Hit $.62 today, ath, and we haven't even seen Golem Brass developed, nor the expected coinbase adoption of it. This shit is only going up. Buy now if you are looking for an alt-coin that will not disappoint and actually make you money. Lots of it.
/GNT/ ATH edition
Other urls found in this thread:
pic related is rise in the last 2 hrs.
link - coingecko.com
but its disaapointed me for 2 months straight now. today is the first day it hasnt sucked ass
>but its disaapointed me for 2 months straight now. today is the first day it hasnt sucked ass
slow and steady wins the race user. keep in mind it's been growing all of this time with little actual developments and major investments by companies put into it. and there are guaranteed developments - brass, clay, iron, silver, gold, and the potential coinbase position. I'd say have faith in it user. Plus it is connected to the most successful of the cryptocurrencies - ETH (and yes, ETH is more successful, useful, and valuable than BTC).
why is this coin never mentioned on Veeky Forums? a bunch of dumb nigs on this board I swear to gad.
because you have to admit , the idea behind iti , "muh cloud supercomputer" seems sort of dumb. who is going to rent out or borrow your cpu? i cant think of many who need that kind of computing power. maybe a few scientists or engineers, but thats not a lot of people.
The bigger they are the slower they move (unless it's eth)
>what is SETI@home
>what is folding@home
>what is BOINC
now imagine getting paid rather than doing it just to waste electricity
I do see gnt, foldingcoin, and gridcoin all being huge during the great normie boom of 2018-2019
>"muh cloud supercomputer" seems sort of dumb
I'm sure many said the same about mining for bitcoin transactions and the use of other cryptocoins. just because it doesn't intuitively click for you right now doesn't mean it's not going to be huge, useful, and valuable.
"this" to all of the above
this is one of the best and most simple explanations of golem
woah, what if I used golem to mine coins with everyone else's processing power
from the same guy, dr crypto:
>I do think Golem will either hit the Iron stages or move in a different direction that will be comparable to Iron and offer the same security and developer freedoms. Iron is still at least 24 months out and as we all know a LOT can change in 2 years in an up and coming market. Think about what two years did to the Wright Brothers and the inventions of their planes. As Golem's coin price rises that adds cash to their development team and allows them to move in directions they couldn't before. Or to complete tasks that are more complicated and possibly unattainable a year ago. As far as delays, all technology has delays. Look at Tesla and the release of the Roadster. They took money from investors and promised them a car in 12 months. Around 18 months later they still had no car and went back out to the public to ask for more money for a completely different car! Which was the model S. Imagine how you would feel if you paid $100K for a car and 18 months later, still haven't taken delivery on your car, and the company says they want to take deposits on a new model. You'd be like WTF! Where's my F-ing car! Now look at Tesla. They delivered on all the Roadsters, model S' and now have taken deposits for the model 3. Plus they had the model X come out in the mean time. We need to remember where we are in this technology phase and put trust and faith in these up and coming companies to deliver either what they said or something way better. Either way I think GNT is a great investment and it will hit $10 per coin and beyond.
btw they said that gnt brass would start in june. I wonder if they are still gonna come out with it before july 1st.
it's been growing steadily for 2 months. This is great. Wait till the moon happens.
I bought at 18 cents so I dont really give a fuck at this point
My Doge, that's brilliant...
It's rising because GNT is pinned to Bitcoin and bitcoin is rising. Idiot.
it's an ethereum token though
That doesn't matter. You can't trade it for ETH you have to trade it for BTC.
Golem is a scam memecoin
So I'm an idiot because I was right but didn't mention some extraneous information? That's ridiculous, is right - it is an eth token so its rises and falls have more to do with eth than btc.
>golem is a scam memecoin
look at this salty faggot coming into MY thread with a bunch of non-arguments and insults because he's got nothing of value to say or contribute. fuck off, kill yourself you little faggot.
