(Discuss Horatio Nelson and his exploits)
*Blockades you*
A short history in paintings
Nelson as a lad
>his exploits
Dying like a bitch from a sniper?
Soon his bloodthirsty *nglo genes kicks in and he goes in for blood against innocent spanyards.
Bloodthirsty anglos hunger for more blood but the Spanish were like "fugg off" and blew his arm off.
Nelson specifically didn't blockade. He concentrated his fleet and waited to destroy the French fleet.
Read Mahan, think of it as lurking to earn your stripes to post.
Then go goes all emo for a bit
"A left-handed Admiral will never again be considered as useful, therefore the sooner I get to a very humble cottage the better, and make room for a better man to serve the state".
It was supposed to be a play on the *Block your path* thing
But then the *nglo realizes he needs more blood and they mess up Napoleon's fleet in Egypt.
I had a dream once where I was a French naval captain in the napoleonic war and I got killed by British sharpshooters. That's kind of related.
Oh look a thread about a brit, sorry brits the army of French shills are coming.
Then he goes all "the commander of the operation should always put himself in position where he can be easily killed" and dies. Overrated victory and predictable tactics if you ask me.
Holy shit the absolute state of British insecurity
Literally no one has praised France in this thread, but that bong still feels the need to express his buttpain
lesser of two weevils
*bursts into laughter*
Nelson suffered from crippling depression &
sea sickness during his career.
When he attacked the combined French & Spanish he didn't do it trading broadsides,he attacked their fleet at right angles,so he was able to rake their ships & did tremendous damage to them.
Master & Commander
Did Nelson actually save Britain from being invaded? How bad did he damage the French fleet?
Destroyed it
textbook slave morality
Potentially but who knows if the Napoleon even would in the end.
>After the Battle of the Nile, Swiftsure recovered a section of L’Orient’s mainmast. The ship’s carpenter made it into a coffin which Captain Hallowell presented to Nelson. Nelson kept the coffin standing in his cabin.
>Overrated victory and predictable tactics if you ask me.
one of the few truly decisive battles in the age of sail, and one of the most one sided victories in history.
and while the tactics seem predictable now, they were not then with both sides in fleet actions expected to form a battle line and smash away at eachother, Nelsons decision to instead of forming a parallel line and dueling the french simply to form two columns and brea their line into a general melee allowed the british to maximise their superiority in ship handling and gunnery training to overcome the franco spanish superiority in gunpower.
>the commander of the operation should always put himself in position where he can be easily killed
given the nature of communications at the time there was little for him to do once the battle was joined but to inspire the men on his own ship.
also to command he needed to see the battle and to see it he had to be exposed.
>Did Nelson actually save Britain from being invaded?
quite possibly, certainly napoleon had planned to invade and the british believed at the time that he could manage it if his fleet was not destroyed.
>How bad did he damage the French fleet?
as a fighting force it was effectively destroyed
of 18 french ships of the line present 10 struck their colours and surrendered and one was destroyed, of the spanish fleet of 15 ships of the line 10 struck their colours and surrendered, of a total of 41 ships including frigates more than half were captured or destroyed, the british lost no ships in the fighting and suffered far lower casualties