You guys realize this whole thing is gonna crash and burn soon right?
You guys realize this whole thing is gonna crash and burn soon right?
You realise people have been saying that since bitcoin was $3 right?
u must be retarded to think that lol
i have like 200k from 10k invested and i'm going to cash out after my 365 day hold is up for minimal tax liability
then i will buy back in after the blood bath which will happen by late september
nocoiner detected
either that or he bought dgb at 2500
You do know that BTC/ETH/Alt-coins have failed to break through to the Open Market so far right?
There is no outright adoption of BTC/ETH as an acceptable mode of exchange.
And it would remain that way for at least a decade.
So despite all the institutions dumping illicit funds (Samsung/Microsoft etc.) into crypto, we are still in the pre-bubble phase.
Not to mention most crypto-projects are unfinished/still in Alpha
oh btc will see its 10k and eth its 2k but not for 3 to 5 years
blood bath imminent
you can either protect your usd and buy back in after the crash or just hold forever
what blood path is this you speak of? please help. i dont want to die.
in the long run it wont matter in terms of ur overall relationship with crypto
i lived through many crashes now. yes you can time it, but in the long run you make lots of money either way, long as you stay in it
Looks like btc and eth could correct hard, and that means the whole market gets double fucked for a month or two.
I'm in some aggressive swings but after that's done in a couple weeks, I'm almost all out. And I'm cashing out my gains from mining as they come in.
>trying to time the market
how is this still a meme
I have about 30k worth of coins. To say we're not in a bubble is retarded. People use to buy Bitcoin to use and now this whole thing is a speculative bubble. It's turned into a giant pyramid scheme where everyone is trying to find another fool to buy in at a higher price so they can sell them in the future for a higher price. It's all fuled by hysteria at this point. There wont always be more suckers to buy in and it wouldn't take much of a sell of to cause a massive crash that doesn't "correct" in a week.
They are just greedy; the signs are all there. Make your plays quick and GTFO.
doesnt matter, we are in now. take advatage and make millions now before the 2020 burst
I only got into crypto less than a month ago. I'm not allowed to have nice things so a major crash soon is a certainty.
I partially agree, but people love crypto and it could stand to get a few hundred billion dollars bigger in the next few years. Be my guest in calling it a bubble, but how accurately could you call the top?
>this whole thing is gonna crash and burn
where did i read that before
I don't know guys, that bubble might burst too, but right now we have to worry about people mass exiting btc and entering eth or USD before August 1st.
The only indicator of a bubble is when you can actually use Bitcoin directly to buy shit from every major retailer, online and offline, to buy out entire companies, buy property and pay your taxes.
t. nocoiner
Dude, you never checked my trips. There will be a crypto credit card, and billionaires using crypto as a "storage for value" will maintain the current prices for a very long time. We may be dealing with different coins in the future, but this concept is here to stay.
Yes. But the next couple months could be really rough. I am heavily, heavily investing in mining equipment, obviously I am in this for the long haul. That doesn't mean I'm going to keep a lot of money in crypto right now though.
I cannot afford to not take profit, maybe you can. I need to pay bills and eat. And I can't do that if I HODL bitcoin and it's at 1.8k for a couple months.
Well, if you need to take your profits to survive, there is no changing that circumstance. The fact that you are only paying for necessities tells me you think this will go higher though. Unless you pull out and are hedging somehow.
Bitcoin has no fundamental value.
Fiat currencies are backed by the country that produces them. For example. As long as America *as a country* has value, so will its currency. What foundational REAL world value does Bitcoin have? What does it produce? What practical uses does it have? Absolutely nothing. Everyone is under the delusion that in th near future the entire world financial infrastructure will suddenly just up and abandon all other forms of commerce and adopt Bitcoin as the new currency standard. Why? When you stop and apply logic to Bitcoin, it falls apart. What we're whitenessing is a case of tulip madness. Not saying that there isn't money to be made here, (it's funny how BTC is priced in fiat money) but just know the kind of fire you're playing with.
I don't need to pay for my necessities with my miners. But I will for awhile and I'll cash out some of my stack. I'm spooked.
Drug market, easily accessible store of value for third world shitholes, money laundering, trading for people under 18.
It could happen. Bitcoin declined for three years even when many exchanges popped up after Mt Gox.
t. no coiner
keep holding your hyper inflating fiat my cuckolded friend
Are you going to keep disrespecting me by not checking my numerous trips? Do not argue with me, young man.
The only reason anyone is buying crypto is to get more fiat though..
I'm actually holding Bitcoin. Unlike 90% of Veeky Forums though, I just know what I'm actually holding. Keep dreaming about the new Bitcoin global economy and your lambos. I'll keep selling you air for money.
All those sevens. Checked.
This. It's quite ironic.
Trips and dubs ain't shit grandpa
The Blockchain is such revolutionizing technology, you'd have to be willfully ignorant not to believe it will impact the world as globalization continues growing.
Might not be Bitcoin but it's tech is staying. And gold is priced in fiat, so what?
