Why are the majority of posters on Veeky Forums so jealous of Britain?
Why are the majority of posters on Veeky Forums so jealous of Britain?
Inferiority complex, they're jealous of their own perceived flaws so project it on who they view as superior.
Because of a large Franco-Gaulish userbase.
Veeky Forums is essentially a French board at this point.
It is. Anyone who is french has delusions of grandeur and anyone who isn't is pressured or taught a biased history to make them worship it.
we pity them or have outright contempt for brit-stooges
Fuck you Dad. And your tea!!!!
Tea is nice.
I can't help it, Britain was just too good to not evoke jealousy.
If you say so, lesser man.
It's okay we share our glory around.
>muh French boogeyman!!!
Visit flag boards, everyone despise Brits, not just frogs
And righfully so
Am I supposed to give a shit about this autism?
Im not jealous of britian,i infact respect everything they've done
I just hate british poster, blind devoution for the queen and all
There's nothing wrong with blind devoution for the Queen.
Doesn't that fit in with OP's point silly, about the clear jealousy?
Why is the UK the 13th most liked nation on earth if it's despised, anyway?
t. leaf
Holy fuck
> in fact
I need to get some sleep
Teutophiles jealous of Britain's ability to conquer and mad that we bombed Dresden into obvilion.
The Queen is a bit like a granny to us. Give it a break, if someone insults your nan you aren't just going to sit on your hands.
There are no teutophiles on Veeky Forums
You realize Germans actually admire England? it's frogs who hate us.
Spic here
When will the british and french stop suppressing their sexual desires and fug already?
no we dont
Why do Brits hate the French so much? They've been on the same side for the past several wars, and haven't fought in nearly a hundred years.
>Germans actually admire England
Yeah nah
I'm German, and although I hate both countries, I have much more admiration for France than for England
We don't
It's just Brit/pol/ posters
France is the last country that conquered them, and they also permanently ruined the English language
Nap fucking up all the european powers tenfold
100 year war
7 year war
American revolution
They've been rivals waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy longer than allies
You guys committed crimes against the world and never got punished for it, so we're butthurt.
I think it's just everyone in Europe minus maybe the scandis hate us.
I like the French as friendly rivals.
>They've been rivals waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy longer than allies
Aye, but we cucked them into being our lacky so it's fine.
I am a brit rosbif in need of a french boyfriend
we could roleplay the napoleonic wars together in the bedroom and I could be his captured sussex drummer boy
And now you're both cucked onto being ours
Too bad your country will be a joke in 30 years.
Yours already is one
Why would you admire frogs more when they got knocked out of the second world war so quickly.
But we have so many nukes, that in the end we can pull the death switch and fuck everyone over
Also if america some how falls from grace, economys would crash all over the place
Let's see
UK-5th largest Economy
5th largest military
France-6th Largest Economy
4th Largest Military
Hardly a joke, considering population.
Because Britain's egoistic rational materialism runs completely contrary to most of the world's mystical authoritarian sentimentalism.
You won't drop suddenly. you'll decline as the Romans, Byzantines, Swedes, Spaniards, French, British and Chinese did.
Slowly you'll fade away from being able to project your power. your golden years of the 60's are long gone.
Just like us, frogs once conquered Europe
Meanwhile what has Britain done besides conquering backward shitskins?
>When the goyim argue about who's cucking who when you're really cucking them all
America - 1st largest economy
1st largest military
Considering your country has 5x the population, that's hardly surprising.
How does it make our countries jokes, anyway?
>slowly fade away as the romans,byzantines,spainards,french,british, and chinese did
So we go down as one of the greatest nations to ever exist and completely change the worldforever until we suddenly resurge slightly weaker than we were at our prime or have a shit ton of countries fighting over being our successer?
Sounds like a good deal
Italians aren't the same as Romans
That land was inherited. None was conquered
Yep, impressive
Conquered Poland (Wow) and France through the french having terribleleadership
Only the French Empire is impressive
You realize Britain never tried to conquer Europe? Instead it built a trade empire and became the dominant economic power.
If you judge a nation purely on military conquest you're retarded.
Eurgh, no, as you left no legacy.
Rome literally shaped a continent.
You (Like the Spanish) will be seen as merely a temporary hegemony.
>Conquered Poland (Wow) and France through the french having terribleleadership
We also kicked the British army from the continent and forced you to hide until America arrived
Not to mention that we conquered half of Russia
>You realize Britain never tried to conquer Europe? Instead it built a trade empire and became the dominant economic power.
Top kek
The only reason you never tried is because you were too cowardly for that
>The only reason you never tried is because you were too cowardly for that
States aren't people, they're borders with governments.
>Not to mention that we conquered half of Russia
Just after they murdered half their leadership.
>implying america didn't shape world politics, war, north and south america,and the philosophy for a large amount of countries in its current dominate reign
Besides, i doubt britian in its current state would still be around when america falls
Probably eaten by russia
>implying america didn't shape world politics, war, north and south america,and the philosophy for a large amount of countries in its current dominate reign
It really didn't. it just tried to maintain democracy in as many places as possible and failed in many.
>Besides, i doubt britian in its current state would still be around when america falls
>Probably eaten by russia
>My geopolitical knowledge is based on pol: the post
delete this please we're best allies. Americans gave me free food when I was in New York in my RN uniform.
Unless you're Israeli, you arent America's greatest ally
>autistic murrifats and poleling rooting for france
is this supposed to impress anyone?
Everyone's favourite glorified seagull
>be me
>be Québecer
>never going to be French
>never going to be part of the 10ème infanterie légère and quickly flank around to the rear of an english drummer boy
Gross, even worse if pure laine desu
i'm half czech if that makes up for it, i have the squinty slav eyesand everything
Because they know they will never be able to spawn the greatest country that the world has ever known
if you put two imperialist bullies in the same room together such banter is natural
same with France and Germany
you can just feel the jelly in that pic
>Veeky Forums hates Brits
>Veeky Forums hates Germans even though they're constantly moving goalposts as to what a German is
>Veeky Forums routinely shits on Carlos II, last Habsburg monarch of Spain
>Veeky Forums has a Napoleon fetish
It's a French board.
We're jealous of Britain the same way we're jealous of niggers. You just exist to fuck up everything good.
>Italians aren't the same as Romans
>Too bad your country will be a joke in 30 years.
i give it 6 months at best.
yours will be muslim
Russian here. My country never achieved anything of worth but destroying other countries, I wish I was born in Britain.
Yeah nah, it's neither hate nor admiration. It swings between contempt and indifference.
t. frenchposter
His is a cesspool of nu male beta redcap trumpites trying to sell us on cuckservative ideas. Literally pol 2.0
Abandon ship.