>Remember the 10 grazillion that died under Stalin, prole! Communism will never work!
Where do people get these bullshit numbers?
>Remember the 10 grazillion that died under Stalin, prole! Communism will never work!
Where do people get these bullshit numbers?
Nice fake source faggot
>Communism will never work!
Stalinism will never work
which one? there's several dozen from both sides of the political spectrum cited there.
>Remember the 6 grazillion that died under Hitler, goy! Nazism will never work!
Where do people get these bullshit numbers?
>my specific brand of communism has never been tried, now if only i had been dictator...
you better sort yourself out bucko.
>Every kind of communism is the same
Pretty sure that every attempt at Communism will end in the same way. Because it has.
>Pretty sure
There are no dictator's in Communism, so if a system has a dictator then it's not a Communism. Having in mind all "Communist" countries had dictators it's true that Communism has never been tried
come up with a meaningful distinction that ends up with a different outcome in practice
By that reasoning, the only reason Nazism didn't work was because everyone hated Nazis.
I dont think Stalin has much to whine about when it comes to made up death numbers.
>Pretty sure that every attempt at heavier-than-air flight will end in the same way. Because it has.
t. some guy, circa 1902
The difference is, air flight is science, politics is not.
No, because you can't just replace one word with another and expect the reasoning to remain coherent. That's like hearing someone saying "batteries are a portable source of electricity" and telling them "by your reasoning, spoons are a portable source of electricity".
>economics is not a science
Communists read genre fiction, they will never recover from this.
>No, because you can't just replace one word with another and expect the reasoning to remain coherent.
Well I didn't just replace one word with another. I compared to radical ideologies that were both destroyed by internal contradictions and outside forces.
it isn't.
>successful Communist countries
>Communist countries that did not experience purges and/or famine intentional or otherwise
>Communist countries still relevant today for reasons besides exporting violence and murder onto peaceful countries
To be honest, as an anti-communist, I'm also annoyed by these high estimates of victims of communism.
We have hard evidence of a few millions victims of the collectivization, a few million victims of the early 1930s famine and hundreds of thousands of victims of the Great Purge, and that's mostly it. 3,000,000 dead at most which we have good evidence for, and that's enough to condemn the entire Stalinist regime as inhuman, without the need to act dozens of millions out of the ass.
Well the USSR wasn't the only state socialist country. There's at least been 20 of them, and they all turned into repressive and occasional genocidal shitholes.
That's the last effort of the dying capitalism.
I'm a Marxist and I agree with this.
Stalin killed a lot of people, but at the same time if you make some ridiculous number then it completely delegitimizes the arguments both Marxist and Liberal you could make against the USSR.
Anarchists can't make an argument beyond "they had police, fuck the police", so they don't count
>dying capitalism
yeah i wouldn't hold my breath
Are you willing to apply the same minimalist revisionism to the Holocaust?
posting dr. peterson doesnt make you seem smarter when you say stupid shit.
It's not stupid shit though. Communists and ex-Communists are literally the only ones who haven't apologized for how their ideology turned into repressive totalitarianism and genocide.
The Germans on the other hand, have profusely apologized for Nazism.
The numbers for the Holocaust haven't been over-inflated by Cold War propaganda and guesswork without access to the relevant info. This is a false comparison.
On the other hand, we have to admit we still don't have full access to sources from the former Soviet Union.
During the 1990s, we had access to the Russian Presidential archives and to the archives of the NKVD in Ukraine. From these archives we have reached these numbers you mention, but the Cheka/NKVD/KGB archives from Russia proper are still closed, as far as I know.
communists say that Stalin killed 100 million people so they can debunk it and "prove" he didn't kill anyone
no one who isn't insane thinks he killed more than ~30 million
Most of them weren't really killed. And it's very unlikely that even the number of 20 million died during his regime.
Even 30 millions incredibly high though and 20 million is a push, approx 10 million seems about right based on the historical evidence.
And what you're saying simply isn't true 40-60 million is a number that used to get tossed around as a mainstream fact and is still believed by plenty of non-insane people who just aren't up to date with historical research.
I've never seen higher than 30 quoted by someone other than communist ideologues trying to conflate "deaths due to communism" with "deaths due to Stalin" in order to debunk the obviously ludicrous number created by that and expand it to disprove the idea of Stalin killing anybody
Why do leftists hate white people?
The Daily Mail is a shitty tabloid newspaper but it is also a right-wing mainstream media source read by plenty of people that aren't insane.
This quotes Stalin as killing 40 million and is a source on the front page of a Google search for "number of people killed by dictators". The article is from 2014.