I didnt fully capitalize on the april/may 2017 crypto golden age

>i didnt fully capitalize on the april/may 2017 crypto golden age

Sorry, you missed out, those times ain't coming back

just in time for the diamond age.

Will OP be a faggot in the future?

>tfw almost took advice to cash out and diversify after eth reached $35

Family hasnt bugged me about diversifying for the past month, Im guessing they found out about the bubble and realize they look silly now.

i want to believe...

>no worries
>diamond age confirmed by dubs.
I'm guessing after Aug.1

I'm going to be so fucking ready this time.

the best time to plant a tree was 7 years ago
the next best time is 6 years and 364 days ago
the nth best time is now

basically nothing has happened for the last 5 years

>buying during the start of a crash is a great time to invest!

ig you're just gonna HODL for years, then yeah, why not?

ARK by Q2 2018

This guy is fucking right. This is only the beginning

>there are people who don't believe in the blockchain revolution

Stay mad nocoin faggots, I'll wave down from lambo land

How does the process go for buying ark on bittrex?

>Muh lambos
>Stay mad no coiner

These memes are cringe worthy.

>buy btc
>send to bittrex wallet from the normie site youre going to use
>trade btc for ark

Thank you :) does bittrex create a wallet for each thing you buy or do you have to manually make one?

it generates one for you, click the plus sign next to the currency in bittrex and it will say "generating address" in a box on the screen
copy and paste that to the address? bar in the sending currency screen when youre sending the bitcoin
t. fellow normie

I understand now, thank you

its so obvious your the same butthurt poster from the other thread

why do you even come to Veeky Forums you dumb cunt?

>buying during a low is bad

Classic Veeky Forums

Theoretically the NA and possibly the global economy crash completely tomorrow, What are the effects on crypto? Will it skyrocket or go down with the economy?

Because damn it looks like the US economy is about to take a huge dump any day now.

just in time for the great crypto depression once august comes along though

>just in time for the great crypto depression

consider investing into some kneepads instead of buying crypto right now
use your kneepads to make some financial gains untill the august 1 crash and then invest when the coins have stopped dropping like a brick