How did something like slavery which was universally accepted for 1000s of years get outlawed within the last 200 years by every single country?
Was it really just because of "ethics"?
How did something like slavery which was universally accepted for 1000s of years get outlawed within the last 200 years by every single country?
Was it really just because of "ethics"?
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It wasn't universally accepted.
Achaemenid Empire banned slavery in 6th century BC.
Is it actually literally outlawed in every county on earth?
Laws and government started to be guided by the masses, instead of just the elites.
England developed a level of prosperity that gave them the luxury of being ethical, also slavery was no longer economically feasible for them.
Then they took their battleships around the world and forced other countries to do the same.
For how long?
Cus the Chinese did the same. For ten years.
>implying the dumb masses opposed slavery
Nigga they went all autistic when the gladiatorial games were banned in Rome
No it's still practiced.
In parts of Africa actually
The Chinese banned slavery multiple times because some dynasties (Sui, Yuan Mongol for example) brought it back.
Furthermore slavery *was banned* for good, with the exception of cunts captured in war and criminal labor. Either way most Chinese "slaves" were state owned.
We're not talking about Rome.
we're on Veeky Forums of course we're talking about Rome.
No, my point is that because the working class plebs naturally have a conservashit and populist bias, if held to a popular vote they would have never made slavery illegal.
>Most of Africa
>legal system
You westerners are so stupid. You stumble into a civilization and stick your noses in the air. Then you declare it to be all wrong.
Then you make everyone sign papers and shit. And you expect everyone to seriously care about what you think.
Either way, slavery is still rampant in Africa. Despite your stupid white laws
A lot of antislavery groups made their cause populist by appealing to Christian values.
Shut up, you moron. He asked if it was outlawed in every country, ie. de jure, not de facto.
De facto slavery still exists in all countries to some extent.
>A lot of antislavery groups made their cause populist by appealing to Christian values.
>de facto
Lol well moron real actual slavery is still quite popular right now in parts of Africa
Put that in your white guilt pipe and smoke it
In numerical terms, it's still probably more popular in India/the Subcontinent.
Technically any sort of human trafficking is slavery.
The best risk-reward ratio is found in the developing world that produces goods for export though.
Many societies also 'enslave' criminals by making them do forced labour.
Depends what you mean by slavery. Industrialized cross-ocean slave trade for
Teenage girls and women are still routinely kidnapped, coerced or duped, and become sex slaves. They are still routinely bought and sold and forced to spread their legs. This happens a lot in the Indian subcontinent, SEAsia but also Slav/Eastern Euro women ('working' in e.g. Turkey and Middle East) and to an extent in Latin America. You could find literal sex slaves in the US and Europe too.
There are a few African societies (mostly in the Muslim Sahel regions) that have a traditional inherited caste system of labourers/serfs that is effectively slavery (unpaid coerced labour). Think dirt farmers rather than cotton pickers or Harem pedo shit.
Industrialisation made human labor unnecessary in the fields where slaves used to work. Slaves and pseudo-slaves are still used in countries where investing into hardware is too expensive and for work that machines cannot adequately perform.
English stock brokers still profited mightily from the slave trade. Slave ships were among the first market ventures. Slam down 50 pounds for a share in a slave ship and collect the return plus interest on every successful slave auction. The USA did this too, 'privately', with the Spanish and Portuguese/Brazilian slave trade even after slavery was abolished in the US. NYC in fact continued to be THE financial capital of the slave trade, bar none, until the Brazilians finally gave it up.
A large reason Brits were OK with abolishing it (after they lost the American colonies) is that their economy was not as dependent on it. Meanwhile, Spanish, Portuguese, USAmerican and French colonial economies were dependent on slavery. How convenient eh?
The English by then had India, and could 'recruit' tons of cheap coolie indentured labour, with conditions only mildly better than literal slavery.
The Dutch did the same, they had slavery too, but hadn't developed a large plantation-style system in their colonial empire that required slavery until it was too late to use literal slavery. They also used indentured labour from Indonesia and South Africa, or the second-hand market (buying from Portuguese or whoever) when necessary.
There were ethical considerations from abolitionists of course, but they were not the decision makers.
Slavery is officially banned in every country on earth.
However, many countries don't consider certain situations slavery, or they don't enforce the law.
That's not considered slavery by pretty much any definition though. As long as the conditions aren't terrible, even the UN is okay with it.
Purely economic. Jewish and Arab traders started making money off other stuff, and the elites of Western nations realized they could pay legitimate workers less if they flooded the labor market with people (former slaves) who would now work for next to nothing.
it's not outlawed in every country at all. on top of that, it's practiced in every single country that it is outlawed in, much of the time by the government itself.
the US prison system utilizes unpaid labor by unwilling prisoners. that's slavery no matter which way you look at it.
>Receiving food and housing
>On top of that as a reward for commiting heinous felonies
prisoners are paid you dingus
>A lot of antislavery groups made their cause populist by appealing to Christian values.
