".