What defines mental illness ?

what defines mental illness ?

Being a muslim

psychological issues stemming from organ damage or genetic defection. calling it an "illness" only functions on a spectrum of comparison, which cannot be done from the first-person perspective, i.e. the only perspective one can have.

in society, many psychologists also consider a bunch of opinions on groups of behavior "mental illness", for example "depression" or "borderline personality", but there isn't any material evidence that these things aren't simply bad behavior or even inherently incorrect. behavior-based studies suffer even more from contextual comparison requirement than disorders with physical evidence such as schizophrenia or the autism spectrum.

for example, if a khoisan man suddenly knew english and was dropped into a small city in the midwest, I think there would be a decent chance he would end up in a mental ward with a diagnosis. without physical evidence, it's all subjective and relative.

Jews do.


>b-b-but muh chemical imbalance

Daily reminder that the idea of "sanity" is a made up fairy tale construct whose only parameters are the ability to act in a manner consistent with what the largest number of people are doing at any given time in history.

>fairy tale construct whose only parameters are the ability to act in a manner consistent with what the largest number of people are doing at any given time in history.
>what the largest number of people are doing at any given time in history.


I partially agree, but things like schizofrenia or serious personality disorders can't be defined sociologically like this

having voted remain

>I'm n-not mentally ill, guys, it's everyone else who's insane
user, take your pills please.

The suffering of the patient or the people around the patient.

Google it, fag.
Shit thread.

So if i'm unpleasent to deal with does that make me mentally ill?

It's not sufficient but can be part of it.

no, but you can be mentally ill and not suffer or let others suffer, which then is not a psychiatric problem.
OP asked what defines mental illness. That question is easy to answer, just look through the DSM or ICD for the diagnostic criteria. I additionally answered what makes you a patient.

He didn't said that everyone else is insane, he just questioned the concept of sanity itself, the maniac!

You do.

You have to go back.

Schizo certainly can. In the modern, relatively more secular age, it's harder for schizoid to earn titles like Oracle or spiritual leader. In the past they could more readily.
Keep in mind that all cultures have had a duality of either embracing/damning these types, but the modern age has reduced embracing and drifted more towards damning or medicating.

Anything that diminishes your life quality to a insustainable level which is confined in the domains of the mind/brain, including faulty personality types, neurological degenerations, etc.

sure thing fritz

ok wtf why do you post plantinga with mental illness?

market forces.