But Christianity supports slavery.
He mad they're not getting $15 per hour
In any case the bulk of the abolition movement was christcucks.
sex slaves still exist
>Lol well moron real actual slavery is still quite popular right now in parts of Africa
Nigga can't read, that's literally what the other guy said
Use of machines
Although I think forced labour is wrong (in most circumstances), it's not slavery but punishment. Slavery is a status more about labour than restriction (i.e. locked up in a prison).
Not all prisoners perform labour, but all slaves perform labour.
>working class plebs naturally have a conservashit and populist bias
Spotted the american
Also true for Italy and non-french switzerland
this savagery has no christian values
That can hardly be considered slavery.
They absolutely did not.
Because the brits disliked it on a principle, and they enforced emancipation on a global scale since they were the global superpower 200 years ago.
Industrial revolution, it became more efficient and profitable to not use slaves.
>a wageslave costs $15 an hour to hire, has human rights, employment rights, has paid sick leave, 20 day annual leave and slacks off 50% of the time
>a slave costs $0, has no rights, can be physically abused everyday for no reason, and still be obediant because of "hope"
Nothing but the eternal anglo spreading his plague where it doesn't belong.
African societies have utilized slavery as a part of their culture since time immemorial and had no reason or desire to give it up. Same with muslims to an extent.
I don't like when Europeans are enslaved and would have outlawed that, but what bussiness is it to some Anglo if two random african tribes want to enslave one another? Same with Arabs. I'm opposed to White slavery and would outlaw slavery in White countries but who's business is it what two Arabs do to one another?
>Probably two rapist getting what they deserve
>is meant to garner sympathy to the Blacks
Americans should have castrated every Black male like the Arabs did.
Machines are cheaper in the long run. Plantations don't need slaves anymore.
>Every civilization and culture has practised slavery to a certain extent
>European countries were the only ones who developed ethics through the enlightenment area and not only banned slavery in their own countries, but also pushed it to be outlawed in others
>To this day, Europeans are remembered as a race of slavers and oppressors by PoC
Really fires the neurons doesn't it?
It was Christian ethics that outlawed slavery at first ya dingus.
State-owned slaves seems like a better system tbqh.
Slavery sucks from an economic standpoint. All labor by definition is worth something and in an age before minimum wage you could hire low skilled employees for next to nothing. People always work harder when they have something to gain from it. What you could no longer do is beat, imprison, and kill those people when you didn't like the job that they preformed.
in the past slaves worked on the slave-drivers command, because they feared the punishment, now people work on inner motivation. no command is necessary.
>now people work on inner motivation
you mean fear of being homeless and starving?
Industrial societies, in order to profit, need a market.
Slaves are not a market, while free workers, although underpaid, are.
I suggest you guys watch the movie "Burn!" (original title:"Queimada") starring Marlon Brando as a British agent in a fictitious Portuguese colony, to have an entertaining insight to why industrial Great Britain pushed the abolition of slavery worldwide.
i mean gaining money, fame, recognition, rescept, social status is an inner motivation.
in the past people worked to keep off starving and live by the standard of their social class
>Is it actually literally outlawed in every county on earth?
The last country that outlawed slavery was Mauritania, in 1982.
They still practice it though, as do a lot of African and Middle-Eastern nations.
The problem with slavery is that in a modern economy you need people to be able to buy your products. If half the population has no money, then you're missing out on about half of your potential customers.
People started to think at the bare minimum you should pay people for their work and not kill them.
It took way to long for people to come up with the concept of humankind that didn't exclude certain people.
That's why American industry cannabalized the American family to create female consumers.
We can't have half the population raising children for gods sake. We need them buying diet fads and face cremes and new jeans.
They still bought those things anyway though. The difference is that now they use their own money instead of their husbands.
A reminder why capitalism is just as bad as communism.
But slaves woudl still be useful as punching bags with feelings.
Sure I can torture cats and dogs, but the more complex the creature you torment, the more fun it is.
You can give slaves money. You can pay them more than free people, even.
Slaves throughout history were paid money and there's nothing contradictory about slaves having control over money.
Fantastic post
Anyone who is versed in the law could tell you otherwise. In US law it's right there in the 14th amendment.
>it's not slavery because that would call into question the legitimacy of the legal system
Are you saying chain gangs didn't exist after the 14th Amendment?
Fucking white man trying to keep the honest slaveholding black man down.
So you agree with me?
The thing is, that economic standpoint is a view built from a postindustrial society where wage work with fiat money is common.
Also the glasses that looks at the term, is tainted from the widespread documentation of post industrial slavery: Where you suddenly had a unique period where the price of slaves collapsed, unlike every other period in history.
I don't think Europa has seen skilled slave labor since 1800s either, and the same applies to the rest of the Anglosphere.
when has the bible ever stopped christians from doing their own thing? if they followed the bible to the letter it would be like islam
because its society doesn't need to conform to a nuclear family?
That society has a negative birthrate.
