Start with crypto 10 days ago after learning the basics by lurking

>start with crypto 10 days ago after learning the basics by lurking
>put in 5000€ to btc/eth with close to ATH prices
>still manage to make a 1250€ profit in 10 days by daytrading altcoins

fucking hell, is this really that simple? I've already made a load of rookie mistakes and still managed to earn more money than I do by wagecucking. is this real life?

Welcome to bizstreet

buy high, sell low

Have any bitcoin for an out of work 17er?

I made $16,000 wagecucking last year, in the past few months I've made $50,000 off crypto. I'm with you OP this shit doesn't feel real but I cashed out $10,000 so I know it is. Its an odd feel.

Or is it a fantasy?

Did someone say Fanta?

You started this because of NGR didnt you?

Nice larping faggt


I made so many fucking mistakes and I'm still breaking even overall, even with the BTC dip in price

It's amazing

you poor?

>Everyone is a genius in the bull market

You better watch out newfriend, you're gonna learn some haaaard shit 'round here nigga. Gonna lose those peanuts you're holdin' if you get too stupid.

>Or is it a fantasy?

last 10 days have definitely been bearish.

Shows us your portfolio? Im 99% sure your full of shit considering the massive downturn 3 days ago

where do i get 5000€ in the first place?

it's the good life, brother

well let's assume for giggles sake you are not lying cunts. for every one that makes money on crypto consistently there is a 100 bagholders out there who had the same idea.

kneepads, baby wipes, mouthwash

OP lie

>caught in a landslide to escape from reality

exchange is bound to make money on the trade even if they don't employ bots, they take a cut whether it's profitable to you or not. you also pay them when you cash out. in fact if there are bots they are probably the side venture of some wagecuck admin.

Not my problem that there's idiots in this world.

well lot of them started out making money it will be your problem soon enough.

Get a job brokefag.

I already took out double my initial investment, if they made money like I did and did not take profits they are definitely idiots.