>yfw golem crashes and cpc moons
u wish homeboy
You can trade it directly for ETH on many exchanges you fucking retard. Why do people talk so confidently about something they don't know anything about?
Why would I be salty? You're the one who fell for a scam not me.
Just remember when you're a pauper, I could by you a suit and a hot meal but I won't because you did it to yourself.
Making unsubstantiated claims about x is a scam while also making completely false claims, like pointed out - you can use a number of different exchanges to trade GNT for ETH and vice versa. What a dumb nigger you are.
Wow you must be really upset from bagholding. I know that GNT has fallen so far from it's ATH and will never recover, but shilling it here won't help.
>I know that GNT has fallen so far from it's ATH and will never recover
funny how you know something that is evidently untrue. you can verify this in 5 seconds by opening a new tab and seeing its value since it began in nov 2016. not sure if you're a terrible troll or a legit sociopathic retard.
How is setting up a thread about it to discuss it with other like-minded holders "shilling"? I'm not begging anyone to buy it. In fact I'm rather indifferent whether plebs sign on or not.
here I've provided the full chart for others so they don't get gaslit by this salty cocksmoker. it literally just hit its ATH and will only keep rising. golem brass will come out in less than 3-4 weeks from now.
Wow two replies to one post. I feel guilty for trolling you so bad now. Honestly man I'm just having fun and thinking of dumping my whole 2.5 btc stack into Golem.
Price prediction for GNT, end of this year, next, few years?
Thinking of putting $1000 on this
the damage control is pretty cringe on this one
Actually it was 3. Troll away homeboy. Personally I wouldn't put all of it into one place. "Diversify" is a good meme. Try half in ETH, half in GNT/BTC.
At 500m the valuation is pretty big already. It will certainly go up because this is crypto but I can't decide if ETH will go up a higher percentage or not. Very few tokens end up outperforming it. I think it can easily $2 by the end of the year but I also think ETH will be over 1k if the upgrades go as planned
who's damage control? me or
I would agree with this.
$1.5 to $5 by Jan. 2018 for GNT, and $700 to $950 for ETH. BTC I have no idea. The August fork is keeping me guessing. Not to mention it can affect all of the others.
Alright boys. It's done. We will revisit if one of you remembers me.
What does golem offer that something like Google Zync doesn't? I don't know anything about how long it takes to render something so Zync's prices of $.59 to $2.76 per hour don't have much meaning to me.
>buying at ATH
Time to be practice patience.
Smart trade. Good time to sell LTC while it's at a high and GNT is a much better investment imo. I've had LTC for a long time, since before coinbase took it on. GNT is the future. As one of the videos I posted earlier mentioned, the use value of GNT is more important than LTC and easier to explain to normies in a marketable way. What does LTC do and why is it valuable? What does GNT do and why is it valuable? There is a much better argument for the latter, and normies will never understand LTC. They can understand airbnb, ergo they can understand GNT.
Makes it look like I have even bigger balls.
t. trumpenfuhrer
Interesting, as I'm looking for a few new HODL, thinking of splitting 3k between GNT, ANT, ARK, STRAT?
Golem let's anyone sell PC power, that means Golem has the resources of the entire world (potentially) being able to sell PC power. Google does not, and needs to pay for it's own infrastructure to provide users with the power.
This means Golem will be cheaper, plus, Golem will have more supply of power.
Think of Golem like Sia, except Sia is for storage and it competes with Amazon and whatever, but Golem is for computing power and it competes with all the cloud computing companies. The point is, that Golem has unlimited resources, while those companies are capped at their capital power to purchase and create processing power.
Those all decent. I am pretty risk averse and I just want to hold for a few years without checking up on crypto daily so I just have 80% ETH, 10% BTC, 5% GNT, 5% BAT.
I'm really looking for three to put 1k on each, would you suggest ANT, GNT, ARK? Or ANT, GNT, and something else?
You have no idea of what you are talking about.
Read about CAE.