That means we are not breeding a replacement generation.
Which means that society is doomed and dying and once third world immigration no longer artificially props that society up it will fall harder and faster than anything previous.
Civilizations need kids haha. Who knew....
Second or third wave immigrants should (for the most part) integrate very well into the society of wherever they're going. We're not gonna abort ourselves into a second dark age.
We're sitting on a demographic winter, the entire industrialized world is.
You're assuming we have time to get the 2nd and 3rd world immigarants up to par to seamlessly continue the civilization. I'm not convinced we have the social flexibility to do so.
No, what we will see is just a slow gradual systemic decline in quality. Until at some point the concept of America is as foreign to the inhabitants living here as Pax Romana is to modern Tuscany.
>da evil whitey be tryna spread morals n shiet, fuk whitey
>falling this hard for obvious bait
You are simple-minded.
>supporting the nuclear family
Capitalist meme. The true family is the immediate and extended family together.
>Slaves are free of cost and obedient.
Slaves are a commodity and have a purchase cost. They also require some level of upkeep. You'll also need a proper infrastructure of opression to keep the slaves doing their jobs and even then you have to asume the odd uprising which needs to be brutally supressed to delay the time untill the next one.
On a societal level you have to make sure that the slave population is large enough to substain your industries but not too large as that will force your small time farmers and workers into destitution which will flood your cities with desperate vagabonds looking for work and, failing that, will undoubtedly see the allure of criminal activity to support themselves and their families, filling the urban centers with professional criminals.
>Being this historically and religiously illiterate.
Yes I took the bait. 'Cause that's triggering as shit.
I'll paste from Wikipedia because this article says what I want to say far better than I can:
>Enlightenment philosophers chose a short history of scientific predecessors – Galileo, Boyle, and Newton principally – as the guides and guarantors of their applications of the singular concept of Nature and Natural law to every physical and social field of the day. In this respect, the lessons of history and the social structures built upon it could be discarded.[144]
>It was Newton's conception of the Universe based upon Natural and rationally understandable laws that became one of the seeds for Enlightenment ideology.[145] Locke and Voltaire applied concepts of Natural Law to political systems advocating intrinsic rights; the physiocrats and Adam Smith applied Natural conceptions of psychology and self-interest to economic systems; and sociologists criticised the current social order for trying to fit history into Natural models of progress. Monboddo and Samuel Clarke resisted elements of Newton's work, but eventually rationalised it to conform with their strong religious views of nature.
TL;DR Enlightenment philosophy and the ramifications of it that continue to this day. Alt-righter knuckle-draggers literally want a medieval society.
Do you mean second or third gen? Because it's the opposite here in Europe. Look at second and third gens Maghrebis in France, or Moroccans in Holland, or Pakistanis in Britain.
Mass immigration hasn't worked.
Slavery wasn't universally accepted, even within cultures that practiced slavery. There were almost always limits to who could and couldn't be enslaved, and it almost always occupied some economic and social niche which was usually meant to absorb a disorganized foreign population somewhat peacefully.
The rise of industrialized economies and the modern administrative state knocked out the two major issues that had driven the classical slave trade.
The ruling elites realized that the prison of your mind is stronger than any shackles they can make you wear. We don't need slavery because we have CNN and liberal arts majors.
Why do slaves always depicted as Blacks? Isn't it racist?
This. Being moral is a luxury. Doing the right thing often costs money. When your economy doesn't rely on slaves, you can afford being moral.
>Kill random white male
>"Well he was probably a pedophile"
>Murder is justified in the mind of a /pol/lack
Courts exist for a reason, /pol/tard
>Being moral is a luxury.
Technically people are always justifying themselves with reasons to feel like what they're doing is moral. When slavery was more common, it was generally seen as a civilizing mission for the slave's own good, or as a moral necessity to curb what was otherwise feared about the slave's freedom.
So once the economy no longer relies on slaves, what is seen as moral begins to change suit, usually by attacking the old morality as immoral.
It pretty much is though. Portugal and France refused to sign a ipo law because it would ban their use of forced labourers. Portuguese Africa there's like officials and men who acknowledged that the forced labour was slavery in everything but name. Forced labour is to slavery as anal sex is to regular sex pretty much.
That was the theory, until they managed to build Ghettos, and import Al Jazera to watch on TV.
It doesn't have that many edges though.
Would the trans-Atlantic slave trade have been possible without the indigenous African slave trade.
>not understanding the concep of rolling with a joke
>a slave costs $0, has no rights, can be physically abused everyday for no reason, and still be obediant because of "hope"
A slave costs tons of money + upkeep, will not work efficiently without constant supervision, can't be abused without further decreasing their efficiency, and will almost certainly NOT be very obedient unless there's an immediate threat of punishment. In the end, slavery is just not very efficient compared to paying free people just enough that they can get by.
The difference is one upon a time the husbands money could pay for his needs, her needs, and their childrens. Now everyone works, and everyones money can pay only for themselves.