Mfw I see all you retards losing money in the biggest and most obvious ponzi scheme of all time

>mfw I see all you retards losing money in the biggest and most obvious ponzi scheme of all time
>Mfw I've made more than all of you on stocks, up 9% this year so far

I'm up 600% on Crypto from year start. You're fucking retarded.


>up 9% with the 100 dollars you stole off moms credit card and put into mcdonalds stocks because you thought 'hmm maybe if i buy stocks it willl lower burger prices for me'
fuck off normie
congrats on the 9 dollars

Yeah and you're down 1000%



I'm up 350% in 2 months. If your not investing at least some in crypto your kidding yourself.

>up 9% this year so far

Veeky Forums utterly and unconventionally BTFO how will they ever recover?

lmao im up 4k buying in when people announce a pump and dump, its free money just look for the posts and ride the wave.

>up 9% this year

I'm invested in both, yknow, because they can both be good investments.

Also you're only up 9 percent this year lol, I started last month and I'm up 12 percent. Pick better stocks.

No, I cashed out 1/4 my holdings when ETH his around $400. I'm sitting pretty.

It's clearly a Ponzi scheme, every thread here is shilling some stupid internet coin. So if you're actually profiting, congrats on all the shilling you had to do to get there. I'd rather make real money and not shill all day and scam 12 year olds out of their allowance.

Come on now that's an obvious bait holy fuck


Wew. It's 1000% or bust

>taking this obvious bait when the last real nocoiner threads died out earlier this month when the marketcap hit 100 mill


I mine more money than your shitty fiat ponzi scheme gives you. Let us know when you got a custom purple benny outside

Nigga I'm up 9% in the last 24 hours

My 401k gives me an 11% return . Get out of here with that 9%. Crypto or get lost

nigger, that would be a bad DAY in crypto

you don't even know what a ponzi scheme is or how it works

>9% in the whole year
>He feels proud about it
Such is life as a nocoiner


Enjoy your coming stock market crash.

Pro-tip: I made 100% in the last 3 weeks.

forgot pic

stop replying to this shit you dumb idiots

Lel 100% made last 2 weeks

you can make double that in one hour of crypto you absolute pleb

>up 9% this year so far


Get these fucking nogainz out of here