Haven't really looked into ARK. ANT seems like they have a capable team at least. I like SC and MYST too.
I also had sia and Sys in mind too, also to hold all these at least for a year or more
My portfolio is quite similar with >80% ETH, ~10% GNT, ~10% BTC/LTC. Planning on hodling everything and only re-upping when there are serious dips in the market. Have around $60K altogether in crypto after an initial $10K investment (bought in ETH when it was around $10).
80% ETH? Only 10% BTC? At least rope is cheap.
yes sir. imho eth is way > btc. a six gorillion times better investment.
another good video on gnt:
The way I see it is that ETH can do everything Bitcoin can, but Bitcoin can't do everything ETH can do. The only thing BTC has that ETH doesn't is a hard supply cap, and I feel like that is somewhat of a gimmick.
check this cryptothot. I'd love to decentralize her vajayjay.
look at all these fucking white males
What does ATH mean?
all time high
Thanks user
wouldn't golem chew up your data limit? and cripple the performance of your device?
not if you connected to the internet. and it wouldn't cripple the performance of your device because the computing would be distributed across multiple devices, not just your own.
yeah, it's fallen to .61 after going from .62 to .63 within the last few hours. Your point?
not if you are*
back up.
>less than a minute ago 0.62576200
real gnt hours over here
How well do you think gnt will do in the next few years?
Honestly I think it will constantly grow but not in the sense of an all-of-the-sudden explosion like ETH. I would not put it past GNT though. After brass they have other levels which will come with more public adoption of its services, more development behind it - going from golem brass to clay, iron, etc. The whole process to its finally stage was said to take 4 years, though some speculate 6-8 altogether. We will see. I do see a lot of smart people backing it, including it in their top 5 coins to get behind. I normally don't mess with altcoins because I've noticed many have not panned out at all, but gnt conceptually and logistically makes sense and is exciting as a new technology which will potentially (maybe) take the place of many cloud services we have now.
all crypto is like the best kept secret of the current year. they want you to be constantly engaged in the political issues of the day, the sjw said this and it was so unfair etc. true these people need to be thrown out of a fucking helicopter, pinochet style. But don't take your attention away from this literal fucking goldmine we have before us. don't let these retards distract you from it.
>Is GNT a good investment/what will be the price in X/Y days?
>Look, we’re simple programmers. We work on the Golem technology, and this subreddit is about that. If you want to discuss prices, you should go to /r/GolemTrader, /r/ethtrader or some other place with active trading discussions. Please be aware that any discussions on trading and prices of GNT are going to be mercilessly removed from this subreddit. It’s not that we don’t love you guys, but we don’t want to get embroiled in that particular kind of passion right now.
>inb4 plebbit
I know I hate reddit too
>This is my price analysis timeline. Once brass is released we'll blow past $1 towards $5-8 region with fluctuations, of course. Then Clay is released and we blow past $10 into $20-50 range with fluctuations, of course. Then Iron is released and we edge towards $100, gain massive hype, media attention, huge corporation endorsements, public interest and this thing snowballs into outerspace. Never underestimate hype. The ceo of reddit already tweeted about golem. it has begun. The train is leaving the station. Get on or get off, but it is leaving with or without you. May the Hodl be with you all.
Interesting, over how many years are we looking?
the devs originally said 4 yrs to go through all of the stages, though they are a little behind on the soft deadline of Q2 for golem brass. It will probably be here by the end of the month though.
4 years is like 30 years in the crypto space. Who knows if they will be overtaken by a new ICO with a faster game plan.
True but that doesn't mean they'll be up and running with a ton of investors and projects until they hit the final phase. They're already putting things in motion, it will just get progressively more accessible and usable as time goes on, and people start selling their computing power.
So you value golem at over 100 billion? that is quite optimistic.
doesn't mean that they won't be up and running**
That was copy-pasta that I thought would be of interest to the thread. When it hits $100 with Iron that will be a few years from now, at least.
