Did the holocaust really happend?
Did the holocaust really happend?
No. It's false soviet propaganda.
Yes, but by and large it was justified.
No one really knows
No, it didn't, but paradoxically, it was Hitler's greatest achievement.
nope but it should have
Yes, but largely not intentionally. It was much more a case of incredible negligence and lack of regard for Jewish life than an intentional and systematic attempt at wiping a people from the Earth.
Nobody can deny that atrocities and crimes were committed, and that especially as the war went on, things got fucked up. But the meme that it was a plan to exterminate the Jews, and somehow hide the evidence as if nobody was going to ask about it after the war, is total horseshit.
Just picture the Japanese internment camps if America had famine, outbreaks of disease, it's bottom barrel retard soldiers guarding them, and was fighting Mexico and Canada and both those counties were 400 times stronger than they actually were.
Yes. now fuck off back to /pol/
Please stop spouting nonsense.
>and somehow hide the evidence as if nobody was going to ask about it after the war, is total horseshit.
Jews were not the only victims, yet no one is asking about other ones. So yes, people would not care.
The Second World War never even happened
>How everyone who isn't European diaspora sees things
I don't know, but Hitler sure did produce enough gas to kill millions...with his butt, lol.
yes but neo-nazis will pretend that all of the evidence is "jewish lies" or whatever the buzzword of the week is
>browses Veeky Forums
>denies one of the most documented events in history
fuck off stormfaggots.
Operation Barbarossa was a war of destruction in which jews were specifically targeted to be intentionally exterminated to make way for german occupation.
Nah mate the Jews made it all up and now they causing non white people to move into white countries as revenge for the holocaust (which didn't happen) open your eyes
They also did 9/11
and the protestant reformation
The jews had to get israel some how!
Btw gypsy's are the worst people you will ever meet and shouldn't exist
>Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, more than 3 million Jews have moved to Israel.
>in the years 1933-1945, only ~100,000 Jews illegally immigrated to Palestine
>only 30,000-50,000 Jews migrated to the US in the years prior to WW2 and during the war
I don't get it. Where did all the Jews go? Can someone tell me?
too much misinformation everywhere to be sure. the fact that it is illegal to deny it in most of europe is a huge red flag that it may not have happened the way it was said to have happened. truth does not fear investigation.
I can see from multiple sources of neutral data that millions of jewish people that were in europe ceased being in europe during nazi germany, in one way or another. personally, what makes the most sense to me is that they were putting them into labor camps, as it doesn't make any sense for a war machine to waste perfectly good slaves. as germany began to struggle, camps became one of the least concerns, and on top of that, german supply lines began to be utterly destroyed by the allies, cutting food and supplies off to camps with thousands upon thousands of people in them.
allies accidentally assist in the deaths of possibly millions of jews, cover it up with stories of death camps. it makes a lot more sense than murdering free labor en masse during war, as we are taught in school.
It sure does. That's why we need to ignore all the primary documentation and ignore things like how British POWs in those same camps didn't starve for the theory to work!
contradicted by alternative "primary documentation" and alternative stories. that's why I say it cannot be said for certain, the event has been too perverted by too many people with political motives over the last seventy years.
I will never be convinced that the event happened how we are told as long as free speech is restricted to keep the event from being questioned. truth doesn't fear investigation. that's something that lies fear.
>Can't even punctuate properly
Top kek, you denialists sure are retarded!
Why yes it did OP. and the reason you ask is because the autistic germans couldn't accept that their military as well as war strategy was inferior so they persecuted the jews for it. Now would you kindly fuck of back to pol.
They all went to Israel and america after the war. A lot can happen in 84 years ya know
I don't even consider myself a denialist. I believe about six million jews died. I simply question some of the "facts" surrounding the issue, they seem extremely unrealistic to me, and the behavior by european governments in relation to the issue doesn't make it any less fishy.
one of the great lies of our time soon to be forgotten in the coming centuries
>contradicted by alternative "primary documentation" and alternative stories
No, not really. The minutes to the Wannsee conference, Hans Frank's Diaries, things like the Jager report are pretty damn clear.
>that's why I say it cannot be said for certain, the event has been too perverted by too many people with political motives over the last seventy years.
