>mfw my steady job has a more stable increase than crypto
Join the world friends. Get a real job. I know some of you probably watched Wolf of Wall Street and feel like anything is possible. Why don't you turn in an application at the local culvert factory and get on with your life. Crypto will be dead and gone soon enough. All while my 401k is being vested.
Mfw my steady job has a more stable increase than crypto
Stay salty wagecuck.
If you think he's salty now just wait and see how salty you are next week when bitcoin crashes again.
It's because you're worse at crypto than at your job. Not everyone is like that.
I agree, I am the user that lost 17 BTC the other day
Time to get back to reality, I was not made to be rich in this world
>at crypto
Stop and listen to the way you talk, friend. Remember Beanie Babies?
its karma mate
So I can buy more and then profit when it inevitably rises again?
Wagecucks are too simple to understand how to make money without a boss handing it to them with a good boy sticker?
>he thinks I want to live a wild Wolf of Wall Street lifestyle
>he doesn't know I want to live an antisocial American Psycho lifestyle
We all know the rise is inevitable, right friend? I sure do. My only boss is the cold beer I am enjoying right now, while knowing my quarterly bonus from the factory will be in my account next Thursday.
>spouting le Beanie Babies argument
i would explain why youre wrong, but it would be more effort than you have made towards learning about cryptocurrency
I really don't
Bitcoin will never be worth zero, therefore at some point there is always an inevitable kickback.
This is my first time posting on this board. Not sure about your arguments. I was looking for advice on whether to continue with my 401k or switch to Roth IRA. All I saw was "coins" named after digimon and sex acts. You people have some real work to do (for once) before I grace you with another thread.
so much cope. i like how his board brings these retards out of hiding, they cant handle having a bunch of neets making more then them
if you dont want to invest in crypto then fucking dont and keep putting shit in your 401k. Many people here already are wagecucks just like you and already have retirement funds. If you keep posting its just gonna make you look salty and jelly.
if you understood the technology you would understand the investment. And thats coming from a polymer chemist, with a $80k/year job who plans on retiring early off bit/altcoin. 47% average monthly gains, cant really argue with that. Just cause you cant figure it out doesn't make it worthless.
well said bruh
Polymers will be passed by synthetic fabrics very soon. Good thing you have your coins.
"very Soon" Polymer science relates to many things. Polyester/Acrylic/Epoxy/Silicone.Unless we stop making plastic and women stop wanting their nails done and boob jobs i think im ok... but nice uneducated assumption.
Please teach more, I'm enjoying this thread. You are one of the best nocoiners I've seen so far.
lol op has all of the answers, user.
Polymers are an ingredient of synthetic fabrics. The possibility for growth is the arrangements of the individual polymer threads. An organization of material. Not a material itself. Much like your coins are a market, but are nothing but an echo of the shit that drops from the gaping existence of the real world.
im not sure wtf you trying to say. Polymer science is dying because of synthetic fabrics, which the main ingredient of, is said polymers? But it doesnt matter because its all a lie? I must need a new dealer cause my weed isnt bringing me up near as high as you are.
OP is just upset and trying to cope with it by making shitty threads and trolling. just look at the OP pic that he uses for >mfw. He's probably super disgusting irl
>not working while investing in crypto
are you mentally fucking retarded op?
Go sell space ship ingredients to NASA, friend. They will organize them for you. Ignore my hot tip if you want. I am set. Just please don't drop your savings into "crypto" is all.
>implying I don't do both
>how fucked is america that people are proud for actually preparing for retirement?
>should seriously get on Australia's level
>it is required for employers to pay 9.5% of salary into a retirement savings fund
>actually being increased to 12.5%
Why not just throw it all in the s&p 500 or some of the more successful ETF's or emerging market stocks? If You still have more than $5-10,000 you can invest in a stock that gives more than .2ยข pershare MONTHLY(depending on stock) depending on if you placed them in utilities or other necessities that are highly resistant to market crash enough to make at least $4000 dollars total, not including the 15% tax, and be able to live comfortably. You won't be rich(unless of course you place the total dividend to buy more stocks that has the same deal), but you will want for nothing.
Veeky Forums is now a jidf board
Not American, pal. Live in East Timor. And I would prefer not being forced into investments by my British government, friend.
>>it is required for employers to pay 9.5% of salary into a retirement savings fund
>>actually being increased to 12.5%
Oh yeah, it's great. And I can't even withdraw it to get better returns. It's just sitting in some rich investors' accounts until I turn 70, at which point I'll probably already be dead.
>East Timor
I currently work with industrial coatings so I guess i could paint a space ship. But id rather invest in altcoins, make 40% + monthly interest, and let you know how big of a dumbass you are for not doing the same.
Well its been real. See yall on the morning coin rise.
>east timor
the niggers of south east asia
i hope the indonesians come and fuck your shit up again
Then why the fuck are talking about 401k's?
You can choose however you want to invest it, with the exception of cryptos, unfortnately. Apart from that, any managed funds, direct shares, or property you like. Plus get better returns cause lower taxes. And if you die, early, congrats your kids just earned $200k in tax free money.
We have been independent since 2002, friend. The more bombs you indos drop the more culverts my factory makes. Not that it matters. Your coins will drain your funds before that happens.
>with the exception of cryptos,
And you can't see the problem here? I could be quadrupling that money, instead it's sitting there earning a few percent per year, waiting to be shat on by another global financial crisis
>And if you die, early, congrats your kids just earned $200k in tax free money.
Are you slow? Nothing matters when I'm dead, and that's exactly why I'm never having kids
OP you must have invented into shit coins.. how could you have possibly lost that much??
I hear that brother. No kids for me either. This guy likes when his government controls 12 percent of his earnings, and is glad that his wife's kids will benefit.
Having a job while investing in crypto as a hobby is the ultimate ironpill my friend.
It's not edgy if your genes are too shit to be worth passing on
yeah with the help of australia and the rest of the world. we aint coming back a second time to help you sea nigger
Says the country with five cities and a desert. New Zealand is better anyway. I plowed a slag from Auckland once. Not bad. At least you had that season of Survivor. Leave your coins friend.