What are your thoughts? Over-valued?
I can see GNT briefly hitting $100B market cap during the great normie bubble of 2018-2019. If you believe that, it'd be a 200x gainer. Pretty spectacular claim, but then again BTC once sold for $1. Anything is possible. However I think there are other even more undervalued coins out there.
Coins such as, and why?
You're delusional
What is the biggest problem facing btc right now?
>However I think there are other even more undervalued coins out there.
I'm open to alternatives if you'd care to share. Are you thinking Sia?
Personally, outside of BTC and ETH I'm sticking with GNT. It's the one model that I see most promising, that does something the other two don't. You will get others shilling stuff that supposedly do what GNT does but better, but I don't buy it. Then again, there's always more research to be done.
Are you talking about the upcoming August forkening?
So if I invest 1k now, how long until I reach the moOoOn?
That depends on
a. what hitting the moon would mean
b. when brass comes, and clay, and iron, and where the coin and speculators/investors/developers view it and pump it at each stage
c. its status on coinbase and other popular exchanges
so the answer would be idk and anyone telling you they know is just speculating with more or less evidence to support their speculation
if anyone needs help buying golem, though I'm sure most are beyond the normie stage, you can go to buyinggolem dot c o m for info or just do what I did and buy btc, eth, or ltc from an exchange like coinbase, send to your either jaxx.io wallet or exodus wallet, and use shapeshifter to change it from one coin to the next.
I predict that within the next 24hrs Golem will surpass the .65 mark for the first time. .70 by Tuesday.
Have they addressed the privacy issue yet? I don't see it being successful if whoever accepts your task can see everything.
t.10k holder
>We recognize that any sensitive or proprietary data should be respected as private at all costs. Therefore, Golem needs to provide a way of distributing task resources such that it is very difficult to copy, reproduce, or otherwise gain access to their contents.
>Of course, it is well nigh impossible to remotely restrict access to locally running software; we can simply make it such that the effort needed to extract private data should be substantial enough to altogether discourage such actions. We believe we will be most effective in this endeavor by ensuring the following:
>That data and work is sufficiently broken into chunks by the task definition framework.
>That said tasks and data are distributed as equally across the most reliable parts of the network as possible, rather than going to the same nodes.
>The task definition framework itself helps to identify private data leaks in any newly created tasks.
>As we said earlier, Golem will leverage sandboxed environments in the form of Docker containers. The computation environment can be viewed as a black box, which, fed with the encrypted data, outputs encrypted results.
from their site. tldr; they will make it as difficult as they can but probably can't ensure shit will be 100% secure though they are working on it (title of the blogpost is "the challenges ahead")
this too:
Executing untrusted code
Though Golem’s reputation system will help in identifying malicious and troublesome nodes, other peers can still act against expectations by submitting a task that contains harmful code. In order to protect the providers, every computation has to be executed in a controlled environment.
Thankfully, there are tools at hand, among which Docker containers were our first choice. Docker containers isolate running applications, files, and hardware resources, with a performance hit significantly smaller than traditional virtual machines (VMs). In Golem’s implementation, container capabilities have been minimized as much as possible. By constraining an executed program’s privileges, we were able to further increase their level of security. Not all tasks have equal prerequisites, however: Some computations may be performed on a GPU, while others will require network access. The constraints imposed on containers will therefore vary. In the future, a marketplace for pre-configured and digitally signed containers may be created, providing a suitable “whitelist” and improvement to overall security.
And of course, we can still do more. The most promising solution seems to be the creation of a specialized language: Designed with security and simplicity in mind, and armed with carefully designed static analysis tools, it could provide an ideal way to create “safe” applications for deployment on Golem.
same source
hitting a brief dip. buy now before it goes back up. buy the fucking dip, only advice you need in the cryptosphere.
there a chance for this to hit $5 end of the year or close?
oh yeah, definitely a solid chance of $5 even $10