You can use the same 'logic' to make any absurd claim, such as that George Washington never existed.
>l never be convinced that the event happened how we are told as long as free speech is restricted to keep the event from being questioned. truth doesn't fear investigation. that's something that lies fear.
What? That's retarded. First off, holocaust denial laws are far more narrow than people on Veeky Forums seem to accuse them of being; guys like Chirs Browning never went to prison or were censured in any manner despite overturning sacred cows.
Secondly, the mere restriction of free speech doesn't preclude the truthfulness of the subject matter being occluded. For decades following, research into the Bletchley Park activities was illegal and classified to all hell. Are you saying that the British never cracked Engima? Or that they only DID crack Enigma once the information was declassified?
Probably it did, however digits might have been exaggerated.
>The first patent for a ballpoint pen[6] was issued on 30 October 1888, to John J. Loud,[7] who was attempting to make a writing instrument that would be able to write "on rough surfaces-such as wood, coarse wrapping-paper, and other articles"[8] which then-common fountain pens could not.
>With no commercial viability, its potential went unexploited[1] and the patent eventually lapsed.
Nobody used it before WW2 let alone a Jew in an attic
>argument from authority
>slippery slope
>straw man
all in one post. and this is why I question "facts" surrounding the holocaust. people like you defend them.
or under exaggerated
>argument from authority
What argument from authority? Citation to evidence is not "argument by authority", and the only authority I mentioned was Browning, not as in support for any claim of his, but that he was not in fact in trouble for "questioning the event".
>slippery slope
Where? Slippery slope is a fallacy in an argument by prescription, not description. If one does not trust an event merely because there are people with political power who have had the opportunity (maybe) to distort the historical record, there's damn little of anything you can discuss as 'history'
>straw man
Please, where have I made a strawman? I have not endeavored to do so, but I might have inadvertently if I misunderstood one of your arguments.
>contradicted by alternative "primary documentation"
>No such documentation has been found to exist
>Deniers will still argue against actual documents in favour of nonexistant alternatives
>The origin of the "ballpoint myth" is the four-page report that the Federal Criminal
Police Office (the Bundeskriminalamt or BKA) in Wiesbaden, which was
published in 1980. In this investigation into the types of paper and ink used in the
diary of Anne Frank it is stated that "ballpoint corrections" had been made on
some loose sheets. The BKA’s task was to report on all the texts found among
the diaries of Anne Frank, and therefore also on the annotations that were made
in Anne’s manuscripts after the war. However, the Dutch investigation by the
Forensic Institute in the mid-1980’s shows that writing in ballpoint is only found
on two loose pages of annotations, and that these annotations are of no
significance for the actual content of the diary.
plz quit trying to defend your great lie, just let it die already
There's still a massive gap between 1888 and 1945.
You should take your own advice.
911 was a lie and Bush did the Holocaust.
Yes, and it was equal parts horrible and stupid.
>camps become their least concerns
So litterally saying Germany knowingly committed war crimes as per the 1929 Geneva Convention signed by Germany?
>don't consider myself a denials
>while word for word posting stormnigger talking points
>the fact that it is illegal to deny it in most of europe is a huge red flag that it may not have happened the way it was said to have happened. truth does not fear investigation.
It is not the only genocide that is illegal to deny, concern troll. For instance, in France you can't deny the Armenian genocide either. In Ukraine you can't deny the Holodomor. In Rwanda you can't deny the Tutsi genocide. It is actually a pretty common thing to happen in countries involved in the genocide.
>as it doesn't make any sense for a war machine to waste perfectly good slaves.
No, it doesn't make sense to kill good slaves. It is the kind of thing that can make you lose a war. AND LOOK AT THAT, THEY LOST THE WAR.
>make a holocaust denial thread
>instantly trigger Veeky Forums
Is Veeky Forums the easiest board to troll?
Did you want to hear that? Go back to /pol/ retard!
Wannsee Conference.
If I take a big smelly shite on my neighbors lawn every two days he'll be pretty triggered. Yet I wouldn't call him "easy to troll".
No, but I hope it happens again.
My great grandpa fought in WW2 and denied the Holocaust. He also denied the existence of Dinosaurs
By Occum's razor he couldn't have been wrong about everything.
And since we do know that dinosaurs exist...