Could the American Revolutionary War be considered a British victory, even though they lost most of their colonies to the rebels? Specifically in terms of the fighting with other European powers. The Dutch were solidly beaten. The Spanish got all of Florida, but their main goal in the Great Siege of Gibaltar failed, and they sustained heavy losses. Most importantly, the French meanwhile sustained heavy losses that basically crippled their state and heavily contributed to its collapse in 1789.
Could the American Revolutionary War be considered a British victory...
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Do you know how much revenue the Brits lost with the colonies?
no, it wasn't a complete disaster because they managed to avoid losses other than the 13 colonies but it was still a serious loss for britain
Though as you note it is kind of funny that the French were on the winning side but the fact that they spent so much money on the war when they were already massively in debt helped lead to the revolution. French revolutionaries were also inspired by America's government.
Not much
So your point is that Nazi Germany basically beat the USSR because they influcted greater losses to them?
War is about objectives, not k/d ratio
I think you can consider it a mitigated loss, but a victory.
*but not a victory
Didn't they make up a significant amount of the difference with increased trade with the now-rapidly-expanding American economy?
t. Lindybeige
lmao lindy btfo'd that fag
Well played, Lindy, well played.
Fuckin epic - imma start watching his videos
Lindy is on fire whenever the topic involves France
He's the embodiement of the butthurt bong on Veeky Forums
Add to this that it forced Britain to search for new colonies, leading to the total conquest of India, Australia etc.
You're the one that sounds butthurt tbqh.
In the same vein as America winning Vietnam. The primary objective was lost (Holding the 13 colonies/holding Vietnam). The overall objective was won (didn't lose their colonies in the vein of France during 7 years war/not all of SEA fell). The war was a loss, it just wasn't devastating.
>won a few battles but lost the war
t. Lindybeige
>The overall objective was won (didn't lose their colonies in the vein of France during 7 years war/not all of SEA fell). The war was a loss, it just wasn't devastating.
Pure bullshit
The 13 colonies were 80% of Britain's colonial empire at the time, and they lost all of it at once
It was devastating
OP here. To be clear, I'm saying that while they without a doubt lost in eastern North America, the Anglo-French, Anlgo-Dutch, and Anglo-Spanish subsets of the war could be considered long term victories when looking at the balance of power that followed. Britain recovered from their losses in short order, and as it turns out the colonies were more profitable as an independent trade partner than they were as a colony. Meanwhile their European rivals were devastated, especially France.
t. Lindybeige
>The 13 colonies were 80% of Britain's colonial empire at the time, and they lost all of it at once
By what metric?
>It was devastating
It wasn't though. The Caribbean islands were worth more than all 13 colonies combined.
By what metric what?
Here's (in orange) what was left of the British ""empire"" after they lost the 13 colonies
Basically nothing
You got cucked hard
So massive chunks of North America, India, coastal areas of Africa and the big money generator of the time - the slave plantation in the Caribbean.
I hate Lindybiege and am an American without an ounce of British blood (unless some of it came in my maternal grandfather's French admixture).
>massive chunks of North America
Looks like you have reading comprehension issues
It's only the part in orange that counts, read the caption fagget
No, very tiny parts of India
>coastal areas of Africa
Which combined are smaller than Wales
>I'm American
>OP of a thread about how Britain won the Revolutionary War
Nice try, Lindy
But it's a thread about how they lost against Murika yet won against America's Europoor allies, this thread couldn't possibly be any more American!
>very tiny part of India
Bengal probably had at least double the population of the entire 13 colonies
/r/eally cool argument
I read the caption, silly.
How big do you think the 13 colonies were exactly?
/r/ existed before reddit, not sure why you're being a retard