Hunter gatherer societies were objectively better for the average person than modern civilization
Prove me wrong
Hunter gatherer societies were objectively better for the average person than modern civilization
Prove me wrong
Hahaha yeah man you should totally go to the woods and hunt and gather them lmao!
I sure do love dying of painful diseases.
>implying that that would be in any way similar to the way true hunter gatherers lived
Never reply to one of my posts again
>implying you aren't a domesticated cuck
>implying cro magnon savages wouldn't pass you around like a joint raping your boipussy while you complain about mun pre civilization egalitarian utopia
>implying teenage cro magnon girls fresh out of puberty wouldn't be repulsed by your low test, computer monitor tan, and nu nu cro magnon features
>We'd surpass all the downsides of modern living if it wasn't for classcucks.
These people would probably be even more poor as hunter gatherers.
>objectively better
Based on what metric?
>hunter-gatherer cuckold
Prepare your boypuss for aryan invasion
Only temporarily, if that.
Mostly Lenin's fault desu.
Russia wasn't ready and permanent bolshevism is retarded.
Agriculture development is where it all went wrong.
The bolsheviks wasted their chance, but the social traitors should get blamed too.
So what's different? Put up or shut up.
Not objectively, subjectively, in that life was probably happier, less alienating and more fulfilling than life in modern society. Objectively modern society is better though.
Enjoy your homocide, child mortality, and starvation
>Prove me wrong
You're not doing it right now
if we stayed as hunter gatherers we'd have never learned to blade
t. Varg
Go to bed Ted
>cro mangon was a negroid
>Hunter gatherer societies were objectively better for the average person than modern civilization
In some ways better, in other ways not. I could live out my savage ways and truly feel a sense of unity in the tribe I am with, but I'm not sure I would give up the many comforts modern society has given to most of us.
Why do any of these things matter, when a hunter gatherer society will always be defeated by a civilised society?
How do they know if their brains were bigger aside from analizing cranial capacity?
is this image implying that there was no such thing as depression in primitive societies?
Even if that point could be shown to be correct, and I haven't seen any evidence to that, I'd argue that it had more to do with the fact that a nomadic society is much more do or die, so those who can't do simply die.
>In a study of 2000 Kaluli aborigines from Papua New Guinea, only one marginal case of clinical depression was found
Anprims win as usual
>STILL unironically defending civilization
Yes dying of disease was so much fun.
>be me, hunter gatherer
>step outside cave
>get mauled to death by saber toothed tiger
>step outside cave
>trip, break leg, die
>step outside cave
>freeze to death
etc etc
>be low iq pleb in old times
>be a slave or serf, get beaten or starve if you don't work
>be modern low iq pleb
>lay around in streets shooting heroin or sniffing petrol
>receive government gibs to keep doing so
Just cut off ALL gibs and let them die. I'm tired of smelling hobo BO on my bikeride to work. We should exterminate them. Just lace all the drugs with something lethal and that'll do it, and if a few musicians or bankers die too, all the better.
>If they were smart they would have been born with capital like me
>implying I wasn't born pleb class
Wow go vote for bernie again, faglord.
So you want to exterminate yourself and your parents? Im confused
By what metrics are we measuring this? Familial stability? Lifespan/ease of living? General comfort? Leisure time? Personal fulfillment? Social stability?
And so on.
>remove all of the shitters
>population declines
>demographic pressures eventually force the common man into voting for immigrants because they need somebody to pay their pension
What you do is put the hobos and junkies in mental institutions where they can't shit things up.
>Ease of living is good
>General comfort is good
>Leisure time is good
>Le "personal fulfillment"
Congratulations, you are fully cucked
Yeah, if you die of starvation you could say "I have solved the problem of modern life", I guess.
Also, miss canal 1919 is disgusting.
Not OP, but a there are a number of differences.
Two major ones are size and resource base.
Tribe and such often groups in the low hundreds, large enough for some work specialization and optimization, but still small enough the critical supply chain dependency failures were unlikely. i.e. Deer hunter bro hunts deer better then anyone else so he hunts deer for us, but everyone can hunt deer if he wants a day off now and then or decides to be jerk and jack up the exchange rates for Deer meat. And that is not including alternative trading options with other groups. A lone dude running off in the woods can't generator the same work efficiency levels as a small group, as that extra person lets everyone rest a little as collectively the output can over take the need
Second is resource base. Todays natural resource base is getting better but is basically trashed in nearly every way compared to way back then. The whole hunting and gathering works much better when there is stuff to hunt and gather, which takes a large land foot prints like any sustainable system does. Going back to the Deer example Deer where nearly wiped out, and it was only recently getting back to where it use to be. That is not the case with many other animals and plants that got trashed and now hold on as a shell of their former glory. I mean take the example of the "quiet forest", all that quiet just means a huge lack of animals to eat, if you read older report people use to complain about animals making noise all the time. Same goes with plants, forest use to be mixed with lots of different tree types, including fruit trees that gave good food. Now most forests are all one type, making having a balanced nutritional diet very hard if not impossible given the lack of more edible trees. People wonder how hunters and gathers could lounge around and have fun for so many hours a day, but when food and stuff was all over the place like it use to be, it made things a lot easier then they are now
>The majority of people under capitalism are already poor and suffering.
