is communism the worst system in history?
Is communism the worst system in history?
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It's never actually been tried
I hate you so god damn much
You'll grow out of it.
stop this meme.
To be fair:
>Marxism is a criticism of capitalism
>Socialism is worker ownership of the means of production
>Communism is a classless society
People use these terms interchangeably, and almost always get the definition wrong.
Communism has been attempted before (you could even argue that America's endorsement of equality in the constitution is an attempt at communism, if you're retarded), but never achieved.
It's what commies babble every single time they stand perplexed over a failed communist state whose people have been unfailingly subjected to at LEAST starvation, forced labor and constant shortages and at MOST decimation or outright cleansing.
Op and you can surely take a trip to Venezuela, the latest barnacle upon the ship of socialism. Where they gave unironic forced labor camps.
Commies are irresponsible and have no memory.
You completely missed the point of that post.
You know, most capitalist countries whose economies are based on exports and have government instability/capital flight problems are shitholes, too.
The problem existed well before Chavez.
Oh yes, they unfailingly mumble the same incoherent sentence at the end of it all
It's just n-never been really t-t-tried now can In have food aid from the surrounding capitalist states plz ;_;
And then they regroup somewhere else and try the whole thing again with new and stupid people
Great Comrade please sign up to State Owned Labor Farm #46 for your MANDATORY shift
Praise Marx!
The only time "it has never been tried" is said here is as a meme, bruv.
Whenever folks try to clarify the matter, you lot are always silent.
Not simply exports, but oil. That ain't a diversified economy.
My friend, the problem with you is that you see the world as some kind of RPG where there are easily identifiable villains (Communists) who do morally reprehensible things because that is their sole purpose in life.
Reality is far more complicated and if you took a moment to actually read about Communism in a open minded manner you'd understand exactly what people mean when they say "real communism hasn't been tried" instead of assuming, in your meme and video-game addled mindset, that it's merely a smokescreen with these villains cry as they escape a la "we'll meet again spiderman."
Before you assume anything, I am a purely apolitical weeaboo who posts on this board for two reasons; to rebut all those who insult Sparta's conduct during the greatest war in human history and to picture historical figures as cute anime characters. However in situations like this I simply cannot allow your ignorance to be spread across what I consider in many ways "my" board.
I hope you heed my words and rethink your attitude to posting.
>""white privilege"""
>white guilt
> muh feminism
>black supremacism
Communism is responsible for all of this
While communists are the source, its capitalisms own fault for embracing them. Only thing that matters to capitalism is demand, it will literally embrace anything if there is profit in it.
Leftists are LITERALLY the pawns of wall street
Capitalist Norway is doing fine despite the oil rout
>black supremacism
there's nothing marxist about that
I think you are confusing liberalism with leftism, liberalism is inherently not communist
Norway has more to its economy than its oil
>nothing Marxist about it
Except that you people keep funding them
And there is no difference between liberal and leftism now, just look at how you people are acting after the election
>And there is no difference between liberal and leftism now
there most definitely is
probably like 0% if Hillary Clinton voter care about ending worker exploitation or having workers own the means of productions. they only care about "SJW" things and support stuff like gun control which isn't going to help a people's revolution at all, they are purely for upholding the liberal status quo.
>you people keep funding them
>you people are acting after the election
not sure whom you think my people are or what they're doing
no, but inox is definitely the worst metal
Your people are SJWs
there's a difference between only really caring about stuff like transgender bathroom rights or affirmative action and disliking racism because it's a distraction from class consciousness
a lot of what liberal SJW-types is just corporate collaboration and not a useful means to a socialist ends
Saying shit like 'woke af', 'revolution' and voting for fucking Hillary Clinton doesn't make you a communist, my fucking God you're dumb
>Before you assume anything, I am a purely apolitical weeaboo
no you're clearly commie symphotizer, nobody would ad-hom this much just to get his shitty point across
communists are retards because every commie has different perception of what communism is, the ideology is not coherent enough for normal people to understand
gulag yourself nigger
Nice bait
What exactly does current politics have to do with Veeky Forums?
>user still thinks everything left is communism
everything left is shit that doesn't work
All the leading (and fringe) leftist organisations support stuff like feminism, black supremacy, transgenderism,White privilege", and the displacement and removal of white people from cultural, economic, and military institutions
>you're dumb
>says the leftypol tool that thinks that white people are the biggest threat to the world
>user still thinks cursory knowledge of politics is enough to not make a fool of himself
>tfw friends with commie
Modern communist are fucking unbearable
>communists are retards because every commie has different perception of what communism is
obviously the further you go to the political extremes the more inexact things become
fascism is just as nebulous a concept as communism
I just called you on talking about SJWs being communists, any sane person that has a little real interest in politics will also tell you that's bullshit.
Out of that you got that I'm a leftypol tool and that I think white people are the biggest threat to the world?
I repeat, my fucking God you're dumb
>Everything I hate is marxism/communism/socialism!
Fucking /pol/fags ruined political discourse on the internet.
