Was he a good guy
Was he a good guy
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There isn't a single unbiased history about him, so we will never know.
guy seemed to be pretty sociopathic to say the least
but his fans make some dank music
the one below seems like modern art to me
tfw Stalin was born to soon to star in dank music tribute videos
>his fans make some dank music
He shouldn't have isolated himself from the world like he did. Having big players like China and Russia on your side might have worked out as the deterrence factor he needed to stop the invasion.
Hell, if he somehow became buddies with Iran and through that Syria and Lebanon then the dream of a secular Arab unified republic might have still lived on today.
First we must define "good" for ourselves.
Republic of Fear? Also I think Hitchens summed his struggle up pretty well
He was actually decent by MENA standards. Led a country with a strong uniting nationalistic message (essential for leaders in that area) but also promoted secularity, education and did a lot of good with healthcare etc.
He overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait but other than that seemed like a guy that legitimately loved his country.
fedora neocon worst neocon
>Hell, if he somehow became buddies with Iran
>He overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait
It's said that the era of conquring other areas is over. Besides uniting half countries (Germany, Yemen) nations have only gotten smaller. The one exception has been Russia's reunification of Crimea.
Imagine if we still lived in the world where invading a small nation to incorporate it within your own was still a legitimate form of expansion.
>Having big players like China and Russia on your side might have worked out as the deterrence factor he needed to stop the invasion.
Russia and China weren't that strong at the time
As I said "somehow" but not likely unless he bended backwards and started singing kumbaya.
Not cause he should be close to Iran itself but how it would get him closer to Syria and Lebanon for that Levante alliance.
Baathist music was pretty cool.
>0-3 in war
How the fuck does someone manage to maintain power for 24 years and go 0-3 in war
But in all seriousness, he was the only one who actually did more than feign sympathy for Palestinian people in his time. He kept the religious lunatics out.
At the same time he violently oppressed Kurds and was a tad bit too willing to use chemical weapons. Uday was kind of a shithead but Qusay would have ended up being a better Bashir Assad.
Neither a good guy or bad guy, a complex guy who's actions can all be justified only some can only be justified in a perverted "what the fuck was he thinking" sort of way
But us and the Soviets pressured him into using chemical weapons that first time. It's hard to say no when you have the Americans, Brits, French AND Soviets saying "We ain't looking, btw here's all the technological support you'd ever need."
I just think it was outside of realm of possibilities since the whole Iran-Iraq war bussines.
>oppressed Kurds
Kurds are the 2nd Jews of the Middle east.
They've been fighting forever and will still keep doing it because they want a little state of their own.
Kurd insurgents constantly attacked and raided Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war and than retreated either into civilian zones or into valleys where they are a bitch to deal with, and ambushed civilians and military personnel alike.
The Iraqis had a right to attack them, not with chemical weapons. But yeah, if you're gonna attack an army and than hide between civilians, tough fucking luck.
I know. Israel literally came along 100 years too late. They will never win the PR war in today's climate.
> The one exception has been Russia's reunification of Crimea
I would hardly call this a runaway success on the global stage
>but not with ______ weapons
What does it matter if it's gas or bullets or artillery?
This forbidden weapon meme has to end
He got baited into Kuwait.
Americans gave him the "go" signal than used this as the Casus Belli to move in on him, probably because he was raising the shit out of his oil prices.
>Kurds in Iran siding with Iraq
>Kurds in Iraq siding with Iran
explain again how a unified Kurd state will work?
hell, just last week Peshmerga Kurds attacked PKK supported Yazidis in Sinjar while the PYD burnt down 9 offices belonging to the KNC and holding 40 of its members prisoner
literally the entire purpose of the Geneva Protocol after recognising the horrors endured by soldiers and civilians on both sides during WWI
This is the best one
Man, I love Scatman John.
He and Assad (the current one's father) betrayed the Baathists in favor of ruling with a military clique. Saddam himself was obsessed with being seen as a general despite being extremely militarily incompetent (See: Iran-Iraq war). The only reason people like him is that he was a strongman who paid lipservice to pan-Arab nationalistic ideals.
Like just about every Arab leader of the past century, an absolute failure.
Madeleine Albright dropped the ball. Also Hussein was angry that the Kuwaitis were jewing him out of oil and wouldn't drop the loan money Iraq owed them after the Iraq-Iran war (a war the gulf states all wanted the Iraqis to fight to stop Iran from going apeshit in their region and pushing their religious hocus pocus)
So where else was he going to get the money.
>Madeleine dropped the ball
nigga pls
this is a meme-tier excuse
despite the alt-right claims about him, he did support terrorist, he was a war monger, and a genocidal dictator.
the exact same thing can be said about any number of Western leaders past and present
>he did support terrorist
Calling the Kettle black, are we?