The debate is already lost, senpai.
>People saying that modern life is better because modern amenities.
Yeah and crack addicts think they can't live without crack either.
You would probably be happier if you were living in the primitive state humans evolved in. No, this doesn't mean that if you were taken away from modern society and placed into that primitive state you would become happier. To use the crack analogy, you're already addicted, there is no objective reason to stop, and the withdrawal would kill you.
It's simply too late. We were born too soon to live as the humanity that evolved in the technological age. There is no solution.
>There is no solution.
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism is the solution.
Spiritual ascension and detachment from the material world
People can play hunter gatherer vidya from their heated rooms while eating tendies and drinking Mountain Dew and smoking bong loads of legal weed (Colorado, Washington, and Massachusetts anyhow), all without having to work because they get neet bux.
How is that not better?
It was probably a less stressful existence. It was most likely a less arduous existence too.
The only thing the modern world has is more toys. The whole disease thing only comes after agriculture.
Sure, lots of infant mortality. And lots of accidents while hunting. But it's not like you could only reach 30 and be an old man then. That's a myth.
Obviously, Veeky Forums, infested as it is with "le STEM god tier" and embittered conservative fags who want kids like some bitch approaching her menopause, will prefer the modern world.
>Reports on hunters and gatherers of the ethnological present-specifically on those in marginal environments suggest a mean of three to five hours per adult worker per day in food production. Hunters keep banker's hours, notably less than modern industrial workers (unionised), who would surely settle for a 21-35 hour week. An interesting comparison is also posed by recent studies of labour costs among agriculturalists of neolithic type. For example, the average adult Hanunoo, man or woman, spends 1,200 hours per year in swidden cultivation; which is to say, a mean of three hours twenty minutes per day. Yet this figure does not include food gathering, animal raising, cooking and other direct subsistence efforts of these Philippine tribesmen. Comparable data are beginning to appear in reports on other primitive agriculturalists from many parts of the world.
>There is nothing either to the convention that hunters and gatherers can enjoy little leisure from tasks of sheer survival. By this, the evolutionary inadequacies of the palaeolithic are customarily explained, while for the provision of leisure the neolithic is roundly congratulated. But the traditional formulas might be truer if reversed: the amount of work (per capita) increases with the evolution of culture, and the amount of leisure decreases. Hunter's subsistence labours are characteristically intermittent, a day on and a day off, and modern hunters at least tend to employ their time off in such activities as daytime sleep. In the tropical habitats occupied by many of these existing hunters, plant collecting is more reliable than hunting itself. Therefore, the women, who do the collecting, work rather more regularly than the men, and provide the greater part of the food supply.
Defend this.
on what fucking metric?
if you go out into the woods and live like a hunter-gatherer, you will be living like a hunter-gatherer. it will be lonely and dangerous without friends, but claiming you can't do it is retarded. hippies do it worldwide. there are communes you can join.
you're ignorant if you don't think food is fucking everywhere in most natural areas in the world.
I've looked into communes but all the ones with websites seem to be pretty far from hunter gatherer. They have electricity, modern building materials, etc
Refute smallpox, measles, malnutrition for the disabled, the old, and the injured. No, really.
That's not a Cro-Mangon, that's a Homo sapiens idaltu. They had bigger brains than us, but not that big.
Usually a larger head equals a bigger brain. We lost an area of our brain the size of a tennis ball.
>smallpox, measles
crowd diseases
>malnutrition for the disabled, the old, and the injured
Hunter gatherer groups easily produce enough food and time to care for people with important social but no physical utility.
Based go-go-copter man
>if you go out into the woods and live like a hunter-gatherer, you will be living like a hunter-gatherer.
But that's the thing: you're NOT living as a hunter-gatherer if you do this.
Hunter gatherers had experience passed down from their forebears, they hunted of socially close groups.
Modern civilization has ravaged the land, making it much more difficult to survive off of the land.
Going out innawoods off the grid is NOT living as a hunter gatherer. It's not human at all. Humans are social animals, and have never lived and worked alone or with impersonal relationships until the modern era.
>important social but no physical utility
How about disabled children?
>all without having to work because they get neet bux
This is a fantasy
Infanticide is pretty common in human cultures. IIRC there have been several stone age children's skeletons found with signs of cannibalism so they might have eaten them too.
So its NOT better for them now is it?
Has it ever been good at all being a disabled or unwanted child? I guess now you could get an iPad or a computer and pretend you're not completely useless by immersing yourself in imaginary worlds
its better than being dead.
t. a disabled person
Thank god I'm addicted to the concept of vaccines
I don't think he ever insinuated his parents were bottom-of-the-barrel human refuse. Pleb doesn't mean that, ya know, it just means commoner; when used on Veeky Forums, it means someone with common, unrefined tastes.
>common man into voting for immigrants because they need somebody to pay their pension
Or you know they could just have children, especially now that the government isn't taxing the living hell out of them to subsidize trashpeople (Welfare IS the largest cost in our budget, so don't start whining about ' muh military' boogeyman.
Because going full anprim is retarded. You can't make everyone go anprim, and eventually someone somewhere is going to rediscover agriculture and BTFO again wasting all this time that could have been spent on tranhumanism. Baka gajin