So, this is my first time on Veeky Forums so please be nice. I have a question regarding the Middle Ages, sex in the Middle Ages or, more precisely, sexual psychology. If you're a noble sir and you have sex with a non-noble peasan girl for instance, will she consent more often than not ? I mean, was it, like, an honor to copulate with someone of higher birth ? I guess it was, but still, it's not the only thing that defines consent - the lady also has to be willing it. So, in general, were poor or non-noble girls fantasizing on noble sirs, or not ?
So, this is my first time on Veeky Forums so please be nice. I have a question regarding the Middle Ages...
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>were poor or non-noble girls fantasizing on noble sirs
No, blacksmiths on the the other hand ...
It's like that Trump quote.
In other terms : did noble lords experience sexual frustration ? more or less than rich people nowadays ?
When you say "Middle Ages" you realise you're talking about a 1000 year period in dozens of different countries?
I know, I'm pretty crappy in history. It may not even be the same in China and in Europe. Let's say in feudal societies in general, if that makes any sense. Maybe the answer would be more or less the same regarding all societies where men were basically not equal.
Must have been a mess. People did neither wash a lot nor shave back then.
Some women sleep with their bosses, most don't. I'm sure a lord wouldn't have a shortage of sluts for his bed, but if he had his eyes on one particular girl he'd probably be out of luck.
Nell Gwyn is a good example.
The nobility could and would use prostitutes, but there was the risk of STDs which was a problem before modern medicine. The high aristocracy could afford to keep mistresses and have them checked out first.
>asking sex questions on a Neolithic Phallus Trading Card Collectors board
go home. have another think at it.
>reading the answers in this thread
whew, la8ds.
Nevermind nobles, even local clergymen were swimming in pussy (and boipussy if they wanted)
And it wasn't just peasant girls either:
> People did neither wash a lot nor shave back then.
Actually, not washing is more of a late renaissance onwards kind of thing, in the medieval period they bathed quite regularly.
Certain town had up to 30 public baths.
Individual cases of notoriety are not good for blanket statements.
Just like the vast majority of Romans were conservative simple folk who did not orgy 24/7, so was the vast majority of both nobles and commoners in the medieval period just simple folk with simple lives.
>simple folk with simple lives
What if this is a modern construct ? What if with little in the way of comfort and distractions, these people immersed themselves in overdramatized conflicts and relationships ?
What if Chaucer and Boccace gave accurate accounts of their societies ?
There's a subgenre of Medieval poetry known as pastourelles that feature a knight seducing or forcibly raping a shepherdess, usually played up for laughs or levity.
> What if this is a modern construct?
Not a modern construct, an utter fact that 99% of people that ever lived existed through an incredibly boring sex life.
> What if Chaucer and Boccace gave accurate accounts of their societies ?
What is sensationalism?
user screams, for he does not know.
Guess you also like Game of Thrones.
As a matter of pragmatism, having an affair with a member of the nobility or clergy was probably the quickest and easiest way for a peasant woman to raise her social standing and means, so long, of course, as she got pregnant with his bastard. Even without pregnancy, I'm sure most medieval European societies would have looked the other way, or considered it pretty commonplace.
However, this only worked one way with high ranking men and low-ranking women. Reverse it, and it's a quick way to end up in a nunnery. Which isn't all bad either, but probably not as nice as getting a pension for having a high-born bastard.
And obviously, when talking about kings, if his majesty says 'bend over' you say 'how low', regardless of sex, and you enjoy it because this is very good news for you and your family, generally speaking.
>British "women"
>And obviously, when talking about kings, if his majesty says 'bend over' you say 'how low', regardless of sex
Only if you're an absolute fucking nobody. Kings did not wield the sort of absolute power people imagine. Piss off even an unimportant noble by trying to violate their daughter and the resulting outrage could very easily end up putting you on the wrong side of a civil war. Raping their son? You're fucked.
>And obviously, when talking about kings, if his majesty says 'bend over' you say 'how low', regardless of sex, and you enjoy it because this is very good news for you and your family, generally speaking.
Are you retarded?
you realize the blackmail possible and possible literal lynching of the peasants for satanic practices take your filthy faggot degenerate filth with you.
t. game of thrones historian