If Hitler wanted living space for ethnic Germans why didn't he just annex France's colonies after France fell and colonised those?
If be genocided the Arabs and blacks no one would even care
If Hitler wanted living space for ethnic Germans why didn't he just annex France's colonies after France fell and colonised those?
If be genocided the Arabs and blacks no one would even care
Leopold 2's reasoning
because britain had a navy that the germans couldn't come close to competing with and everybody knew it. also hitler viewed the slavs as sub-humans slated for extinction anyways, so lebensraum in the east was in their view hitting two birds with one stone.
What does Britain's navy have to do with it? Make a deal with the French to hand over France's colonies, make peace with Britain.
Then send in the German settlers to colonise from Algeria to Mali.
Not him, but Britain was not particularly interested in peace, and until they stop fighting, actually getting to France's colonies for population transfer is going to be difficult.
literally a zero percent chance the brits were going to make peace with the germans that quickly, and as long as they didn't there wasn't fuck all the germans could do overseas.
Essentially, Hitler wanted a self sufficient nation impenetrable to blockade. Colonies break this.
One big reason why Hitler and the Nazis wanted to expand east so bad was because they saw their attempted conquests as the completion of the gradual eastward expansion of German-speaking peoples that had been taking place since the early medieval period. Prussia had only been "German" since the 13th century, for instance, and even as late as the 19th century German settlers were heading into the western parts of the Russian Empire due to the availability of unused arable land and invitations by local settler-friendly nobles (my own grandfather was a descendant of such settlers, having been born in a German village in Volhynia in today's western Ukraine in the early 20th century).
>willfully in Mali
hearty keks have been given
Who is this aryan princess?
>redpilling the fact that Hitler didn't want to genocide the poles, he wanted to germanize them
They'd essentially be Czech if the axis won.
>They'd essentially be Czech if the axis won.
A foreboding thought user. I love my Polish Culture more than that cuck germany one
Because Hitler was fucking insane. What part of that do people not fucking get?! He literally believed that there was some kind of "Jewish-Communist conspiracy" that had taken over the world, and that he was going to free Europe by committing mass genocide.
The Jewish global financial boycott of Germany probably didn't help that world view eh desu? It really gefeltes my fish...
>He literally believed that there was some kind of "Jewish-Communist conspiracy" that had taken over the world
Heh yeah only a crazy person could believe something like that....
Wasn't this in response to him oppressing the Jews in Germany?
Cut the crap, /pol/ack. I don't care if the conspiracy was real, the point is that Hitler destroyed the greatest nation and culture by turning them all into cartoon caricatures.
He didn't destroy the USA though
No, that's a JIDF lie. International Jewry was at work wrecking Germany since they stabbed the Germans in the back and prevented them from winning WW1 by having Rosa Luxembourg stage a violent revolution and siphon necessary materials away from the front lines.
>by turning them all into cartoon caricatures
Lol no western media has been doing that ever since
It got soooo bad that Hollywood literally made a Nazi Zombie Moonbase movie that did all right in theatres lol
Full text here
It seems like they were just angry at German oppression of German jews, just like now people boycott Israel and people used to boycott South Africa.
(((They))) really do love their lefits morality revolutions in host nations
You sure it wasn't the sailor's that started the revolution? Quit being clueless buddy, your own army "stabbed you in the back", Germany had no chance of winning
That's part of the problem, yes; that pop fiction proceeded to turn the Nazis into go-to bad guys. Though they were pretty much asking for it when they decided to be so fucking insanely racist and fanatical all the while.
>user first claims Hitler is crazy for beileiving in a global Jewish conspiracy
>when the global Jewish conspiracy manifests itself so obviously that it cannot be denied
>user still says it was for the best
Maybe it would be best if Jews stopped being part of global insular conspiracies against the goyim...
I don't get it.
No one says the Japanese are evil racist fanatics for maintaining Japan for themselves.
Or the South Koreans desu
But when the Blonde people did it (white people desu) it was soooooo evil.
Why is that? It's because you hate white people and not asians.
