I am looking to avoid (some) taxes by purchasing Amazon/others gift cards online using bitcoin that can not be traced back to me. If I decide to use these gift cards myself on my own accounts, could I claim that I paid cash for these like so many do? At what point would these businesses tell the IRS that I am spending loads from gift cards?
I am looking to avoid (some) taxes by purchasing Amazon/others gift cards online using bitcoin that can not be traced...
also wondering about this
How are you buying the amazon gift cards? Bitbay?
Giftcards are not currency. The government views them as items from a store. Bestbuy does not report to the IRS when you buy a tv.
Depends where you buy them. They can be carded, or they can have KYC and AML clauses that'll keep tabs if you cash out too many. They may think you are shady.
Retarded idea. Just use a cashout service for like 10-15% fee
>Retarded idea. Just use a cashout service for like 10-15% fee
Literally might as well pay capital gains at that point.
At least you know the money won't be going to Jamal and his 12 kids, to fund some bullshit war, or those retards that try making the Internet a pay to play service.
Just sayin'.
FYI you don't have to pay capital gains if you are a NEET
What do you mean?
The capital gains tax for people earning less than 36k per year is 0% in the U.S.
only if u hodl for a year tho
ok, but at the point in time you cash out 2 million in bitcoin would not that not mean your income for the year is now 2 million?
if you hold for less than a year, it goes into "ordinary income". If you hold for more than a year, it's "long term capital gains", and is taxed at the rate on the far right.
This guy better fix this shit
Fingers crossed
How can they prove how long you held for? Why cant I just say I held for a year even if I made the gains in a month?
Get an IRL waifu and this doubles.
If they get suspicious, they will call you in and it's going to be up to you to prove it, goy.
also keep in mind guys the minimum income to file taxes is like 10k, so technically you could cash out 10k per year without having to pay any taxes at all
Move to Switzerland, Monaco, Isle of man, for 7 months of the year
Cos u spent the majority of the year there it becomes ur resistance and you won't pay any tax
Just message me...... I have gift cards that I want BTC with. Have about 2k in az cards/visa gift cards available