>saddam is an alt-right figurehead
wat the fuck are you babbling about
>your an aut-righter if you don't buy into imperialist propaganda
This is now a Manachem Begin thread
does he have any dank party tribute videos?
didn't think so.
Nope, too late.
>I like him because he kept terrorist out!
>he actually supported terrorist
>implying he even remotely supported terrorists on a level similar to America
nigga, Taliban, ISIS, Qaeda, all these are creations of the US.
What did Saddam create again?
>mudslimes have no agency
Oh come now.
Every civilization has it's trash. You can walk into any civilization on the planet and find some part of society that is getting shafted.
Flow money, arms and training at them and then tell them to fight and they will.
>nigga, Taliban, ISIS, Qaeda
literally none of those are. This is stupid normie meme "knowledge." Its the historical equivalent of saying "DUDE DID YOU KNOW YOU ONLY USE 10% OF YOUR BRAIN?!"
>literally none of those are
they weren't necessarily seeded/created by the US you fucking retard, but are you going to deny the US, like every other major power in history, doesn't use unsavory third-parties to do it's dirty work???
And funneling arms to an armed revolution already underway is not creating them.
Opportunism. That's it.
No he was pretty much a monster.
>they weren't necessarily seeded/created by the US you fucking retard
Then why did you say they were?
>United states on both sides of the war.
The Iran-Contra affair remains proof that republicans shouldn't be allowed to do foreign policy.
It made no sense then, it makes no sense in hindsight, and it's the dumbest fucking thing I've seen.
His music was nice at least
>Not wanting to fight the Sandinistas
Cocaine can only get you so much money
The kurds are also in a leftist/liberal sectarian war
Damn, Saddam looked like a pretty chill guy
What is the rifle he keeps carrying around tho? Mosin?
He could have invested in much needed infrastructure like railroads in Iraq, although he did bring down the nations illiteracy rate.
this is catchy as fuck
Fuck no he was a fucking sociopath
Refer to the chart
Anyone giving this man praise is either seriously deluded or uninformed
Stalin literally turned an agrarian almost feudal third world shithole into a nuclear and spacefaring superpower
That song in the second video is great. Any idea what the name is?
So he ruined it? Agrarian > industrial.
I will say that Saddam died like a man. He went with dignity.
But otherwise, he was in no way noteworthy as a dictator as any other third world dictator. And you know what? most of the other dictators have been smart enough to not invite US military intervention, so yeah, he was pretty dumb.
But he died like a man. Just not a smart man.
Serfdom is bad.
>died like a man.
What does this mean?
He didn't cry, he didn't beg, right up to the gallows he ridiculed his executioners and shittalked the US. For a dictator, that shows huge balls.
Serfdom was abolished in the 1860s.
How do you fight imperialism without fighter jets
>fight imperialism
Stalin was an imperialist.
Well how do you fight other imperialists without fighter jets
There's no point
through nonviolence
So Stalin was right?
Can nonviolence shoot down fighter jets?
Soviet union was brought down by non violence :)
>Israel literally came along 100 years too late. They will never win the PR war in today's climate.
Yeah, all the bad PR they put out when they shoot Palestinian children has really made them seem callous and imperialistic.
considering the majority of Israeli kids have died from Palestinian suicide bomb attacks being shot might be considered a comparatively merciful death by the international community
Objectively speaking, Palestine was the very worst possible place for Herzl to select.
He really screwed the pooch on that one. Literally anywhere else on the planet would have been safer for a Jewish state.
I don't think anyone admires him, just realizing that he was the best choice of a bunch of bad choices. It's either let him gas the kurds or let the religious extremists have a field day. We went with number two and look where we are.
Not really but he was necessary.
Are you autistic?
I refer everyone to one of the previous threads this Hussein obsessed cuck has posted. I BTFO him in another one he posted as well but I'm still trying to find the screenshot. Will post if i find.
>reagan's arms race
Is Ba'athism a form of fascism or is that just a meme?
>Reagan brought down the USSR
>He overstepped the mark by invading Kuwait
Fuck Kuwait and fuck slant drilling, they had it coming.
Baathism is not a real ideology
it is just a vague excuse to rule
The iran-iraq war always seemed to be funny to me since the strategy Saddam used was eerily similar to Stalins during the winter war. Send 3 fronts in diffrent directions and hope your army kills and scares the opposition to not resist.
>This fucking meme again
Russia was already on track to become a fully industrialized power, which is why germany spazzed the fuck out in 1914 in the first place.
>the Romanovs were on track to fully industralizing Russia
I am a retard the post
>Tankies trying to claim others are retarded.
user pls.
>The Romanovs made no efforts to industrialize
I am a retarded tankie the post
I unironically miss Saddam. Regardless of how crazy he was, he kept things under control and he was lovable to an outside observer. The fact that he did right by most of the Iraqi people for the majority of his rule considering the enemies he had , including many of his own people, is astounding.