Name one mainstream leftist who is in power right now doesn't hate white people
Even if you name one you'll be wrong
>Name one mainstream leftist who is in power right now doesn't hate white people
I have a feeling that you'd discredit anyone named.
Hmm, I wonder what political wing is behind all the political violence right now.....
What exactly do you mean by this, because most of your argument is an accusation that communism just doesn't "work."
We were all 15 once
You can't discredit someone who doesn't exist
because they all have the same root
How the fuck does one get to the conclusion that leftists hate white people? Just because I like a basic social security network I'm actively genociding white people? What? SJWs are a fringe group
One's an anti-capitalist philosophy, one's a utopian ideal, and the other is an economic system. You can't use them interchangeably, and you sure can't use them to describe literally everything.
>SJWs are a fringe group
The Democrats funding you doesn't make you a fringe group
The media obeying you doesn't make you a fringe group
>Just because I like a basic social security network I'm actively genociding white people?
sounds like you are a social democrat/liberal and not a leftist
Not everyone is american. American "Democrats" aren't even actually left...
>The Democrats funding you doesn't make you a fringe group
Funding what the SJW's global fund?
>The media obeying you doesn't make you a fringe group
Thank God for Fox amirite?
If you're pro-white and leftist you're basically a national socialist.
that's not the kind of root I am talking about
It's funny too, because SJWs took a hard shift right during the Clinton campaign, calling leftists "brogressives" and laughing at them for giving a shit about economic oppression.
there isn't anything left about national socialism
>everything is about extremes
Yeah man, fuck the jews amirite?
It is basically "social democracy" except without the democracy part.
Never mentioned anything about extremes.
The left is only supporting extremists nowadays
LOL that guy doesn't discuss the jews he talks about Kremlin KGB acts of espionage
social democracy isn't leftist either, it's a liberal system
Man it must be easy to live in such a black and white reality
Ah correct, the typical Marxist commufuck who thinks everything right of Lenin is right wing.
of course leftist wouldn't discredit their precious think-tanks, righteous goy isn't liked very well by the way
no calling Matt Ryan and Mussolini both "rightists" is just as wrong and bad as calling Hillary Clinton and Che Guevara both leftists
Leftism/liberalism (both are the same shit) is a cancer killing itself
>Matt Ryan
Choking against the Patriots makes you right wing now?
Mussolini was a radical centrist.
>thinking Norway, a socdem is only reliant on oil
Wew lad
>Think leftism and liberalism are the same
Why does anyone in this thread bother arguing with retards?
>both are the same shit
How to spot the simpleton who only thinks in terms of either you are with me or against me
There are no others anymore apparently
cutting social welfare programs and gutting government spending definitely makes you a conservative and right of center
>radical centrist
>radical centrist
Why? He positioned himself firmly both against the conservative right and the socialist left. The fact leftists say he is right wing while reactionaries say he is left wing means he is exactly in the fucking center.
Matt Ryan is a QB for the Atlanta Falcons, I have no idea how is he connected to politics.
>let's get rid of the white working class cuz "muh robots"
>let's get rid of the white working class because black people are more important!
Both have the exact same goal
Is he right?
Paul Ryan ofc I am not American
didn't know who Matt Ryan was though I think I assumed a first name because I only ever hear Speaker Ryan
>let's get rid of the white working class because black people are more important!
If you really think that is liberalism you should read a book or two
mostly the reactionaries that thought Mussolini wasn't right enough were nutjobs like Evola.
And the reactionaries were the right wing and he's to the left of them.
>>let's get rid of the white working class cuz "muh robots"
I don't know what you think communism is but it's not this weird post-scarcity transhumanist shit you just made up
to the left of the absolute hardline monarchist right but still right of much else
The "hardline monarchist" is the real right wing. Bullshit like lolbertarianism isn't actually right wing, it's just liberal bullshit.
it's not that black and white where something is either "left, center, right", there is nuance
Liberalism is about setting up a global government set up for any by the top %1 of billionaires, who believe that the western world needs to get BLACKED
Leftypol is all about "muh robots" "muh automaton"
/leftypol/ is nothing but defective NEETs dreaming about a world where they wouldn't have to do anything.
>mfw the people who keep complaining tht communism doesn't work don't know shit about it
nobody knows what communism is
I do. Stateless, classless, moneyless society
The democrats (and leftypol) openly fund black supremacists
leftypol doesn't fucking donate to BLM
Describing some generalized feature it has doesn't actually explain how any of it is going to work.
If I say "I'm going to make a spaceship" and you ask "how does it work" answering "it's going to be fast, spacious and lightweight!" doesn't explain shit.
>spreading so much lies
Only thing they actually donate to
Russian here. We are always shit no matter what, no political system could improve our way of living, we will always be poor and dying
Yes, it is a failure like all other collectivist ideologies.
what makes you actually think that they do
You didn't ask how communism work, only what it is.
Coz the economist said word for word in the comic in his talk?
Yes they do
They worship black people