This thread is blessed
Korean cartoon porn is underrated
I bet you don't even know what the blockchain is. You know the world's banking cabal is fast at work ripping of the only redeeming quality of Bitcoin. The bc still doesn't make up for the absolute lack of fundamental value.
so ? don't you realize it's yet another opportunity to restock ? furthermore big coins will remain mostly unaffected
>the only reason anyone is buying stocks is to get more fiat though
It's your fault
Crypto is a bubble right now, until enough people get on board and it becomes widely used and recognized. The question is will the bubble actually burst before you can use crypto to pay for your starbucks. Will big government kill it for us. I am not fearful of the ponzi scheme concept at all. You people underestimate the stupidity and numbers of the common man. There are ALOT of people just waiting for their neighbor to tell them about bitcoin so they can sink their money into it.
This is how you spot the retard. Stocks are shares of a company THAT PRODUCES THINGS AND HAS FUNDAMENTAL REAL WORLD VALUE. I Veeky Forums is a bunch of 15 year olds who maxed out mom's credit card on bitcoin, but at least think before you buy something because someone on Veeky Forums told you to.
>haha im actually holding bitcoin even though i just said its literally worthless lmao
fuck off cunt
Bitcoin is fucking worthless, but the money of the fools who buy it isn't. LAAAAAMMMMMBOS GET YOUR LAMMMMMBOOOOS. BITCOIN 100K ****USD*****TOMORROW. WHY? JUST CUZ LOL. BUY BUY BUY.
Crypto is a bubble right now. At least until enough people get on board and it becomes widely used and recognized. The question is this: Will the bubble actually burst before you can use Crypto to pay for your Starbucks? Will big government kill it? I am not fearful of the current ponzi nature of bitcoin. It is the means by witch it will perpetuate itself to fruition. Everyone seems to underestimate the stupidity of the average person. There are A LOT of people just waiting for their neighbor to tell them about bitcoin. That will then dump some money into it. In their passing the baby boomers will generate the largest transference of wealth in recorded history and with it the largest expenditure of poorly handled wealth. This will find its way into Crypto. Screen shot this shit and tell me your thoughts???
Let's be real for a few minutes. I think ther will come a time when, similar to the dot com bubble , you will see a ton of cryptos go under. Only a few dozen out of the hundreds of shitcoins are probably going to make it and have a profitable future. I guess the hard part is trying to figure out which coins are going to be here long term
the whole thing started blowing out when people stopped buying 1 BTC
"pyramid schemes never burst if it becomes mainstream"
whatever THAT means
Nah when I get my inheritance from my boomer parents I'm buying a house or apartment in the CBD in cash outright straight away.
My number one goal in life isn't too make money, my number one goal in life is to own a property out-right without worrying bout mortgage or rent. Then maybe AFTER that I'll worry about making money. I ain't risking my inheritance on some fucking meme coins, I wouldn't even risk it on the normie markets, fuck that shit nigger.
t. Ausfag.
Yeah maybe, but a surprising amount of people are researching it and discussing it before going all in.
That's just why you stick with probably BTC, Etherium and Bancor. Maybe a few others based on some type of popular real world functionality. The popular ones have a bright future, and will attain much higher market caps. Some others will never catch up and might just stagnate. Once investors better understand the functionality or versatility, the better coins will have more justified value. I am basically thinking that the money in the bottom 1000 coins will move to the top 100, and the top 100 will move to the top 50, and the top 50 will fund the most versatile and useful coins. We might have some new tech rip through the ranks or the established coins should maintain their place in the world.
If the public pics it up as a currency it stops being a pyramid scheme and starts being currency. Do you consider the U.S. Dollar to be a pyramid scheme?
Network effect. Some things get more valuable when more people use them like currencies and social networks.
China is on board, I bet Africans, and some poorer European countries are beginning to get into crypto as well. It is easier to trust than some shit that can be controlled on a tyrant's whim. I would trust crypto, than say the Ukrainian Hryvnia during times of uncertianty.
Forgot to add picture.
There are some great use cases for crypto don't get me wrong but I do believe that most people investing aren't intrested in them and are just trying to get rich quick. When whales start pulling out massive ammounts of money it's going to crash.
This isn't true
I'm holding cryto to get more stuff. It just so happens that crypto is rising in comparison to stuff, and fiat is staying going down in comparison to stuff. So crypto is the obvious investment.
NOBODY gives a fuck about "fiat", they only give a fuck about the stuff they can buy with fiat. And guess what. I can buy ANYTHING with bitcoin. You just sell it for temporary fiat and then buy stuff. Who cares if the websites don't accept bitcoin directly yet LMFAO
1. the people who don't know it's a bubble probably won't believe you anyway
2. at any point during a crash i can still make a fuck ton of money because i don't buy in at high price points
3. everybody here who makes a living off trading should have many forms of income. if you lose your bitcoin wallet, that shouldn't affect your lifestyle. it doesn't matter if its a fucking bubble or not, EVERYTHING is its own gamble.
probably buying somewhere in parramatta before prices skyrocket or castle hill when they get on the train system
...and czech'd
why stick to bancor? what "real world functionality" does it or any of the tokens on the ethereum network offer? ethereum itself is prone to hacking and attacks because of the size of its blockchain and its clear from the bancor ico that the network doesn't function as intended. we are clearly in a kind of bubble. whether it lasts a month or ten years is unknown but there is no justification for a company like bancor having a 150000000 dollar market cap. the entire market with the exception of btc/ltc and some of the tokens like gnt/fct is filled with shitcoins with no use case. i'm convinced 99% of the people buying in now have no idea what they're buying, which should be alarming to all of you if you care at all about the technology behind this. which you don't, because you're here.