What the fuck are you talking about? Germany surrendered when it became undeniably clear that they had lost. People saying they could've won were doing that because they hated how Germany still proceeded to turn into a Ground Zero for political conflict and a completely fucked-up economy.
What? Jews responded to Germans oppressing German Jews.Before that Jew did nothing to Germany.
>Ground Zero for political conflict
A commonly reported symptom of all civilizations that host the Jewish people in large numbers
Because the Nazis did shit that was evil in the eyes of the common German, and extended its evil to its own people.
Meanwhile, Japan's atrocities were only manifested on themselves in the form of ritual suicide, plus it and South Korea were made into American colonies while Germany remained a ground zero for the Cold War.
>Before that Jew did nothing to Germany
LOL! Sure cupcake Hitler just made it all up and managed to hypnotize millions of people with nothing tangible.
The Jews were good boys they dindu nuffin.
It could have been Episcopalians!
>Japan's atrocities were only manifested on themselves
You need to stop talking about subjects you don't understand. Lurk moar
And read up on the Rape of Nanking
What do you think the Jews did to Germany?
Why do you think the Jews did this?
Who precisely are "the Jews" (I assume Jews working as plumbers aren't in on the global conspiracy)
These are really good questions.
You'll feel much better when you answer them for yourself.
I said they only manifested SELF-atrocities IN THE FORM OF RITUAL SUICIDE. I know perfectly well all the horrible things they did to China and POWs in general.
Heck, I even know that Japan fueled its soldiers's morale with widely-distributed crack.
>If Hitler wanted living space for ethnic Germans why didn't he just annex France's colonies after France fell and colonised those?
He didn't.
Hitler was simply reversing versailles, but it's futile, hitler wanted world conquest, kill all brown haired, eat babies, murder those under 7 feet, kill all handicaps, kill all jews etc..
There is no evidence for Hitler being insane or wanting any of these stupidity nor did he ever advocate for such things, but all discussions of him go the same way, I'll just keep my truth to my head and say what it is and not respond to useless propaganda.
Mein Kampf.
You lose.
Any evidence he wrote it?
>I have strong opinions on things I have never read
Are we going to discuss history and facts or opinions and so called allied authority on historical narration?
So ops question is why didn't Hitler try to take colonies that had been lost by other western Empires
The Germans were never big colonists were they?
>The Germans were never big colonists were they?
Germans and all German thought was anti-colonialist.
Borrowing from Bismarck insistence on anti-colonialism.
So wait let me get this straight.
Post colonial era, after having missed all the fun, Germany out of the blue decides to invade surrounding clay and make pseudo-aryan colonies.
It does seem really out of place in that perspective.
This all comes from them never having any deepwater ports to make a navy and invade from. Germany never had an appreciably Navy.
Lack of deepwater ports led Germans to Nazism.
>Lack of deepwater ports led Germans to Nazism.
What do you mean by nazism?
What do you think the common people belived in and were taught?
The common people believed in the German people as Jews believe in the Jewish people, and that Germany has always belonged to Germans and should always belong to them as well as the state should work to provide for the people, that is the entire national socialist ideology everything else that propagandists say are actions of individuals seperated from what was taught and what was written about the ideology, same way Bush or Ted Bundy do not represent capitalism.
I'm saying that regionally German territorial expansion was an anomaly for the times in post-colonialism Europe.
The major powers had been fighting one another in proxy wars along the African coasts, or in the Indian subcontinent or along the eastern coast of North America.
But France wasn't invading England irl it was just proxy wars. Germany is pretty much silent throughout the colonial period.
And then all of a sudden Germany just gets up and starts kicking the hell out of everyone in Europe lol
>And then all of a sudden Germany just gets up and starts kicking the hell out of everyone in Europe lol
Germany was in alliance with Soviet Union to partition poland again as Poland belonged to Germany in the peoples lifetimes, the people in poland at the time were born in Germany, after this join Soviet/German partition France and UK invaded Germany and Germany defended itself and occupied northern France for war against England, and that's it.
They had colonies in WWI and still got blockaded.
Germany wasn't a country for a lot of the colonial period.