ITT Times the bad guy got away
ITT Times the bad guy got away
Stalin, most obvious one
Hahaha, no.
These are people who did nothing wrong
Didn't Cromwell die of malaria contracted in Ireland? Seems like a pretty fitting death.
But he literally didn't do anything
Plain rude
damn those Irish Misquitoos
this dude is a better example for imperial japan
Greatest ally of the US in history, remembered fondly as uncle joe, true christian gentleman
Stalin killed less than hitler jew boy
what did he do wrong?
Christians killed more than stalin if you use the famine numbers that they use again Joe
Considered one of the "best" presidents of US, favorite nephew of uncle joe. He did everything in his power to strengthen Soviet Union and gifted Soviets half of Europe.
basically he was a hypocrite, a coward and a sneaky fucker in general
>his sniper unit at Boland's Mills in 1916 inflicted heavy casualties on the Brits while he literally hid in a closet
>also turned away help from female soldiers even though he was short on men just because he was *that* conservative
>was only spared execution after the Rising because he was a US citizen and the Brits wanted the US to join the Entente
>spent almost the entire War of Independence "raising funds" in the US which didn't amount to much; also failed to get recognition from president Wilson (as if that ever would have worked)
>ordered the disastrous attack on the Customs House when he got back, crippling the IRA and forcing them to negotiate. however some say a "pitched battle" was necessary to bring the Brits to the table
>set Collins et al up to fail at the treaty negotiations
>basically he knew there was no fucking way the Brits would give them a republic (due to his prior secret negotiations with Lloyd George) but let the others take the blame
>debatable whether he actually started the resulting civil war or not, but certainly didn't help
>in one of his most infamous speeches, he talked about "wading through rivers of Irish blood" to establish the Republic
>one of his main justifications for the war was that Irish TDs (MPs) would have to swear an oath of allegiance to the king, therefore his splinter faction of Sinn Féin (which would later become Fianna Fáil) initially abstained from attending the Dáil (parliament)
>however he changed his mind as soon as they started winning elections
>when they went to take his seats, Dev and his boys brought fucking guns into the Dáil even though Cumann na Gaedhal (the rival political party) were unarmed and had every intention of handing over power peacefully
This guy knows
Lived an alright life in a really nice home while in exile
I'm interested to know what you thought the US should have done in regards to Eastern Europe seeing as how the Soviet Union's armies already occupied them and any action short of full-out war would have been insufficient to oust them.
I'm pretty sure many leaders who got ousted from power but never prosecuted still lived a miserable life. You can't just go from a leader of a nation to someone with zero power while watching your legacy fall apart and not feel like shit.
He was the good guy
This shit is seriously?
This absolutely, him and the rest of unit 371 committed crimes against humanity, some of the most brutal unbelievable acts but he got away because America gave them a pass for their research
Fuck you.
I wouldn't necessarily call him a bad guy, just didn't care that much. He reminds me of Speer.
So the bar for good guy is "less than hitler"?
>Contribute significantly to scientific knowledge
>Be rewarded
Yes, a lot of people died, but without his work the USA's grasp of biological warfare would be decades behind Russia's. It's not like Mengele who just faffed about.
Was about to say this.
Hulagu Khan
war criminal
>43 answers
Mengele not posted yet
Stalin was killed by Beria who himself was killed by Khruschev.
>bay of pigs failure
>sent 60k american boys to their death
>issued faulty guns to them just to save money
>tried to absolve himself of blame with a book and a documentary
America should've hanged him
Yet they contributed significantly to medicine, science, etc.
Napoleonic hairstyles are the best.
This chap.
t. Paddy O'Brien
try to disprove it
t. frenchposter
>5.4 feet
Did he really get away? Or is he still standing right in front of you and you just can't see him?
Is that anno?
wonder who could be behind these posts
t. A German
This seriously has to be the worst fucking board on Veeky Forums. Holy fuck I can't stand you pricks
t. Never browsed /mu/ or /tv/
"People who refuse to accept the results are a threat to democracy!"
-Killary, 2016
/mu/ and /tv/ have their moments. I'd go as far to say that /mu/ is actually better than Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums is just really the Chinky knock-off of Veeky Forums at best and indistinguishable from /int/ at worst.
He didn't gift it to them, the USSR invaded and occupied them.
If we hadn't signed off to it at Yalta the USSR would simply have taken them over anyway, and at most we would have had a slightly more forward line in Germany.
Nobody sane wanted to start another war against the USSR, even if we probably would have won.
prime example
It's point of fact that the UK would be dead today without her having taken a firm hand. and making the hard choices.
Wat he do? Also dubs
Or /r9k/, /jp/, /a/, /v/....
t. Wehrabimmler
Speer ordered the huge-scale enslavement, didn't he?
this tbqh
t. Wehrb
enlighten me why
Was Hillary really that bad?
/pol/ is the worst since it's pulled in the flood of normies from reddit that are plaguing the rest of the site.
Fucking baffles me that he's still at large because of inter country law loopholes.
>height: 4" 9'
Fucking turbo manlets.
He also killed the true founding father Michael Collins, an event Ireland is still recovering from today. Not to mention old dev was a pedo enabler and sold out the Irish people to the church. So if there's one mans grave to spit on in Ireland's its his.
he was an autist but really not that different from the other monarchs. that's one reason they didn't want to kill him or throw him jail.
not an argument :^)
t. Buttblasted Britbong
this thread is for the bad guys not heroes
I'm Serb and my russian Orthobros fucked that little faggot
He's a pre-born fuck up
Why are Japs so slippery?
Fucking underrated. How long can we keep this up?
Rebuild is shit